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Everything posted by Vandaman

  1. Gamorrean trader is dead now not sure when he was killed. I still find it very odd that the rat only pats when a player is around as well...
  2. I do and i guess I will try it, not like its hard to get the water lol
  3. Ha well Its definitely a long shot, Im trying to figure out how long i have had the debuff lol and if it even kills you.
  4. Wish there was a way to know how long I have had the Womp rat fever :/
  5. You get that and 2 others from each vendor yes. Not sure if they are part of anything other than finding a way to get the rat all 3 whilst kiting it lol Edit: Everything we rule out helps though
  6. Well while i test the dying, however unlikely it is lol. Someone should test that as well.
  7. kinda my thought. You said you die after 3 hours with the debuff on? Even though there is no timer on the debuff itself.
  8. They each have an item you click to make them hostile. The jawa has a droid to his left, the gamorrean has a bottle in his tent and the other has bones in front of him. Clicking them turnes them hostile and when killed gives you and apparently the rat an expertise buff.
  9. ya , I am currently on that mountain and nothing is happening. I have both debuffs so thats not it.
  10. Did that when I had the buff from tat. I had both the tat buff and the debuff at the time. Nothing happened that i noticed. I got the water from the tat buff and thats it
  11. Its a possibility, I just killed the merchants an hour or so ago, what is their respawn timer? I may go try it in a bit if we don't get anything from the hoth deal.
  12. Nope I still have the water and it only gave me the sustained buff again. It only lasts 30 minutes this time however. edit: Maybe you have to go somewhere else with the tattoine buff? idk
  13. Well I have gone to the volcanic fisure in hoth with the tattoine buff and with the shockfrozen water nothing. I did however notice I can get the tattoine buff when i clicked on the water.. Any ideas from that? When I clicked the water I got the buff "Refreshed and Sustained". I did not lose the shockfrozen water either.
  14. He has it highligted, "In the White Terrors Lair". I looked it up and it seems to be part of a repub quest
  15. Reddit thread produced this pic of a buff I have yet to see http://imgur.com/SsNZY edit: looked it up on TORhead and it seems to be part of a quest. Not 100% sure could be what we are looking for.
  16. Ya, see what you can drum up while i try the frozen water deal. I will work on thinking of what could attack me as well.
  17. sadly i was heading there, but i died in the exhaustion zone up north ... stupid me for thinking i could get there easier from up there
  18. Does anybody think it could have something to do with that volcanic fissure? Only going off random ****, since we can mouseover it, I feel there has to be a reason.
  19. trying I have class today sadly so I would like it to be figured out before then if not ill be on it when i get back.
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