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Posts posted by Stovokor

  1. Commando shield ..... cause of the unintended demoralization.


    Few hours ago, I was guarding a side node in civil war with another player. There was 2 of us so I wasn't really focused on stuff i should have been doing like scan :rolleyes: All of a sudden, 4 stealthies open up on me at once ....

    Somehow CM shield + panic button presses + kite led to not dying die in that engagement until backup arrive & wiped em. There was palpable hesitation after their initial openers did not take me out.



    Actually the 2nd time with this same scenario. Last time i was alone, but those guys were not geared. Feels like shield is really good against stealth opening combos compared to facing other classes

  2. I am ok with no single queues, but no cross server?!?!?! What were they thinking?!?!


    Maybe they are focusing more on f2p to implement cross server rateds, but they needto do something soon to provide a larger pool of high ranked teams

    Stealth Removal

    There was no announcement per say, BW just stealth removed the in-game text referring to Season one having Cross server and Single Ques. ( Text was right at bottom under warzone information @ Join wz button )

    I used to reference that when talking to friends etc. Then one day it was gone ....

    Could mean anything though but lack of cross server will bury competitive element left in this game. Sure there will be more people playing when f2p hits but competitively it is headed to boring-ville.



    As for the original topic, I mentioned this in first 2 weeks of pre-season but was duly brushed off. It is kinda obvious something was wrong when watch streams + listen to guild chat + other friends also qued. " Matchmaking" is a very loose term right now ...


    Damage Done ??

    Back then i mentioned this issue in the context of DAMAGE it was doing to teams that were not ready and needed time to get stuff sorted etc. Having 1000 rated teams going up versus 1800 / 2000 rated over and over kinda destroyed the overall teams pools. Seems all those Bioware fabled Internal matrices are off marginal value. Also have to question why BW have no grasp on likely player psychology when outcome XXX happens over and over. Bound to happen that only the most resilient teams would stick through getting hammered day in and out. Very few would be capable of holding onto a rooster with depth. Probably one of the reasons you see more mixed groups these days.

  3. Warhammer. Sure it was far from perfect but it provided hell of lotta fun. Loved the instant world pvp accessibility across all tiers and rallying to defend pvp zones and keeps.


    Most of the scenarios ( wz ) seemed more fluid and not so constricted like Voidstar or Alderaan. No heavy tactical dependance on skills like trans or leaps in those and you could generally win with various compositions. Except for the scenario were you get punted into lava over and over .... haha


    RvR on my server was great and time would just fly as we battled all over the place. Bottlenecks & performance issues tended to flare up at keeps if a few hundred crammed in. The melee stuff was not so bad a few months in but they did manage to mess it up royally right before that vulture tomb?? expansion came out. Another major flaw was PvP endgame dynamic in Capital cities ....


    I actually had really high expectations for SWTOR OPvP when it was announced the Warhammer team was going to be involved here. I don't know how they could screw it up so bad with ilum, smugglers den and just no open pvp. Copy paste would have worked fine and given a wars feel to this game

  4. This particular type of lag incident started after 1.3. If you are on voip like TS, mumble and in a ranked match chances are when you do experience the lag and about to mention it ..... a couple other people would already be stating the occurrence of the lag spike. It happened a few times now but OP is obviously being melodramatic or experiencing something else.
  5. You don't earn it, its a stat found on level 50 PvP gear. Right now that is recruit / battlemaster / Warhero


    There were also some pieces like weapons around level 47 -49 which you could remove the expertise mods and slot them into other gear. But much of the expertise comes from hitting 50 and then its kinda easy to "accumulate " expertise considering nowadays it only takes a 1 -2 weeks to be BM geared.

  6. TBH this looks more like a wishlist then any semblance to balance. Commando issues should be tackled from non damage angle. There is hardly a big gulf in damage compared to majority of other classes especially if left to their own devices. Viability issues are mostly down to

    ( i ) Lack of mobility that is amplified by proc's for important skills ( both dps trees ) needing commando's to be stationary much of the time.

    ( ii ) Player's know that commando have limited tools to keep melee at a distance or effectively kite competent players. Just compare the effectiveness of a sniper toolset and a commando's. When enemy knows you don't have they tools ...its downhill from there.

    ( iii ) Lack of any "special utility" like grapple, pull, force speed etc.


    Some commando's in assault already put out great DPS so why mess with that. However its hard to justify a spot on a ranked team if other players are of similar skill level due to the factors above. Overall commando's don't output their best dps if they are mobile and lack the mechanisms to protect themselves consistently if stationary. Commando's DPS need fix in way of mobility / procs and to a lesser extent perhaps an interrupt on long cd.


    Commando healers really only need minor tweaking. Even here i feel its about mobility, smuggler overall output is high cause they have great synergy in HoT's + kiting. Commando's biggest heals are stationary so it forces CM into a stationary turtle tank gameplay over and over. This one dimensional style pales in comparison to options available to smugglers. That one tech override is not gonna compensate for the fact that CM kiting heals like Kolto Bomb will not stand up to strong players. Seems like CM performance window is small ( around the shield uptime ) where-else smugglers can keep going in a linear fashion for extended period of time. I'm not a fan of bringing CM back to ridiculous levels of early in the year but perhaps some small tweak is needed.

