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Everything posted by Lammynator

  1. I don't hate Baras because I think he's just being who he is, which is a Sith. Deception, manipulation, and cruelty. What I didn't like is how they made him a fat character. I have nothing against fat people. I just don't think it fits him because his comic book character was, well, a thinner old man. As far as his voice is concerned I think he sounds a lot like Hugo Weaving, which is a good thing by the way. So yeah, not going to spoil anything, but the fact that he is fat bothers me because of what I envisioned him from the comic books and the books. Seriously, how do you go from this http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514003532/starwars/images/thumb/2/24/Sith_Lord_Baras.jpg/250px-Sith_Lord_Baras.jpg to this? http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111230023351/starwars/images/3/31/Darth_Baras_Sith_Armor.jpg
  2. I finished Act 3 the other night as a male DS Marauder, and I think that the story was quite good the whole way through. I do agree that some of the DS/LS choices didn't make any sense because I'd rather recruit someone useful to me so I can make them my puppets and do my dirty work hahaha.... Here are a few things I thought were quite cool about the DS storyline I didn't like
  3. She's full of crap claiming credit for the work you did and she's weak. She deserved to die at my hands.
  4. Darth Bane - because of said reasons by previous poster, and I read his trilogy. I think a close second would be Malgus as he appears more rational about things and have a sense of honor, at least that's what I gathered from Deceived.
  5. Possible spoiler: On a side note: Darth Bane and Darth Malgus are so far my favorite Sith's. Vader may be awesome, but Episode 1-3 ruined it for me. Damn you Hayden Christensen!!!
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