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  1. Hey a returning player here. Read the post was looking to join myself. Pm if you need anymore info
  2. Hey i don't mind the whole Pvping on Illum. But i want a reason to. Right now i go to do my daily and leave and im a rank 50 pvper valor. But forceing us to pvp just to get a daily done is foolish. We should get more. Maybe Merc comm or something right now having to find people to kill along with capping the area is just not worth anything. What will it prove? Mass battle till Quotas are met and people leaving? There will be no other reason to go. Or how about this.... make a pact with 2 different guilds on the server each kill for quota and leave.... it stops nothing. On our server we have a republic guild and a Imp guild so all i have to do is tell our other faction to just keep spawning for us to kill and we so the same till we are done. in the end it fixes nothing. Barely anyone is on illum as it is. World Pvp is useless other then getting my **** done. This just make my day longer trying to get it done. But the risk does not beat the reward at all. Add a reason for me to be there other then a champ bag which all i have to do is get 200 comms. again foolish
  3. I find my Quinn healing for 500-700 when i pimped him out. Just got the talz going to pimp him out to see if he is decent in a few levels. Does anyone know what to stats for tanks absorption or defense rating
  4. Hey all i wanted to know what companions you guys use that is most viable. I myself would like to use One of the Tanks guys but i always see myself having Quinn even tho i don't like the guy. I get no Downtime with him what so ever so i see no reason i use anything else. What do you guys use that kill really fast to almost no stop pulls
  5. I had this same problem with a few friends of mind. If you think about what else is slicing for.... We can't make item all we get is augments.... We have no other use then getting money. We can't make items. And by taking sliceing we can't make better items if we take a crafting skill cause you need a third skill in order to produce any useable and reasonable items.
  6. Ok... Number one is. What are main stats you need other then endurance and str. I was thinking power....and alacrity. Don't know if I spelled that one right but oh we'll. Second is there any hooded robes out there that is medium armor. I feel like a robocop\cyborg with all the machinery on me. Need it to be able modded. If no oh we'll I'll deal with black talon thing I'll been wearing for 20 levels now
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