  7. in game go to your warzone menu ( the screen you queue from) then read the text, you have scroll a bit. I am pretty sure it explains about solo queues and cross server queues once season one starts. No timeline though, I would imagine it will be months for preseason, or atleast I hope it is to give people time to get the ranked gear and fun stuff.


    Honestly, I am pretty sure its been on that screen since the first day that 1.3 was on the pts, but most people didn't really talk about it, or read it for that matter.


    ok thanks

  8. Hellow all,

    I'd like to make a final statement on this thread. With peoples points or arguments changing with every counter argument given I think it's pointless following up and adding to this thread much more. Although I don't like the 'bragging' this seems to be needed to get my point across. We run a ranked with 2 commando healers on the red eclipse, one of the best populated pve servers in the eu. A ranking of 2061 and win-loss of 89-3 seems pretty fair to me.






    I never had any problems on less competitive server as well. Different story on PvP server that brought together every single hardcore West Coast PvP group.

  9. some full Warhero go with stock Warhero belt / wrist and some go with the Orange. I forgot the numbering on the armoring but i think 61. Goes for about 1.5 mil on my server GTN and only available as a drop. Poorer people go for 58 armoring.


    You can't insert any "PvP' armoring into that orange gear but you can add PvP mods.

  10. A bit dramatic but the sentiment has been expressed in discussions and in the forums. The top tier of the brackets should ideally be a reflection of the best teams of the moment fighting it out in upper echelons of the bracket. Over time as other teams get their execution right ( gain higher rank ) they will get matched up frequently with the top teams.


    Current reality

    1. ) Timer

    1900 - 2000 + teams being matched up IMMEDIATELY with teams as low as 1100 - 1300. The matchmaking timer or whatever needs to be tuned so there is a much LONGER gap period before this set of circumstances with huge disparity is allowed to happen.


    2. ) Grinding vs actual reflection

    The system is such that it allows certain teams above 2000 to "grind" small but assured number of points against much much lower ranked teams. This farce is happening due to the FREQUENCY of which even "pug groups" are matched up against the top rated team over and over. This problem happens in other games too but surely some tuning is possible to place more emphasis on the rating aspect of fighting similar strength teams versus grinding it out over time. Perhaps even a cap on number of low ranked ( 1100 - 1400 ) teams one can face daily.


    3. ) Horror of horrors an actual fight

    If invariably through some error in the matchmaking system the current top 2 teams match up, it seems that the top rated one after incurring loss decides it is not a good time to que anymore.


    4. ) Disparity in matchmaking

    On my server, many of the lower ranked teams have faced the current top two teams 4 to 6 times EACH. But the funny thing is the top two teams only finally met 2 days ago !! Since one of the teams plays so frequently this was alarming but the clincher was the fact they have only met a total of 2 times ......



    I would suggest extra time allocation be given to finding matchmaking within a clear demarcation like ( 1000 - 1600 / 1601 - 2xxx ). If there is a chance a higher ranked team will come out of a ranked wz ( 15 mins ) and be matched up against a waiting high ranked team it should be allowed to happen. Only if a reasonable amount of time has passed would they get match against the lower bracket. If teams that are just getting their footing get beat by top teams on a daily basis it defeats the whole purpose of nurturing a competitive gaming environment over time. Some teams need time to form good compositions & peak but the current haphazard system is not conducive to the long term viability of ranked wz. More likely they will get pissed at the matchup and stop qui-ing. I am sure in the long run even the top team want a strong field with depth and variety to fight against.


    Feel free to state situation on your server as well as opinions.

  11. IMO a minor mobility buff is due for CM


    The comparative lack of mobility exposes Commando Medic as inferior choice to scoundrel in Ranked warzones. Normal warzone play into the CM style and are great. LOL I've even face-tanked 3 players in VS tunnel until they gave up and moved on. Similar situations have happened a few times now but it means as much as random screenshots with very little context.


    Ranked is different kettle of fish & the CM mobile heals are very situational & on long timers. If you are kiting ( Bacta Infusion 18 s / Tech Override 2 min / Kolto bomb - weak ) would allow CM overcome the initial barrage and heal allies as you kite coordinated ranked DPS. After that point effectiveness drops dramatically. Totally different outcome for scoundrel healers who perform pretty linear as they kite. Seems very suited for ranked.


    I think sage and CM pretty close but Sage has strong utility in certain warzones. Overall i don't think CM is broken or anything and very strong teams could even afford to have one. But equal skill level, its a hard sell over taking scoundrel if factoring in utility / non self healing / how long it takes to kill competent scoundrels.


    Ultimately its about effectiveness and winning. If Commando healers were on par you would see a slew of top teams running Double Commando Medic healers. I have not seen this. Sincerely do share if you are part of this setup or know of such teams. I really have no issues picking up pointers or something i am missing.

