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Everything posted by Kaladorei

  1. i get ur idea. i think other issues would arise with those suggestion, i dont mind it being about gear ant what not most mmos are, my issue is that experttise is a waste stat..it has no point other than to smash level 10s with a bit of difference in what u put out and what u can take but when a 50 in same gear faces you, expertise is negated with them having the exact same stats...its stupid..
  2. firstly everyone ends up with the same, as in you dont seem to be able to craft mods above anything you can get from a vendor..so my point here is you basically cancel eachother out with the same expertise why bother, all you do is make level 10s angry and useless and make 50s jsut cancel out their own expertise when they have the same values.. i can see the want for a differential between pvp and pve gear...but expertise isnt working. i am valor 70 in full battlemaster before some go omg u level 10. i have no solution or fix for this though any opinions or ideas are welcome ofc...
  3. firstly why do they complain when we smash em, yet two games earier we see the same naes in general with people moaning they got camped by em. we did it to them, they go rage quit and say "reported". rofl why the hate, if you suck , not my problem.
  4. other warzones...this was my point yes voidstar was easy...but civil war and huttball would be another story perhaps?
  5. there is not alot of skill in pvp healing as an SI, bubble heal bubble heal imagine 7 others helping..it seems frustrating...
  6. As the title says, we only ever pvp as a premade 4, however we have many friends and guildies who would like to join us, im not saying put 8 pre amde against 8 randoms, however i am asking for a arena type 8 v 8 or something, i hate having to make up for other players on my team who are usually bright enough to run the wrong way with the huttball, afk in civil war or miss the door opening on voidstar...its beyond a joke how i am forced to play with people who lack basic common sense. now yes im all for, yay noobs can play with good people etc, and learn the game or whatever, what i am not for is not having the choice. YES BIOWARE CHOICE. 90% of this world knows more than 3 other people, swtor is an mmo, the worst you could do is let us play with our friends in pvp and the best would be to give us options for full premades or something. i dont care. dont flame me plz because im asking bioware to give us more choice.
  7. they were 2 guilds , one had 6 of its plaers the other had 2 and every single one happened to be a SI , healer specced. Yes we knew this, we are observant and understand class abilities etc.
  8. the problem is, can a team of random 8 healers beat a well organized pre made team purely because of their class? yes we won, but we found it hard even with 8 of us luckily getting in the same match, we controleld the game but, in reality they couldda got lucky played 4 of us and curb stomepd us.
  9. ok for a start this isnot a flame or anything of the sort. and we won vs 8 healer si's in voidstar. My issue is how difficul it was just defending doors. so to my point. How hard would this setup be to defeat on say Civil war where if they cap two points before you , you have to kill 3-4 healers at any one point, and then before they get back via the speeders (which go directly there) cap the point, or even wqorse huttball..spam healing eachother no passing needed cause 7 can keep 1 up by just pressing 1 heal button. now luckily voidstar was slighlt yeasier i believe as yees they live for a long time, but we managed to keep em from getting through 1 door. Our main problem overall was the amount of stuns and cc aswell as 8 people spam healing eachother over n over. now i have no answer to solve this issue nor am i saying ZOMG NERF. what i am saying is the pvp system currently geared to skilled players or just a mob who happens to get the right setup. opinions?a solution?
  10. nice to see all the trolls that cant play the game cause their pcs are terribad and they are poor, however i was looking for genuine responses, im a little concerned about the balanbce of healers on this game in pvp.
  11. ok so you didnt read what i put, we won on voidstar but for say alderaan where capping points or huttball especially 8 healers spam healing the ball carrier might be something of another story, 8 healers on voidstar was just easy since no1 bothered trying to cap and when they did we didnt bother killing just aoeing doors etc. im just wondering about the other game modes.
  12. Voidstar 8 healer SI's vs my grp (we won) but *** how is this possible to win against in huttball for example? you get the idea. i mean we are good but how is any random team gonna beat that combo. this game is broke balance plz
  13. 1. turn OFF sprint, 99% of the time jumping is possible without sprint and will make it super easy. 2. take your time, never rush a jump if your unsure, always step back as far as possible on your current platform and run/jump forward. 3. If you are really struggling it is possible for a trooper to grapple you up in duel a consular/si to pull you or a JK or SW to leap up to other people, so use this to your advantage if you are having difficulty and falling alot. 4. press the / key next to num lock to walk, it helps alot on "tight ropes". 5. Jawa baloon is the worst thing since chuck norris made an advert, if you struggle with this kind of thing, get a sage/sorc or trooper/bh to go with you incase u need a grapple or force pull. on a personal note 2 hours on a baloon for 4 toons is stupid bioware need to change this. 6. the aim datacron on ilum is currently bugged that is why u cant do it. 7. +10 to all stats on fleet is buggy as hell, and once one person in your group touches the datacron your crystals are used up, so make sure that you all get up first. (this is the most buggy crap ever and i would suggest doing this once it has been patched). Republic side: if you want to get someone up to the impossibly broken MGGS point, use a smuggler, get him to cover mid air and s/he should get up after a few tires, i did it also on a trooper pressing explosive surge at the last second. 8. MGGS, ok so i found a better way to get it to work, right clicking the magnetic thingies as many times as possible as it casts seems to help the success rate, however it never guarentees a single try. 9. get datacrons as you hit each planet where possible, i found that 90% of datacrons can be reached on each planet as you get there. do them whilst your there, you do not want to be running round on nar shadaa at level 50 platforming believe me.
