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Everything posted by kiroshei

  1. nope. shroud doesnt stop direct dmg. mara's pally bubble stops everything.
  2. believe it. rogues complained about the pally bubble and guess what the response was. "i cant believe an op rogue would complain about this"....so did mages, etc etc..... your post does nothing lol
  3. see. lol. exactly what i'm talking about. i bet these trolls dont even remember what brang that line up to begin with. they will just hold onto it.
  4. it was actually meant to say "what if the Maurader pushes the fight to a different level"....clearly though it doesnt matter what i say because all the butthurt mara's defending their op ability will just believe whatever they like.. its all good though. doesnt change anything. in response to that they will say "noob, you followed a mara that had full resolve and hasnt used ud yet"...so and so on. its neverending with the trolls defending their op abilities. its expected. i'm fine with that. sorry for not being mr perfect. in the end the topic is still up and youre all still bumping it over an "iphone" debate and not the topic at hand lol either way i win. when the pvp team fixes the ability i'll bump the thread again to show you i won. if they never bother to fix it the thread is buried and i had a good laugh at the sillyness in this community.
  5. Wrong. Comparing to WoW bumped this thread so much the pvp team has taken notice to this issue. Whether they choose to fix it or not is up to them. You'd be surprised how comparing a game that rips off wow to wow works.
  6. Agreed. People whining that its going to cripple their class obviously rely on it too much. Which is exactly what the pally's did pre-nerf.
  7. Whats funny is how typo can be concluded to credability. I meant to say if you are pushed to another level. Didnt mean to imply the mara was doing it. Healers never position themselves on the same level/area as their melee. They are always outside the fight or on an upper level. Btw i kill healers just fine without a godmode button. Maybe youre doing it wrong. Or perhaps you just rely on it too much. Thanks for the free bump though
  8. premades are where the mara/sent problem is going to shine son. havent you been paying attention? losing to a class isn't the issue. this isnt an "omg i got 2 shot by an operative" thread. those threads are so 2 months ago. same type of responses though as yours. they still got the nerf bat. go figure eh.
  9. make your own thread then and dont let the....nvm. just leave.
  10. what if you are pushed to a different level. leaps to you. and pops it there? we can play this "if" pvp game all day. regardless its stupid that a dps class gets a full dmg output godmode ability while being healed.
  11. wrong. as a ret pally i didnt use my bubble to heal in arena before it was nerfed. i had a HEALER for that. i used the bubble to do mad dmg while being godmode. which is what this ability does with full resolve. once blizzard added the dmg reduction ret pally became useless in pvp with wow because they didnt have that godmode ability anymore. so people went with dk's instead.. which were the new godmode class at the time. everyone always rolls the easysauce. this is the same with any mmo.
  12. Yes. Having 8 full battlemaster geared players beat on you and you not die is intended. While it only takes 1 battlemaster geared player to kill a tank. Perhaps move this ability to the AC tank specs instead. Why should a dps get a godmode button? Ret pallies got the godmode button and look what they did with it before blizzard nerfed it. Casually i never cared. Rated warzones however this is way too OP.
  13. This is true. Its also true for every melee class in this game. Noone is saying to take away your survivability. Take away your dmg/healing during this defense though. Or one or the other. Right now you get full dmg output & full healing recieved while being godmode. Its silly.
  14. i understand this completely. which is why this is a "perfect pvp world without any dynamic pvpers" post....
  15. ya know i remember an attitude like that about operatives when their nerf threads showed up. guess what. they still got nerfed. what you all fail to realize is you are bringing this to the attention of the pvp team everytime you post. whether it be constructive, thoughtful, insulting or just plain immature. so ty lol
  16. i dont think any class should be able to survive an entire team attacking them unless they are tanks. thats my opinion. but here we are. a dps class has a tanking ability. i'm not playing this perfect world pvp scenerio you and others keep mentioning. its pointless. good pvpers only use certain abilities when its an extreme advantage.
  17. 90 seconds cooldown for 99% ALL dmg reduction....yep thats such a long time. must be hard to be able to use it all the time. hey lets just make it so it only reduces white dmg instead. that way my force abilities break through and do full dmg. why is your force so much stronger then my force? lol
  18. Yes and using the ability now where a whole team cant kill you is working as intended? I'm not saying my idea is perfect. I just want the pvp team to rethink it. Maybe like the other guy said just reduce healing by 100% so it cant be abused with pocket healers and medpacks. If you have any suggestions other then its fine and l2p....feel free.
  19. The point of the ability is to be used defensively. You shouldnt be using it to kill opponents. You should be using it to survive dire situations. Right now its not being used to survive the majority of the time because its already on CD for being used to kill a few ppl. Same as rets used to do. Whats worse is the cooldown is fast and gets reduced by the pvp set. Making it used all that much more often. Hell, keep it the way it is but increase the cooldown to 4 minutes. Personally i'd rather leave it alone and just have a dmg/healing reduction.
  20. yeah because you losing your dps during your roflstomp bubble is going to completely destroy your class right? lol geez. WHOOSH! Thats the sound of it going way over your head. Thanks though.
  21. and when you cant because he only popped it at full resolve what do you do then? oh. you run and kite....and he leaps to you....what do you do then? LOL god these "perfect pvp world" posts are a crack up.
  22. as if the hp loss matters. the hp loss is a joke. thats why most mara's in huttball use the ability at 10% hp to make it even more of a joke. use your medpack and get one heal and its already pointless that you even lost the hp to begin with. there is no "omg i should reconsider using this ability". that however isn't the main problem. the main problem is those that have the heals that use it at 50% and dont care. incoming ventrilo "hey johnny going to pop this get some hots up" .... if you dont agree its OP for a dps to get full dps while this ability is up fine. i think youre wrong though and it will be abused in rated.
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