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Everything posted by medicmedic

  1. Yeah this kinda suprised us too yesterday. We did our first timerun with only one wipe (stupid minefield) nevertheless. Everybody stood beside the tank & had their back to the wall so that no one gets knockbock (not even if somebody gets aggro). We got lucky with the left row =)
  2. Nimbatus @ Jar'Kai Sword (GER) - 21:47 Kephess: http://i.imgur.com/Yhl4P.jpg
  3. Guild: Nimbatus Server: Jar'Kai Sword Toth / Zorn - 21:57 UTC: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=screenshot_2012-11-15tlohb.jpg (my guildmate forgot to add the time & date -> but you can see the time @ the minimap for this one (UTC+1) = 21:57 UTC) Firebrand & Stormcaller - 22:51 UTC: http://i.imgur.com/TK5DO.jpg Colonel Vorgath - 23:11 UTC: http://i.imgur.com/tWuGO.jpg
  4. Nimbatus: TfB HC 8er heute die ersten 3 Bosse gekillt - 4. boss in 2 trys zu 7 (1 dd disco bei 70%) auf 22% :-) Wir werden die ID wahrscheinich ned fertig machen, da wir heute nur aufgrund von mangelnder Teinahme 8er statt 16er HC gegangen sind - Sonntag gehen dann die anderen Member 8er um die Bosse kennenzulernen =) Gz an alle die bereits einige Bosse down haben =) lg Zorzal
  5. Here an idea for a "nice to have" feature for the group finder (maybe sb else already opened a thread - dunno): It would be great if i could queue with more characters for the group finder At the momentan i got 4 lvl 50 chars (full t4 sorc heal, t3/t4 pt tank, t3+ sabo heal, t3/t4 maro dd). I dont care what char and role i play as long i dont have to wait like forever. I mostly use the groupfinder to help others (always need of tank/heals eh? ) / get to know new people or just because i am bored But queuing with more/all of my (level 50) characters would not only make my life more comfortable, it might also decrease waiting times a little bit. What do you guys think?
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