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Posts posted by shyroman

  1. Operatives at low levels aren't that great compared to the others, but once you get the level 30 skill, you will start to consistently be at or near the top. It's an instant cast that requires TA but is refreshes a TA if the target is below 30% health. With the skill that gives a chance for the level 20 skill HoT to give you a TA, you will rarely need to cast and you'll be able to spam those 2 abilities, making you unable to be shut down. I forget the names of the skills.
  2. I think the bigger issue here and your avoiding it is that it stops you from getting past some bosses without having to do them. Look I get it you dont wana have to do every boss is every mission some people do. I personaly dont care but be honest with us and yourself. You issue is that you are pullig bosses you try and sneak past while members of the group are able to get past without being stealthed. It sucks. But dont try and say its anything other then what it really is.


    The problem isn't that we can't stealth past and avoid bosses, i have no problem with mechanics stopping that, it's that some mobs can see stealthers that are farther away than their agro range. For burst stealthers like operatives, that makes a huge problem because they have to stay much farther away from the boss then the rest of the group, and when adding in the fact that they don't have any quick gap closer, they lose a lot of dps, or they can start out of stealth and then they can't get their opening burst.

  3. People are forgetting the sniper with cull and followthrough, or engineers with corrosive grenade, or full lethality with interrogation probe. No matter how you look at this class, they will be way op.
  4. Lol you are sadly mistaken. As usual, the sniper comes up with all of these seemingly wonderful ways they have of keeping the sentinel at range while the senrinel will just stay in one spot and take it all. :eek: Good luck with that in an actual fight. May sound good on paper, but in reality not so much. We counter you, not the other way around. The only counter to sentinels is a darkness assassin in dps gear, along with their republic counterparts. But hey, who am I to stop you from thinking you are a hard counter. Be all that you can be man. :D I guess all of the snipers on my server just suck.


    I find it funny that you keep on saying that but you're not actually giving proof on how you can counter us better than we can counter you. I missed a few things but NoTomorrow covered everything and instead of trying to argue against us you just keep on saying that you're better since there isn't a good argument against us.

  5. I keep seeing people post this misinformation. They are not a counter to sentinels or marauders. We are actually a counter to them. Picking off someone in a warzone who's in a group fighting someone else doesn't mean you are a counter. Try 1v1ing a sentinel in any of your specs and see how well you do. :rolleyes: We have so many ways to counter your class.


    I'm sorry, but us snipers and slingers have more ways to counter your class than you have for ours. We have jump immunity, interrupt immunity, cc immunity with entrench/hunker down, leg shot, a knockback with a root, another knockback if in marksman/sharpshooter tree. A ranged mez and a melee stun. You have cloak of pain, force camouflage, something that reduces accuracy by 90% (can't remember name), something that increases melee and ranged defense by a bit (can't remember how much or the name), undying rage, and intimidating roar.

    If you get close to us first we will knock you back, you are force to camouflage or use cc breaker or else you will die quickly from us free casting. Get back in again and we pop entrench and knock you back with ambush, then leg shot you. If you reduce our accuracy, we will reduce your accuracy with our first marksman tree ability. If you use ravage, we will hard stun you, and if you use indying rage, we will flash bang you. Both force choke and intimidating roar are useless since we have entrench up. Not to mention we have orbital strike which will discourage you from coming into melee range. If you are smash spec then we can have up to 60% damage reduction from skill trees.

    I am using marksman spec in this argument since they counter them the best.

  6. False, slash has a higher base dmg than massacre, only reason massacre is usually better is because of the ataru proc. While zen/fury is up you're attacking every 1.0 seconds. The cooldown of ataru procs is 1.5 seconds. Hence, it's better to alternate between massacre and slash only during zen/fury.


    Massacre also has an extra 30% crit damage from the skill tree while slash doesn't. Add on the automatic proc as well which puts massacre a bit above slash. There is also a chance that massacre will proc an additional ataru form hit, just like any other melee attack. The massacre ataru hit and the normal ataru hit are not related when considering when they could proc.

  7. Anni. . .





    He was, at the end of the third movie, there were 2 Jedi and 2 sith in the main storyline. I would call that bringing balance.

    But with this thread, my favorite part would have to be first setting foot in this game back in early access, I am a huge Star Wars fan and have been closely monitoring this game ever since it was announced. Least favorite would be constantly seeing 2-3 other people on the fleet during prime time when my server was dead.

  8. I think you're underestimating yourself a bit with your medals.

    Most snipers in low levels should be able to get:

    Killing blow

    2.5k hit

    10 kills

    75k damage

    Plus a range of objective medals depending on map

    If your not getting these fairly consistent, then I would say you just need some practice, and to learn some of the counters of the heavy hitting abilities of other classes. Keybinds are also helpful, but aren't necessary to be decent. You're also at the level where you will start dominating in warzones. If you want to play at an elite level though, that requires much more time to learn all of the strengths and weaknesses of other classes plus key binds for all of your damage and utility abilities. Remember to stay as far away as you can from everyone else, you have a 35 m range on most of your abilities and as long as you're in cover the pesky marauders won't bother you

  9. You could pvp your way to 50 and only do the class quest, but if you don't want to do that, you can just do the flashpoints that don't have much of a story content, or you can skip through all of the conversations, but I assume you are role playing so that last idea might not work too well.
  10. Ok, how many of you we're in spawn when and inc was called, or died at a node and wanted to quickly get back to it. If you have played the civil war quite a few times, I know you have. If someone calls east/west you have to find whether east/west is left or right in relation to your spawn point, which takes away some time for most people. However if someone calls snow/grass, all you have to do is look at which side is green and which side is white, which is very easy when looking at the area from above. Also, do you really think that everyone in the game is intelligent enough to quickly determine where east and west are in relation to their character.
  11. Yeah, I thought of that after I posted this, but a quick easy way to fix that would be to get valor while getting medals, and only get comms if the warzone is completed and put a lockout timer for quitting warzones like they have group finder to stop people from quitting the warzone once they get 8 medals and requeueing right away
  12. I know that lots of people will dismiss this immediately, but just hear me out. We can all agree that there is correlation between gear level and valor rank. This isn't always true but a high valor rank player will almost always have a higher gear level than someone with a low valor rank. I am suggesting that there should be three brackets for level 50's. valor rank 0-55, 56-75, and 76-100. Players in the first bracket will range from fresh 50's that pvp'd their way to 50 to people that rarely pvp, neither will have amazing gear. I picked 55 because it gives players that pvp'd to 50 a chance to finish gearing to battlemaster for the next level to stay competitive. Players in the second bracket will have a good understanding of their class will have had a chance to get battlemaster gear (war hero when 1.6 comes out) which will close the gear gap. Those at the higher end of this bracket will have an advantage since they will have had a chance to get war hero gear (elite war hero in 1.6) but that isn't too much different then what it is right now, it's just that the low end will have a much better chance of rivaling them. The highest bracket will have people that have pretty much mastered their class and the gear level will be very similar, normal war hero at bottom and augmented min/maxed gear at the top. This will make 50 pvp much more competitive, no more war hero people walking over fresh recruit 50's. The only people that wouldn't fit into these exact categories would be people the start pvp at 50 and continue to gear.
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