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  1. Yes, I eventally alt-tabbed out (after over 10 minutes to check the forum) ITs been like that for 10+ minutes untabbed and over 20, otherwise Yes, the little circle in the bottom right corner is still spinning.... Help?
  2. Well, being perfect honest, I would also say Abeloth, especially since, having read the entire Fate of the Jedi series, she was prety much as close to one of the Ancients known as "The One" - and since they we're insanely powerful (sufficent enough to grant the Kiliks the Force, and then later to strip them of it), and she became as close to an equal of them...I think the answer is really pretty straight forward.
  3. *sigh* do you REALISE what you're basically saying about the sentinel then? "I'm OP and need to be nerfed" If the 'balance' between two classes is *so* one sided, then clearly BW have gone wrong somewhere and need to either buff or nerf as appropriate (and you know development teams - they prefer to nerf than buff). A fight between an average sentinel and average shadow *should*, balance being correct, be a 50-50 split on wins (or close enough anyway).
  4. It's quite simple, every class has 1 of each of: melee tank, melee dps, ranged tank, ranged dps, and a healer (plus the droid, but he doesn't count). As a consular, our melee tank is Qyzen, Nadia is our melee dps. As a result - nadia doesn't get a tank stance, since she's not a tank.
  5. The one question I have about Shadow Tanks...when levelling, what the hell sort of shields are we supposed to use? I took artificer as my crew skill, and it seems, BW forgot to include +WP shields to the list...there's +str (Jedi knight tanks afaik) and aim (trooper tanks), but not WP ones... Have they mentioned if they're planning on adding some into the artificer crew skill sometime, or are they just screwing us over during levelling?
  6. Sam'antha on Bloodfin, played pretty much from launch to NGE, tried it, didn't like it, quit. Made Jedi pre-CU, and ran the small (almost all Jedi) guild: Exile.
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