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  1. Its a pvp server, you should expect this kind of behavior. I was questing the other day when a group of 50's were attacking an outpost and slaying all the players in it, best you can do is either, A. Get a bunch of friendly 50's to help kill them, or B. D: pvp and come back later
  2. I have a question and a suggestion, why is it that people who get the speeder from the invite a friend goes up to 110% movement speed, but the speeder one gets from the collectors edition only goes up to 90%? Do you see the problem here? People who spent over $150 get the short end of the stick here, its just a suggestion but i believe this is unfair to the people who pretty much paid real money for an in-game item. I suggest they change it so the collectors edition speeder also goes up to 110%.Thanks for reading
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