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Posts posted by Vicelord

  1. Man, its a PVP server!! The Empire and Republic are supposed to be at friggin war!! If I could I would camp FP entrances so the other team can't finish them but oh wait all FP entrances are in the fleet. I have no issue with lowbie griefing, making it harder for them to advance in the game. Many of you guys are straight up care bears and don't know the first thing about a pvp server. All this "fair" nonsense - cry me a river. I remebember getting corpse camped on EQ's Sullen Zek server, not for hours but for a full day, bards wiping 80 man raids with trains of mobs, waking up early in order to raid and avoid pvp in the dungeon, posting a group at raid entrances to kill the other team if they tried to disrupt. Thats real ****, this "fair" stuff is hilarious.
  2. I unsubscribed this past Saturday, here are my reasons -


    1. When I watched the initial previews for the game, I thought the pvp was going to be awesome. I mean the CGI scenes featured huge battles of Jedi vs Sith, I thought the pvp would reflect that epic scale. No such luck with 4, 8 vs 8 warzones.


    2. Open world pvp is not rewarded or promoted in anyway. There are no open world dungeons, this means both teams sit and there fleets and q up. The game does not feel like war at all.


    3. The gear sets are all the same, meaning that everyone runs around looking alike. Orange crafted in 1.2 changed little because the orange shells could only be created and set bonuses transferred on the new gear.


    4. Repetitive endgame


    5. Low server populations and no mergers in a timely fashion.


    6. Lack of an overall vision for pvp, feels tacked on


    Thats just off the top of my head

  3. DAOC was the game right before WOW made MMO's commercial... It at its peak had about 250,000 players, nobody knew what an MMO was back then, It was incredibly difficult to level, no mainstream questing etc. WOW mainstreamed MMO's if DAOC came out with today's technology it would trump all, but that is just my opinion. The only people that might know what I am talking about probably played UO as well.. These were the parent games of the MMO genre.


    Salarin, I played on the pvp server Sullen Zek in the first Everquest. 3 factions, open world dungeons, token pvp rewards. There were no instances and it actually felt like outright war. Disrupting the other factions raids was par for the course. I have heard great things about DAOC, and I know you must have heard the news that one of the creative minds behind DAOC is designing the pvp system, here is a link to an interview with him, skip to 11 minutes in:




    Long story short, he is putting in open world dungeons, three factions and gear rewards for open world pvp, and open world pvp objectives.

  4. If you want open world PvP then hang out in the enemy's territory. I seriously doubt Bioware is going to make it harder to level up by moving quests to force more encounters... PvP servers are designed to give you the option to hunt other players, not have an endless stream of them come right to you. If you want that, play warzones... otherwise go hunting in enemy territory if you want fights.


    As far as better open world PvP at 50, I'd love to see it. I still have hopes for DAoC style mass battles some day, but I would be utterly shocked if any open world PvP changes happened within the next 6 months. I remember the devs saying something like "we want to change it but we haven't decided how yet" a couple of months ago in regards to Ilum, and I am going to assume that until they say differently that answer still holds true. It's not that they don't want to add more open world PvP, it's that they have probably 9-15 months of stuff that's higher priority to do first. I'm hoping for a non-warzone PvP revamp some time in 2013 but I mainly play TOR for PvE (even on PvP servers) so I'm content to wait. If you want open world PvP soon, you may want to find a different game.


    I generally assume that "ignored" issues in the Q&As are simply not yet in preliminary development and therefore there is no information to report (hence the lack of answers). So assume any question that is consistently asked and never answered has the answer "not anytime soon, but maybe in 3+ major patches" and you will probably not be far off...


    I don't know about you, but riding around on my speeder for an hour to find one fight is pretty ridiculous. The Rakghoul event was a boon for pvp simply because it made the two teams interact more. If they made enemy characters drop commedations or something this would make people want to fight open world. That could be done in a patch.


    And the whole, they are only answering questions on stuff that is in development? Cmon look at some of the questiosn they answered:


    I love the new armor color "unify" feature. Will this option (as well as "hide head armor") ever be available for companions?

    Lovarboy: Will we get dual spec with Game Update 1.3?


    Capthxc: Any plans to improve your achievement system and/or codex? Right now achievements don’t seem to serve any purpose.


    JimG: Is there any sort of ETA on adding completely new playable species into the game such as Togruta, Mon Calamari, Nautolan, etc.?


    Daniel: Can’t comment on what species you might see, but you can expect the roster of playable species to expand... this year.


    They could have replaced any of those questions with a pvp addressed question.

  5. What are these PvP questions that people are complaining about not getting answers to?


    Ranked warzones? They're coming as soon as possible... that's been stated multiple times. A date will be announced when the devs themselves know one.


    Open world PvP? Play on a PvP server and you can gank enemies while they quest all you want. You'll have to hunt for them, since planets are pretty big and there aren't going to be huge hordes of enemies on one planet (usually) but I certainly get ganked from time to time on PvP servers so I know there are people looking for open world fights.


