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    SW:ToR, need I say more?
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    Homeschool student
  1. /signed I resubbed for raids and PVP. Please BW, split up this queue. The bolster is not working properly to balance out the matches. I'm getting hit for 15k+ with Heatseeker/assasinate, and that is with current (not pvp) gear at lvl 31. I can't stand being matched up against lvl 50+ players. I can't compete. As I type this, I queued in a Warzone. Lvl 59 Op just 3 shot me from stealth, then 3 shot the guy next to me. We hit him for ~1-2k, but he hit us for 7-9k. Sure, Op's are OP 1v1 near max lvl, but then why are they being stuck in a queue with lowbies who aren't OP? EDIT: I would rather bolster be fixed, than end up having a slower que.
  2. Recently got my shadow to 55, and I've now been working on getting her some lvl55 gear. Now, my problem is simple: I can't find any up-to-date guides on the relics used for tank Shadows. Can someone tell me what relics are useful at endgame PvE and the logic behind that choice, or at least give me a link to a place I can find that info? I'm trying to run a Mitigation build.
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