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10 Good
  1. Im not going to complain about not having macros, but could we have the ability to have two effects on one key? For instance a jedi sentinel could have leap attack and sweep on the one key, as they are usually used together. If you are far away, it leap attacks, close and with focus, it sweeps. You could then have a key that uses strike by default, and another key that uses slash by default as your "GOTO" keys, and when you build focus, you can trigger more powerful attacks on the same keys. This would free up alot of space on your toolbar, and streamline combat. So how about it? Does this sound like a good idea?
  2. Does it bother anyone else that you cant rebind your keys? I dont typically use "wasd" I use "SZXC" and its really starting to mess with me. Can we see this in a patch maybe?
  3. Hi, I like the game for the most part (except the laggy warzones), but am offering a suggestion to help noobs with the gameplay. In diablo 2 you only have two attack buttons, that you assign your best powers to, and just get on with playing the game. What I am suggesting is the ability to assign your mouse buttons to "use best attack". For instance I play a jedi sentinel, and it would be nice to assign slash and leap to mouse1, and then all my powerful attacks like the different strikes,blade rush etc to mouse 2 in order of preference. Some players move around alot, and can be hard to target, especially with lag. This would free up my hands to chase them down better. Also Id like a "target" key that targets the centered enemy, as they can be hard to target with lag, and also target cycle next and previous. Targeting the right enemy can be a b=tch in warzones
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