    If you're wanting revamped Ilum or objective based open world PvP then that's not something you can expect the Q&A to address, because they're trying to talk about current features and things that are in active development, not stuff they'd maybe like to eventually do some day. PvP is about warzones and occasionally ganking someone on a PvP server (either deliberately or during the occasional run-in in a shared quest area). That won't change any time soon other than having ranked WZs added in... 1.3 is going to be more legacy stuff and grouping aids (and it's going to be a smaller than usual update). 1.4 will almost certainly be story and content based since 1.3 will be light on that. If you're very, very lucky then 1.5 might have some sort of non-WZ PvP content, but that's the absolute earliest I'd expect to see it and I don't see the devs spending much Q&A time about features that they probably haven't even started doing preliminary design on and which could easily be a year or more away.


    I expect them to address the fact that there is currently no difference between pve servers and pvp. The questing areas between teams are far apart so very rarely do you have any fights while questing. There are no rewards for open world pvp. Why not? What ways are they going to increase pvp encounters in the open world? What are they doing with ilum right now? How soon for new huttball arenas? This game is supposed to be a universe at war and instead it doesn't feel that way at all. I think the game is very good looking and the controls play well but as an avid pvper I am disappointed. I expect bioware to address the disappointment that I and others feel and tell us what their plans are. I pay 15 dollars a month for this and expect good pvp content. If not, then I will tough it out until Guild Wars 2, where the pvp seems highly ambitious and not a throwaway afterthought

  6. 1.2 brought PvPers a new Warzone and the Rakghoul world event... That's a lot more than many MMO's get in a patch; for many MMO's that's a once every expansion kind of thing.


    Says the guy with 8 toons from 2 different PVE servers. Mind your pve business. 1.2 brought a new WZ, but got rid of Ilum, the only place where you could get into "open world" fights with rewards.:mad: PvPers have many legitimate questions that are pressing. Many of us will be leaving if Bioware doesn't show some effort in creating a more robust PvP system.

  7. The PvP server my main is on, I get reemed if I kill someone in Ilum (prior patch 1.2 when you had to collect those things), all because server PvP is SO dead that when someone dies to it, it's a big deal.



    Theif! Just not sure what race yet.



    I'm thinking Asura Necro - I imagine death shroud will be pretty nice in pvp. Also considering Warrior or Ranger! Oh the choices!!!

  8. Well first off, I know it is convenient to have everything basically in fleet, but FP entrances should be in Neutral locations that have to be traveled to. That way on pvp server the chance of having a random fight would increase. Just one idea
  9. Yeah, promoted maybe, taking place nope. But hey, what's everyone say that can't discuss a point "just re-roll on a server that is populated"... so yeah, thanks for the bump.


    Damn, sorry again about your luck. Any time I went to the event area on Tatt, I had some good fights. Griefed a guy for awhile, got jumped a couple times, jumped a couple people, and had a bunch of good one on one fights. Also got a nice green/black saber with 41 expertise.


    That being said, I agree that the pvp on this game is a total afterthought for a variety of reasons and has been a huge disappointment for me. I just thought the Rakghoul event was a pvp bright spot for me on the game for a change. See you on the GW2 beta!

  10. The Rkghoul event promoted Open World PVP, if you missed it sorry about your bad luck, it was a ton of fun and I had some good fights with pubs I usually only see in WZ's. Not to mention it was nice to use Call on the Force and have my companion whooping *** in pvp, but whatever.......continue the QQ
  11. Bunch of communists on here "Its no fair, everyone should have equal gear". If you want pvp based only on skill, go play a "skill" based first person shooter - OH WAIT! - Gear progression is a part of every "skill" based first person shooter on the market right now. Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc all have gear/perk progression for those who play the game more. As it stands now, there is barely a reason to pvp anymore with the same 4 instanced WZ's over and over again and no open world pvp. Take away gear rewards and people will pvp even less.
  12. With the lack of set bonus transfers for rakata/columi/battlemaster sets, you haven't made synthweave/armortech that lucrative of a crafting skill compared to others even with the ability to craft orange shells with augment slots. Moving forward, do you plan on making set bonuses transfer with the armoring for rakata and battlemaster?


    Second question, with Biometric Alloy's and other end game matsnow BOE, why are the Rakata Belts and Bracers still BOP? Synthweavers need more of a chance to earn creds.

  13. They have. It's called Augmented Armour.


    Seriously, allowing people to craft and sell Rakatta gear at this stage would be absurd. While part of me likes the idea of being able to skip three mini-tiers of gear as soon as I hit 50 (Epic 50/51 daily mods, Tionese gear and Columi gear) and acquire the fourth without doing anything other than spending credits... it isn't a good idea.


    Jesus man, its not a full set of rakata, just the belt and bracers!

  14. Thanks for the warning on another misleading "feature".


    This game has so much potential it is scary. let's hope the communities patience is up to the challenge of waiting for Bioware to become a pro MMO development manager.


    Communication on 1.2 has been terrible. Proof of this is in the endless confusion post go live. Stop with the shiny movies and actually explain what will and will not work with these patches.



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