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Everything posted by Sinrei

  1. Hi. Full BM Jugg here getting destroyed in 3-4 GCDs with over 950 expertise. You were saying? If you haven't even bothered to read peoples grievances just stay quiet. Thankyou.
  2. True...but with Mists of Pandaria, Guild Wars 2, The Secret World coming out...major screw ups like this cannot be afforded. I'm not saying everything must be perfect, polished and without a bug. But come on...what type of company lets a clusterfk like this happen? They have all this good will and a fanbase wanting to keep this game alive and flourish but every patch has been a slap in the face. Somethings gotta give.
  3. No money, minimum valor gain, low legacy gain, 30 comms if you're lucky for 20 minutes work... I spent a huttball chatting to a republic guy last night off in a corner. Got 2(6 at the end becoz of a fast win) medals. 90 comms, 6500 credit, 2K legacy, 2650 valor. Then i did a Civil War. Lost. Came out with 1500 valor, 40 comms and about 500 credits for over 20mins fighting. Why contribute when in the end the result is a joke? lol At that rate I might get my War hero chest in...a week? lol
  4. Just finished a NC with 8 medals on a losing team. Felt like myself and one other person were actually trying and came out with 16 comms, no money, 1500 valor. I hate people leaving WZs but I can identify exactly why they are. There is NO point at all staying in a losing WZ if you have the chance of getting into a winning one or even a fresh WZ that could win. The punishment for loss is too much to seriously warrant any player staying. Fix your **** BW ffs and fire your idiotic pvp team who clearly don't have a clue about it.
  5. Jesus christ you're even more of a drama queen than the OP. The OP is correct and makes a valid statement. Sure you shouldn't be rewarded the same as the winning team but the penalty for being stuck with scrubs who don't work together is just stupid. I lost quite a few matches last night because the other four idiots on my team decided to go lone wolf...one sorc healer tried continously taking a turret in NC while it was being guarded by a MARAUDER/SENT. HA GL with that. Least to say his KDR wasn't in the green. No one is saying give us gear but goto hell if you think I'll be spending upwards of 15 hours of grinding a piece. You should earn it yes but with this broken system I'll hit Valor Rank 100 before I even fully gear up (I'm V74)...thats how it feels anyways. --- At this rate the gear difference will be insane. Damage is already out of control but add in massive gear gaps and I sincerely pity any new player. I'm fully BM and I'm getting 3 shot on my Jugg. --- Try to think rationally before you respond with silly replies to a valid grievance.
  6. What difficulty? Its a fricken commendation grind. The difficulty was to be the ranked WZs for rating, but that was delayed. "I believe it is entirely to easy as is to be full top gear in this game"...you're kidding right? You know what BM bags were correct? RNG? BM comm grind? Guess its easy if your luck is good and you get a BM comm from every single bag. ---- "I believe in time they will make changes that a majority of people will agree with instead of the latter." Yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnah. People were telling them about problems in beta and they still haven't fixed them. For example Juggernauts and their complete lack of survibility and damage output. Been questions, suggestions given since beta...we got Force Push resets Force Charge. Now we got Enraged Defense self heal ability on a 45 second CD...sounds awesome except the damage in PvP at the moment is so out of control a 500HP tick ain't gonna cut it against 5-6K Smash crits. Not to mention its another ability to rage starve a class thats already rage starved. Another problem thats been brought up multiple occasions by Juggs. So no, they wont..or maybe they will...but after the debacle of 1.2, I wouldn't hold my breath for this game to last.
  7. Flaw 1: Being 3 shot by Juggs and Mara Smashes because BW didn't bother to properly test. There is no flaw 2.
  8. Holy cow did they screw up bigtime on this. The damage is completely out of control. I'm watching healers get 3 shot...with shields up! I have no idea how this kinda screw up gets through after so much "pts/internal" testing but to sound dramatic...this patch is a game breaker. - Damage is out of control. - WH gear grind is fricken stupid. 200K+WZ comms to get all the gear. Its around 15hrs of grinding A PIECE! A PIECE. Im sorry did SWTOR turn into a korean grindfest MMO all of a sudden? BW needs to do some serious damage control and get this game back on track or its going down. Not even the die hard SW fans could put up with such a shotty job. Fingers crossed it gets worked out, i really enjoyed this game pre 1.2!
  9. Go Marauder. A Marauder is a juggernaut with better damage output, escapes, defensive abilities. I've got a Jugg and i love him but fk after this 1.2 patch, I seriously regret going Jugg.
