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Everything posted by Areoss

  1. I kinda like it because you don't really gain a visual que that its procced but you do get an audio que that it has. For that reason I can deal with it so I don't have to take my eyes off of what I am doing to check if I have it active
  2. "This just in: Hardmodes are hard." Hardmodes are a deceptive thing. One would believe that since they are called hard mode... that they aren't hard. But to our surprise, hardmodes are actually hard. It seems that you need to have a group with their heads screwed on to be able to clear the hard modes without much of a problem. This kind of system is ridiculous and the community wants to steam roll any hardmode with little effort. This kind of deception is a game breaker and everyone wants it to change. At least change the title of hard mode to represent that it's hard. More news at 11 where we discuss that snipers shoot stuff with guns from far away.
  3. A reminder to why Concealment was nerf'd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Why3ti-dfdA&list=UU-zp15utO36E86N60p85P-A&index=1&feature=plcp Continue the QQ.
  4. Areoss

    All real PvP'ers...

    Anyone know where I can find a picture of a cake? It may not be relevant but I think its at least a little more constructive and more reasonable than the original post.
  5. Why not add more things! Lets take all of the tactics out so it becomes a Team Death Match! If you attack someone, you drop the ball. If someone attacks you. You drop the ball. If you are healed, you drop the ball. If you move, you drop the ball. If you receive a pass, you drop the ball. If you dont move, you drop the ball. If you dont pass you drop the ball. If you score, you drop the ball. If you don't score. You drop the ball! If a car drives past your house, you drop the ball. If you have more than 1 electrical appliance on in the house, you drop the ball! If your parents are older than 41 then you drop the ball! If you drop the ball. You drop the ball! *****Note***** Dropping the ball will result in instant death. All of your gear will be broken and your companions will leave you because you dropped the ball. You also loose a level each time you drop the ball and your subscription will be transferred to become active on hello kitty island online.
  6. so... since I have my own opinion and experience of it... being very successful... it apparently means I am completely wrong because you say its pants? This also apparently leads to me knowing VERY little about operatives? Even though I have been very successful with it? Tell me... does that really mean that I don't know much about the class... if I am performing really well with it? Logic - 1. GengisKahn - 0
  7. Like'a-Boss Alec Baldwin Believe it or not. On Basilisk droid there is someone called.. Justin... with their legacy as Beiber... Immediately met my ignore list as soon as I saw them.
  8. Currently it fills the resolve bar. Im not QQing about being stunned for a long time. Just the amount of crits in the time of the stun. Which may be why they're reducing the burst damage too as well as the stun. so it may not fill the resolve... it'll make the stun a bit longer but it wont have the amount of burst. So it kinda balances that way.
  9. fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD fffffffffchhhhhewwwwwwwwwww GCD Did I win? or do you have to look at my signature to watch a live demonstration
  10. So if it doesn't make any difference, why are you moaning at the fact that it was pre 1.1. See above See above I don't have a problem with the Crits you can pull off. I have a problem with the amount of crits you can pull off in chain succession with little to no problem of someone fighting back. Yeah it does actually. It means you wont be able to crit in rapid succession as you do currently... and you wont be able to pin us in 1 place for a long time. Meaning burst is going to be destroyed. You'll have to gain some skill and learn to kill someone outside of the opener, and stop 'S'-Keying like a boss outside of stealth when ***** hits the fan
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Why3ti-dfdA&list=UU-zp15utO36E86N60p85P-A&index=1&feature=plcp I win. Eat it. Yes this is after the level 50 bracket. This is after 1.1 IF you try to pick apart this then you guys really are scum and are trying to come up with any excuse to defend your class. *****Rules of the challenge***** 1. They are dying IN A 3 SECOND STUN 2. They are dying BEFORE THEY HAVE A CHANCE TO REACT 3. Heavy armor classes with 500+ exp are getting dropped to sub 30% in an opener. Additional notes: It contains all 3 of these challenges met. Not on the same person because that would be stupid. Dying in 3 seconds but also dropping 30% before chance to re act. The posted video comes into line with the requirements of this challenge. If you start trying to pick this apart... it doesn't matter. The video meets the 3 requirements. The nerf is earned. Now quit your ************.
  12. I love fighting operatives as it is. This nerf is going to make it a joke to fight against. All they did was rely on their opener to try to burst someone down... if you stop that then all they do is s-key like a moron because they don't know how to play their class. Hence why the forum is full of QQ that they're being nerf'd This nerf is going to be hilarious to be honest
  13. I sympathy vote for the lowest level to give them a boost to catch up.
