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  • Location
    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    Backpacking, Cooking, Watching "Castle", and Playing Games
  • Occupation
    Software Architect
  1. Is there still no acknowledgement that loading a planet after leaving a Warzone takes forever for a lot of people? I'm currently sitting at over 7 minutes to reload Corellia after leaving Huttball, and the progress bar is still stuck at half, where it's been for at least 5 minutes. Often, I have to restart the client just to get planets to load. The very same planets take maybe 30-60 seconds to load when I first go to them or launch the client. I just restarted the client while typing this post. Corellia loaded in about a minute. This is absolutely, no question, not foolin', a problem with reloading a planet after leaving a Warzone.
  2. ... that there isn't a problem with Sorcerers/Sages and Operatives/Scoundrels? Oh, we are? Okay. Rolling a Scoundrel to make the AC imbalance worse. Might as well jump on the bandwagon.
  3. Those aren't the lyrics. Didn't read the rest of the post.
  4. Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing. The issue is not mobs that heal themselves, although I'm fully aware of the sort of mindset that causes someone to leap to derogatory conclusions so they can get their wishful dig in on the internet. The issue is mobs that can use their heal ability at least as rapidly as I can use my interrupt (which leaves very little time for actually dealing damage) and whose healing abilities ignore the 4s lock-out my interrupt has. Again, I recognize that these forums (and the internet in general) are full of people looking to jump in on a slam, and have no time to read before doing so. Thing is, you just look like buffoons. This was never an issue of mobs healing themselves. It was an issue of Tatooine's quality being far below that of other planets, and one of the issues with it being that mobs have mechanics that turn an easy fight into a very long (while still easy) fight. L2Read, fools.
  5. So far, I have really liked this game's content. Every zone leading up to this has been enjoyable, in its own way. However, Tatooine is atrocious. I've only just got here and I'm ready to get the hell out. I need 5 rare-drop items from rare-spawn mobs for a bonus, which requires running around in a loop endlessly (who hired the Blizzard content people??). The quest density is incredibly low. Elites are now healing themselves, turning an inevitable win into an interminable inevitable win. I sincerely hope whoever the bugger is who oversaw the design of Tatooine's quest content wasn't allowed to touch any other areas of the game Hutta? Great. Dromund Kaas? Really long, but great. Balmorra? Really great. Nar Shadaa? Short, but great. I fully expect that most of the planets will be like the first four I played. Heck, I played a few Republic planets in game testing, and enjoyed them very much. Please tell me Tatooine gets better, or is at least the rare sour grape in the bunch.
  6. Yes, Captain, we're well aware of what the FAQ says. If you'd actually attempted to perform the action, you'd realize why we're still asking. The FAQ is wrong. We appreciate your attempt to be snarky, however.
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