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10 Good

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  • Location
    Milton Keynes
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    Karate, Electric Guitar
  • Occupation
    Product Engineer
  1. So other than reruns and a few hours of PvE story to play through what are we getting for and I quote "Largest Expansion To Date" ? To launch a new PvE expansion that raises the level cap but does not introduce a new operation is a massive disappointment. I will enjoy playing the old Operations & Flashpoints again. I understand and fully support the need for the developers to revise the existing Elder Game PvE content. However, why could this not have been done by the maintenance team as patch 3.whatever and get most of this work done. (Yes I accept this would only mean level 60 and not 65.) But then moving everything up to level 65 with the new expansion would have been less work for the team working on it. You could have then dedicated more time to new content in the expansion.
  2. I to would like to see player housing in game. But BW need to address our social hubs first. The fleet has seen some improvements of late, but aside from the bazaar, all you get are people standing around the PvP & PvE armour vendors like spare ones at a wedding. The central part by the bars is still dead. Not to mention the larger cantinas on planets. Then I think BW should develop our ships I want to be able to customise the interior and exterior. And get a new bigger vessel. My Trooper has gone from Sgt. to Major and I still have the same ship! To support this BW will have to, not only provide new items via CM, but also have new crafting skills for furniture, making etc. After that then I think we will all be in a better position to judge how and where to implement player housing on planets. For me though I do not want player housing on every planet. I think the only suitable planets currently are: Dromund Kaas, Coruscant and Nar Shadda. All other planets are not viable for story and narrative reasons. I do not want people to be able to put houses in the middle of quest areas (it ruined SWG). Housing areas need to be instanced, because if they are not it will slow planets down, clutter up the scenary and no one wants to travel past endless abandoned player cities. (again it ruined SWG). Need to be above level 40 to get your first house. Bigger houses/homes will be unlocked as your social rank increases. You will gain social rank from fps and other social group events/quests. Thats my starter for 10.
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