  14. 1. turn OFF sprint, 99% of the time jumping is possible without sprint and will make it super easy. 2. take your time, never rush a jump if your unsure, always step back as far as possible on your current platform and run/jump forward. 3. If you are really struggling it is possible for a trooper to grapple you up in duel a consular/si to pull you or a JK or SW to leap up to other people, so use this to your advantage if you are having difficulty and falling alot. 4. press the / key next to num lock to walk, it helps alot on "tight ropes". 5. Jawa baloon is the worst thing since chuck norris made an advert, if you struggle with this kind of thing, get a sage/sorc or trooper/bh to go with you incase u need a grapple or force pull. on a personal note 2 hours on a baloon for 4 toons is stupid bioware need to change this. 6. the aim datacron on ilum is currently bugged that is why u cant do it. 7. +10 to all stats on fleet is buggy as hell, and once one person in your group touches the datacron your crystals are used up, so make sure that you all get up first. (this is the most buggy crap ever and i would suggest doing this once it has been patched). Republic side: if you want to get someone up to the impossibly broken MGGS point, use a smuggler, get him to cover mid air and s/he should get up after a few tires, i did it also on a trooper pressing explosive surge at the last second. 8. MGGS, ok so i found a better way to get it to work, right clicking the magnetic thingies as many times as possible as it casts seems to help the success rate, however it never guarentees a single try. 9. get datacrons as you hit each planet where possible, i found that 90% of datacrons can be reached on each planet as you get there. do them whilst your there, you do not want to be running round on nar shadaa at level 50 platforming believe me.
  15. as title said. we finally got up to fin d the switches stopped responding and our smuggler who managed to get up to the broken switch through the gap by using cover at the alst second, everything stopped working the crystals all dissapeared and onlyy 2 of us got the +10 stats datacron .. whoever came up with this, it might have been an idea to make sure it actually worked perhaps. i cba to explain the amount of bugs but the lsit goes on forever. this was republic side btw, i tried empire and it works fine.
  16. i've absolutly had enough of it. we all get it, we go in a hard mode and atleast 1 person has it, and be damned if its a healer or tank. please for the love of god fix this crap. i pay for this.
  17. im more interested in working out what made huttball freeze for republic for 10 minutes and around 45 seconds....and then magically return to normal with 20 secs remaining. may i add they were so bad they didnt cap all 6 and no1 died for ages...i lived for the enitre 10 minutes against a wall.
  18. then the republic team freezes up.. i mean ewveryone none of us could sue any skills..the clock stopped going down. were we all stuck against an invisible 2by2 box which we could only watch imps which may i add were terribads, for almost 10 minutes walk past us. and on top of that we couldnt log, exit warzone or anything. and at the last second bam it works (last 20 secs) it came back. can anyone explain this. Also hard mode today. we couldnt kill iron fist because for some odd reason we always get some wierdo ability delay and crazy glitchy movement and interrupts dont want to go off. is this being fixed. its getting beyond a joke for my friend who is a healer and myself who is a tank.
  19. you sir are a terribad...if you cant make a million credits without doing very much...your not doing soemthing you should be or doing something very very very very wrong. i made 1 million credits in the first week. (NO I DID NOT TAKE SLICING) you need to understand your crew skills, understand GTN and undertsnad what quests give what.
  20. lol i play with my friends, we are all in a guild, my issue as i said is it feels less and less rewarding doing the same fps for no reason once the story has faded and you out do the gear, and your friends cba to do the same one we did 10 times over. my basic problem is the alck of misc stuff to do, i would rather be searching out some stupidly hard datacrons, or finding rare bosses that arent easy in the world, or crafting past 400 (way to easy btw) or colelcting mounts(which there isnt many of) anything..
  21. i thought this 2, then i saw the gear u get, and once the story element is gone, youll see what i mean. its basically gear you will out do in pvp gear. loads more work for less reward. itll get boring fast.
  22. so for the enxt 2 years im expected to level as many toons as possible, to 50 and decide which story is better then realsie ive payed to level 8 toons to 50 of which i will never play again because there is no end game? hmm interesting story bro.
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