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  1. Maybe certain companies should take things like this into consideration before announcing certain things ahead of time... I purchased a product. I want that product to be given to me when it was promised. Not given to a few days before it was actually promised to all. If it would have said all this upfront, I doubt there would be this big a deal over it. But the truth of the matter is it that it wasn't and was only give weeks before it took affect. When I go out a cell phone, I want to be told upfront what the conditions are. Not after I get home and start using it. Its just the principle of the matter... thats all
  2. For all of those people who say "QUIT YUR B**CHING".. I have this to say.. First off, WE are the Customers!! I have EVERY right to complain when I FEEL LIKE I AM BEING DONE WRONG! If you do not feel like you have been lied to.. which we clearly have... then you do not have a right to make others feel like they do not have the right to complain! Second, let me give you scenario that may help you change your mind... You, me, and 500 other people are standing in line for a music concert for insert your favorite band here and we all have been waiting to see this band for years.. and it has FINALLY came to our town and we cant wait for it start! As we wait, the ticket taker announces " All those who wish to pay now, can do so.... those who do not.. will not be penalized.. we are just accepting money now!!" You on the hand do not want to pay right this second because first and formost you want to know WHEN THE BAND IS ACTUALLY GONNA ARRIVE!! the ticket taker wont say, so you hold unto your money until you get more details, and hey lets be honest about it... you think your going to be treated the same! A little later the man comes back out and says alright.. all those who pay me upfront can get inside the concert hall before others and watch the warm ups for the band. hrmmm this sounds a little more tempting... so eventually you pay.. still thinking your going to be treated the say.. others in line paid before you but also paid less than you.. you want to pay the big bucks so you can get RIGHT UP CLOSE to the band. Hell, some even bought backstage passes!! which was twice price of a regular ticket.. A few hours later the ticket taker comes back outside and says.."All those who paid me the very first time, can go ahead.. come on in.. PLUS you get to meet the band!!" So the man, in fact... lied to you! there was a hidden subclause he did not tell you upfront.. So your asking the man... excuse me sir.. I paid more money.. can I go in with everyone else?? NOPE!! you ask "why not? I can see the door.. its right there.. all you have to do is open it!" dont care... sucks to be you! should have paid me the first time" WELL YOU DIDNT SAY THAT BEFORE!!! so you see.. its not so much that I care about what has happened... its the fact that I wasnt GIVEN all the facts up front... and WE thought no matter when it was preordered we were all going to be treated the same way..
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