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Posts posted by Blankstare

  1. Not to brag or anything, but this is the system I'm rocking:


    Commodore 64


    Operating system: GEOS


    CPU: MOS Technology 6510 @ 1.023 MHz (NTSC version)


    Memory: 64 kB RAM + 20 kB ROM


    Graphics: VIC-II (320 × 200, 16 colors, sprites, raster interrupt)


    Sound: SID 6581 (3× Osc, 4× wave, filter, ADSR, ring)


    Connectivity: 2× CIA 6526 joystick, Power, ROM cartridge, RF, A/V, IEEE-488 floppy-printer, digital tape, GPIO/RS-232


    I know it's pretty damn 1337, so go ahead and hate all you want. :mon_biggrin:

  2. I just love people who "/thread" as if they should decide when a conversation should end. Oh Internet...


    Anyways, I will sign this as well. I have no doubt they're working on this because it will be another source of income that many people will pay for. I currently have several Republic characters that I would gladly pay to have faction changed to the Empire.


    Here's hoping "soon" actually happens soon. :)

  3. After reading all the posts, I would support this idea:


    1. On PvP servers

    2. On PvE servers as long as I had the option to opt out/have the ability to flag myself for this style of play.


    I cannot ever imagine agreeing to participate myself, but there are people on PvE servers who do choose to participate in PvP and who might find this idea fun.


    It appears you spent some time thinking this out OP and hope something like it can be implemented for you.



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