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Posts posted by Caeliux

  1. No one was QQ'ing. I was just wondering why I have more damage in the warzone than outside the warzone.


    A hint,


    Bolster has problems, they are still trying to fix it.


    The game is bugged to bloody hell.

  2. A yellow post on this would be great but I know i'm not getting it... This bolster thing is stupid.


    You shall get no yellow post for QQ, its because they are working on the problem that exist in these threads.


    I will give you a example,


    Thanks for the threads guys! I have read through a million complaints about the Bolster, and we have been working on it this whole time. For those of you that don't understand game development patience is the key when dealing with whining spoiled rotten gamers that can't sit back and enjoy the small things in a game. I understand your mad about Bolster, just take a look http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=3884021.


    For the millionth time we are working on the problems in the game, once its fixed then you will know. Thanks for all the QQ threads.


    -Fake Bioware


    That is what they are thinking.

  3. 1. No open world PvP It exist, gotta make it happen.

    2. Broken bolster system We know, dead horse.

    3. Exploits such as scamper exploit and augment exploit Welcome to mmos.

    4. Warzone rotation broken Herp a Derp.

    5. Pre mades going against people who queue solo It's called PVP.

    6. Incorrect mod prices (you can buy the bracers cheaper than the mod alone) Cry me a river.

    7. STILL PRE SEASON?!?! Really?

    8. Bioware doing nothing about it with their non existant PvP team. Your reaching.

    9. Stuns/broken resolve system Resolve is working as intended.


    My answers in Red.

  4. you just bashed one of the best pvp classes imo....you probably only play ranged and never figured out how to play a sent/mara


    Weird, my sent is over 2100 rating and I play it every nite.


    Also how is this bashing my class,


    Without team support and the correct focus, Marauder gets melted by teams that hard focus you when you are messing with the other teams healer.


    I posted this right after 2.0 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=627470


    I truly see what you feel OP, its the sole reason I am playing my Merc and OP atm, Sent is boring and hard to play unless your team is focusing with you and your healer can keep you alive long enough after the other teams range snares, knockback, stun, and los you till your dead.


    Sure Marauder/Sent is amazing in the right circumstance, and is amazing on focusing kiting healers, but when focused you get dropped like a sack of potatoes with one global by snipers and sorcs.


    Explain to me where in my post I am bashing my class.


    I agree with OP with his/her frustration, where does that mean I am bashing?


    You are taking my post to a level where you didn't read what I posted and is mad about my facts.


    The life of sent/mar is hard to deal with vs stacked range teams these days, wanna know why?


    Cause ranked teams are so dam scared of smash/sweep premades that they are countering with 2 sniper and a sorc dps range burst/ cc to counter smash build sent/mar and guardian/jugg teams.


    Only someone like me that plays ranked would know this, so next time you try to post anything to discredit me you better bring it like Floyd Mayweather.



  5. I'll 1v1 you! :eek:

    Anyone focused by a team will drop once defensive CDs are down................lmao

    but down by 1 global CD, what are you smoking my sent has 29k HP buffed, no need for bolster ill wtfpwn you =P


    When does 1 vs 1 happen in ranked?


    Do you know what hard focus means?


    Ranked isn't Arena, so everything you are saying is irrelevant.


    Oh please. We are not dependent on our team, and we most certainly do not get dropped by snipers and Sorcs. We drop them. Those are two of the easiest targets to kill in pvp. :rolleyes: I really wish bads would stop spreading false information about this class.


    Sniper and Sorc easy kills?


    Then the range you are facing isn't hard switching focus on your melee, their healer isn't healing or geting peeled, and your dps is more aggressive than their defense.


    I like to see you face any of the top rated guilds on the Bastion with that mind set, then you will understand what I am saying.


    Snare, knockback, focus, dead.


    That is the life of alot of melee unless you are pro and understand not to overextend and los your healers.

  6. I have a friend who is a good PT and he is at the top of the the scoreboard in terms of DPS almost every game.


    I play on my marauder with him, we try and focus targets and coordinate together and enemies just drop real fast. Just watching him kill people, PT looks pretty powerful. Barely played mine though since 2.0 so my perspective is limited.


    Is it harder to play than before 2.0? Yes. Is the burst weaker? Yes. But I see PTs doing well all the time still. Seems fine to me.


    When it comes to rateds, that is a different metagame discussion, but I still think IN COMBINATION with good players of other classes (marauder, sniper) PTs could still be useful.


    I agree, the combo with a PT and a Marauder is a amazing combo due to 2 aoe cc's and focus damage.


    Some people think the nerf to damage made PT garbage and will argue till they are blue in the face telling everyone that, and I will disagree every single time knowing the moves PT has that isn't damage are utility moves that help a rank team win.


    Pull, aoe and single taunts, aoe cc, heavy armor, ect, makes PT a utility dps class, which means it can help focus dps and cc vs rank teams.


    Only good players understand that, the bad players worry about damage and probably don't even get 5k protection points in any match.

  7. Without team support and the correct focus, Marauder gets melted by teams that hard focus you when you are messing with the other teams healer.


    I posted this right after 2.0 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=627470


    I truly see what you feel OP, its the sole reason I am playing my Merc and OP atm, Sent is boring and hard to play unless your team is focusing with you and your healer can keep you alive long enough after the other teams range snares, knockback, stun, and los you till your dead.


    Sure Marauder/Sent is amazing in the right circumstance, and is amazing on focusing kiting healers, but when focused you get dropped like a sack of potatoes with one global by snipers and sorcs.

  8. Exactly.


    PT Pyro burst was overtuned, period. They tried to nerf it first by limiting range on some abilities, and ultimately redefined the BH role which is now DoT and AoE. The spec still has the same damage potential, capable of reaching the same numbers...only spread out among multiple targets now instead of a single burst target.


    Is that good/bad? Depends on who you ask. The good PTs are still making it work, the bads are complaining. PT brings more to the table for ranked matches than just burst, but those who were dependent on it are crying foul and don't see any use for the class anymore. Contrary to popular forum belief, burst is not the be-all-end-all of PvP.


    PT Pyro + Engineering or even Lethality Sniper on a team can spread around a ton of AoE and DoT damage over a very large area. Throw down some other AoE, and no healer can keep up. Instead of burning down targets 1 by 1 with focus fire, you've just wiped out several players at once. Every single warzone map can benefit from that kind of strategy.


    ^ Good post and exactly my thought process.

  9. Another lecture on pride, honor, and fortitude in the context of a computer game..


    Another excuse condoning people quitting, and the old "Well it's a video game, lets ruin everyone else's time with egotistical quitting in PVP.


    How cute.

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