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Everything posted by starlina

  1. I'm sure in DPS rule, if a dps died it's their own fault. That's why dps get their own defensive and threat reduction skill.
  2. Wow is totally a different level because not all classes get short cds for stun, interupt,slow, root and long silence duration cd or benefit of racial / talent with stun/interupt/silence time reduction, but in swtor cc are just dirt cheap. The ratio of dmg vs heal, + interupted attack vs interupted heal is too significant where dps pull the highest margin in both. The healing mechanics just too failed compare to dps classes. For dps the longer the fight stays, the higher dmg they get from ramped up buffs and procs that scale with most highest hitting attack. Healers get miserable procs and insignificant ramped up buffs that make the heal look big enough to fit a small hat. Then in addition of healers utility is a bit lack luster to fend off dps or even pull the fight long enough to make it memorable. Even with cds, not all of it useful at time against certain class. Eg. silence and interupt melee dps? No. only stun, slow and knock back that useful against them, while for dps any available cc will work wonderfully against healers. (in addition such as attack such as tumult / pummel that hammer really hard whenever they get stun, healers get nothing to boost heal for such occurance.). Each class get either 2 dps tree and 1 heal tree or 1 tank or 2 dps tree. The robustness and choices for dps to swap to specialize and optimize their dmg is too significantly overwhelmed against healing class at the same time sharing so many utility that most dps has and only having healing utilites to keep 1 target to stay alive at 1 time in pvp. In swtor general pvp terms, healers just an accessory and not necessity. I spec'd to dps and find my contribution to wz improved tremendously simply I kill faster and more, then I can heal and save as a healer.
  3. If a healer spend most of the time behind the pillar meaning he's doing something wrong since they need line of sight to heal, and most healer's big heals either has long cast time or channeling. Also not all dps are smart. Most healers will always experience derbs that keep on running out of range. People can argue just let them die but the fact is after they all die, 100% enemies will come after the healer. The choice is always end up healers exposing themselves to heal because by doing so, chances of more people will survive will be higher. Healers are constant challenge to make decision, to save our own or sacrifice to safe others, to reserve or to burn resources. DPS just tunnel vision all their resources to kill. And that's apparently what BW prefer more. And I think if the design of healing class is must rely 90% time behind pillars or LOS to survive, BW should just make healers stay out of fight in safe area such a clinic camp where all DPS should run back to the clinic when they are low at HP to get heal or just allowing healing can be done even not in line of sight if they intend to make healer not able to survive 1v1 without cds or los.
  4. I was a great Jedi, till I took an arrow to the knee >>>>----- (( ))------->>
  5. I think the best if every mmo pvp fights should last at least 5 or 10mins. At lower level the time span should extend to longer period. So people will stop complaining I get 1 shotted by xxxx. So no more OMG, QQ and Rage buff IRL I hulk smashed! the keyboard or karate chopped the computer table into 1/2.
  6. Good luck with 3 hours que during weekends! I'm already on 2 hours que and still at 800+ spot.
  7. No and No. That's what happened to wow when people roll horde for orc racial and later MORE people roll horde because they want to look pretty. Please don't repeat that mistake here.
  8. Activated my pre order on 6Dec and i got the invitation 16-dec 5am today (my time). Really happy finally I can get to play
  9. People are just too emo. It's virtually the same as "The shop open at 9am and start selling the game". If the que is long everyone still have to wait for it." Believe me I'm also upset I didn't get to login as early as others, but either way at the end I will still able to play it. Just later.
  10. I sense too much anger here. I'll eat sleep and s*** as usual. Life goes on... a few more days without my lightsaber
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