  12. So let me get this straight. You want to solo queue for ranked warzones that will put you into a pug warzone group. You understand then you could do the same thing by finding your pug in fleet before hand. So in reality all this is, is some lazy whining. Enjoy ranked man. Its a blast. Don't be lazy.


    ^ this


    And there is no delay, non 8 man que was perfectly clarified for a long time now. Learn to follow regular updates about the game. Some random dude that u have no control over gonna screw 7 other players ranking sounds awesome.


    Pug and Ranked have no correlation. Pug gameplay = non ranked.

  13. Thanks for the typical troll response. It is not a system issue if it is server wide, there are other servers besides fatman.


    that is no a troll response. If majority of players keep getting lag in warzones then could say there is a problem. This is hardly the case with no dramatic lag issues for many people. Even the " LAG" comments i have heard on teamspeak have been isolated to certain people and it is hardly so bad that they don't continue to play. Extreme stuff like 3 second delay is basically at your end not the game.

  14. Windows 7 here.

    1. ) Try to check Documents folder. I can't recall but i think it defaults to that location. Check ....

    Documents > Star Wars - The Old Republic > Screenshots




    2. )

    At Start button ( bottom left ) there is a "Search program and files function"

    Type in Screenshot


    You should be able to see all the screenshots and the path they are located at.

    The actual screenshots are named like this


  15. there is no implication .... EA and Activision stock have behaved in this under-performing manner for a long time now. Recent developments don't mean much.


    Also LOL at people thinking "the worst company ever " title really has significance, its just loud segment aka videogamers. The same people will keep going back for more.

  16. I thought SWTOR was in serious trouble as Ranked was pulled just prior to 1.2. I watched so many players leave expressly due to that. It was a mix of those that had re-subbed and existing players. Now after the transfers I think the game is on the right footing. Many player's that I know from my old server are back and same pattern probably mirrored elsewhere. Now after transfers II think the worst is behind ... and nearly everyone i talked to is happy wit the outcome. Bioware needs to deliver on Ranked WZ and compelling raid content that can't be completed too soon to really take the game forward. Too really get subs and face off with GW2, SWTOR need Open world PvP that is well designed around the time GW2 comes out. But overall this game definitely has its following for various reasons ...
  17. Considering things were fine before, any queue is too much price to pay. Some people LIKE the non MMO aspects, and were HAPPY with uncrowded servers, as they have no interest whatsoever in the group/PvP content. Remember, from 1-49, this is practically a single player game. One would argue that the vast majority of the game is single player content.


    Yes, this game may now be more like a regular MMO. But you know what? I don't *like* regular MMO's. Pretty much the entire reason I was enjoying TOR was because it *wasn't* like a regular MMO.


    It comes down to the fact that Bioware can't really can't make decisions that impact the majority of player-base and the survival of the game based on what you just said. The whole single player viewpoint you expresses is such a miniscule percentage of the population. On its previous trajectory the game was bleeding and would have ultimately died leaving you with no single player game to play anyways . You have to look at the larger picture beyond your personal playstyle.



    TOFN has had over 40 min queues at PT in the last couple of days, this will likely drop off, but people aren't making the queues up.


    Here's something I noticed.

    I was qued on The Harbinger, and it said ~=5 min and it took 1.5 min.

    I was qued on Bastion and it said ~= 2 min and it took 20-25 seconds.


    Anyone else queing for a sever and it takes about 20% of the time that the game estimates?


    I'd really like answer here because I think the game is overestimating the time it takes to get into a full server.


    @ Goretzu : Read what AshlaBoga wrote, this is what many of us experience in actual waiting time even if we get a que.


    Even if there is total 40 min que this is not Armageddon, people need to exercise some patience and let things unfold over the next week or so. Its rational to let Bioware monitor the situation at this current stage, rather then expect reactionary measures akin to what destroyed many of the servers in the first place.


    The OP title itself is a gross exaggeration ....

  18. So I'm in a situation where the server I have rolled on since December is now SO full that I'm unable to log in. I'm all for populated servers but this seems to be a large oversight on the part of BW ... do they not have the ability to count players and estimate how capable a server is to handle a specific number of players? I'm sure they do ... so why would they open a server for transfers BEYOND it's capacity? I'm pretty upset about it. What is the rational in increasing a server population by orders of magnitude and preventing people from playing their established characters?


    Unable to log in ye right ... sounds like you are lying. The most I've seen is a que of a few minutes and this is on the server that is top of the list at prime time. Seems like more then a few people on these boards with an agenda. Not exactly rocket science to get a sub and talk crap on forums ....


    Capacity is fine.

  19. Why would it be a bug? It's a toggle that the guild master can set in the guild management interface to only allow people who have an authenticator attached to their account be able to be promoted to officer. To add an extra layer of security so officers won't get hacked and wreck the guild(bank).


    Obviously on your other server either the option wasn't available yet, or the then guildmaster had it toggled off. No mystery, no bug.


    Thanks for the clarification. Its not well known nor is this feature highlighted in regards to officers, that is why people are in the dark. Obvious from the OP's post and what I have told you from my guild experience in which no one knew what was going on.

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