  14. Its essentially this... I am a rogue. But I Cant own in 3 seconds any more. I want to go a hunter. GIVE ME MY CHOICE OR ILL STOP PLAYING!!!! Advanced class is your actual class. It's not just smuggler. Its scoundrel or gunslinger. The same as an inquisitor is either an assassin or sorc. Why do you think a class title changes when you hold your mouse over the person. i.e. Areos:Sith Juggernaut. Rather than Sith Warrior. QQ more my friend.
  15. basilisk droid PvP queues are between instant to 5 min at 50. This is hardly too long. It is perfect. Illum on my server too doesn't consist of people camping the republic door. Its an all out war in the middle ground fighting over the items you pick up. Which ironically fighting gets you the dailies done too. Most of the time Empire win but its at least a half an hour fight of 60 people each side fighting and healing.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoM0CV9BRPs&feature=related May not be 1.1 but you cant argue that 1.1 would make a difference for duels.
  17. Milk would be nice thanks! Duels aren't going to be balanced around since there is no reward and there is no point in them apart from sparing practice. It is not a competitive thing so there is no incentive to balance the classes around dueling. Sorcs are not mages. Get that out of your head now. A mage is a mage. A sorc is a sorc. Don't impliment other games mechanics into another game. But really... the sorc damage is fine. If not a bit too much. I'm not commenting 100% because i've not leveled my alt to max level yet. But they seem to have their fair share of utility and control. Combined with their heals, speed boost and bubble. Claiming Sorcs dont do enough damage is a big flashing light for troll. Since they do plenty as it is
  18. Aww Bless. Operatives are trying to point out that their world is coming to an end when this nerf hits live. Heavens forbid someone suggested a different option for PvE! How dare they! I play operative my self as a healer. How about those who are overly crying about the nerf roll up their sleeves and do something useful for the community like healing? FYI... Lethality can be used in PvP Fairly well... its not insta win like the staby stab and kill before your opponent has a chance to retaliate that you have all come to love and cherish. I'm sure you'll manage some how though In the mean time, enjoy not being healed by someone who is against the whole... "LOL I kill tanks within 3GCD's and then run with my tail between my legs" *****DISCLAIMER***** I am not a troll. I don't care if you respond with righteous fury. I'm defending someone who has an opinion that doesn't follow the trend of "ITS THIS WAY OR NO WAY"
  19. Aww! Can I keep it mom?! Please can I keep it?! I've always wanted a baby troll! Pleasee mom!!
  20. Our Hot needs to go up to 8 people as a minimum... We need to shield the targets we wish... and some form of usefulness for the ability that shall not be named that is pulled off the toolbar. Perhaps have something to proc to make it an instant cast free heal? like a 10% chance on HoT or something? Just to give it a bit of use but not make it over powered.
  21. Reading this, this just basically means that they didnt think the game was built right for an E-sport and that the balancing is constantly changing with a lot of pressure. In the interview he never once said the mechanic of Arena was a BAD idea. He said it wasn't right for the game and if it was going to be put in, they would have changed the game before launch. Im sick of people saying it was wows biggest mistake and developers admit it because thats taking one sentence out of contex to attempt to back up reasons why they don't want arena in swtor. I personally am for arena if you haven't guessed. But I am not for arena players having anything more than anyone else. Either a unique skin for their kit to be equivalent of battlemaster, but by no means easy to obtain... or the bolster system to bring their gear in line with battlemaster if it was above it in stats. I personally see that as fair.
  22. Hiya Oh... I see where this is going already Right... Ok you do understand that gold mobs are elite? Meaning they aren't just a push over especially without a healing companion? It's a class that gets little to non early game CC or massive mitigation. hmm... Early game, you will do. Oranges mean modifiable. They could contain anything. But for the sake of it i'm going to assume you mean that they are of decent standard along with the rest of your gear. This still doesn't change the fact that they are elite mobs. You'd have to be about 8 levels above them to take them on with no problems since they wouldn't really land a hit. You can't solo these as you have no healer pet really to keep you alive while your taking on the world. This is the difference between warriors and most other classes. We are the ones tanking without a healer pet at the begining. Our class is the only one who starts with a DPS companion. Sure it's a little annoying but you should also not try to over extend your self. I wouldn't say your bad at the game. I'd just say that you tried something that isn't do able for the level that you are with the class you are. I lived through it too my self. Once you get your healer companion later on (not the robot because he's annoying to hell ) the whole rest of the game becomes a complete push over. You'll hear about other classes that can solo these quests but thats only because they have their healer companion... or they have a tanking companion that they can heal them self, with early game utility. Stick at Warrior though. It's a really good class. Just a late bloomer. One of the more feared but un spoken of in PvP. If you need any help or advice feel free to private message me. <--- 50 Juggernaut Immortal(PvE) and Vengeance(PvP)
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