  10. Rage is awesome fun if you have pocket healers and the smash crits are so good to see. But apart from that, you're pretty useless imo. I play Vengeance as well and I found it a lot better. It drove me nuts having to rely on smash for majority of my damage only for an enemy to step sideways, lag away or knockback as it hits. And some weird thing where sometimes people jump and it misses?..W t f lol Vengeance is a very strong solo/healbot spec. I despise specs where I have to rely on someone else to be helpful to my team, which is what rage feels like to me.
  11. The amount of bs thats flooded this thread since I last checked is amazing. Especially the 200K protection lol You realise if a sin got 200K protection thats not because hes guarding someone, but spamming both his taunts. Single player 15 second taunt - 30% damage reduction for 6 seconds if that target isn't attacking the sin. Aoe taunt, 45 second CD. Same effect as previous taunt. For a Sin to get such a high number for protection that means no one was attacking him. The most I've got on a Voidstar WZ was 125K protection. --- Also to clear this up because people in this thread still clearly don't know *** a 'Tankasin' is in PvP. 1: WE AREN'T DISCUSSING PVE aspect of Darkness. 2: Assassins are using the DPS and survival components of the tanking tree so they aren't glass cannons anymore. Side effect of this is no burst like Deception or Madness but more sustained damage. 3: Darkness Sins use Stalker set or 2/2 Surv for 10sec Spike CD reduction and 3/3 Stalker for range on Jolt interrupt. We don't actually use tanking gear, we aren't tanks per se. 4: Yes an Assassin can do over 400K damage if its a Voidstar and one of attrition where no one dies. That goes to any class thats left alone or has healbots. Lets all have a knee-jerk reaction to that and nerf their damage. 5: Who said if you choose to be a tank or a tanking tree you can't do damage? You realise that logic is stupid and flawed since its inevitably going to seep into PvE threat generation, which starts up a whole other discussion. 6: Darkness Sin have TWO Aoes. Wither, which hits like a wet noodle but you need it to get Harnessed Darkness stacks and Discharge with Dark Charge on. Highest crit I've had(Full BM 2/2 Surv, 3/3Stalk with DPS mods and 77% surge) with both was around 1.3-1.6K over 3 targets with reckless/expertise buff and trinket popped. You mainly use Wither for the slowing effect...harrass the enemy as much as possible. So johnyangelo quit talking out your ***. 7: Trying to kill a healer as a Darkness Sin is a pain. Especially a Op/Sc or Commando/Merc. Infact if its a skilled player and I dont have atleast two other players backing me up, I go find something else to harrass. So theres one major downside of Darksins. --- So please if you seriously don't know the class, just ****. You don't see me running into Sorc or Commando forums spouting "OMG HE DID a 4K heal, nerf that! Coz I cant dps thru it!! Why want a healer FaLL over!? when I hit him!?"
  12. Wow you truly have no clue about the spec or how it works. Majority of Sins who play it (if that assumption is even correct) play it because as I said, its really the only viable PvP tree since the Saber nerf. I'm surprised people dont whinge about Deceptions immense burst...oh right because if you survive the burst they're dead. I can see why you'd want more Assassins that...easy kills. Lol @ Only die when focused by 3 people...Drama must be your middle name.
  13. Darkness' damage is moderate compared to the output that Deception can. The entire point of going Darkness is to sacrifice damage for survibility. Since they nerfed our only real surv (Saber Dancing), Deception is yet another glass cannon spec. In order for Darkness to do that amount of "too much damage" requires a build up from Wither, Shocks and thrash spam till you get an energize proc and even then you may crit for a little over 3K with shock and a trinket popped. More if you use stims/expertise buff etc. But it isn't like you run in and BAM one shot. Force Lightning is fine the way it is, atmost it may tick for 1.7K crits but it easily interrupted with knockbacks, stuns and grips and again this takes a build up to get that damage (Wither, shock, wither or SWS). And while yes its a tanking tree it still doesn't put out the numbers of Madness and Deception...not from the PvP videos and experience I've had. Who says you cant be a tank and do some good damage? Were still killable but you put a Darkness Sin in the hands of a skilled player hes extremely hard to kill, doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed because simpletons cannot adapt.
  14. 3 x Stalker, 2 x Survivor with DPS mods is a better setup. Extra range on Jolt and a 20 second Spike is just too good to pass up.
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