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Everything posted by DarthCrawl

  1. Vanguard is now recruiting powertech or assassin tanks to fill available raid spot! Please apply @ vanguardguild.com or contact one of the following players in game. Sheiva Digler
  2. Bump. Looking for skilled tank and/or healer.
  3. Bump. Looking for Assassin or Powertech tank. Possible need for a operative or Sorc healer.
  4. [E] <Vanguard> Still active with one solid 8 man group and accepting quality raiders Raid Monday & Thursday 8pm pacific http://vanguardguild.com
  5. Vanguard would like to find "that special someone" to join our ranks. Not able to progress through HM SnV with your current guild? Tired of sitting on the sidelines? Join us today and prove you are worthy of joining a high caliber raid group. Apply @ vanguardguild.com today!
  6. Tired of joining guilds that recruit you for their "B" and "C" raid teams? Looking for a new home where you'll be surrounded by players who have been raiding together since launch? Check out http://www.vanguardguild.com or http://www.vanguardswtor.com now and fill out an application. Don't delay, we only have a few spots left on our 8-man team.
  7. BUMP! Recruiting open across the board in prep for expansion. Join our ranks, you won't regret it.
  8. BUMP! We are recruiting in prep for expansion
  9. Still looking for that special somebody. What to expect from <Vanguard> friendly players, yet focused and serious when it comes to raid time. PVE: We are currently raiding HM TFB and our end goal is to raid NiM EC and prepare for the next expansion. PVP: We have a solid group of players who PvP on a regular basis and are currently forming alliances with other PvP based guilds for ranked WZ's. Interested? Apply online at vanguardguild.com or send in game message to one of the following officers: Sheiva Sindle Digler Cobrakilla
  10. Still have not found solid, experienced players with good raid awareness. Currently recruiting Sorc/Operative healers and DPS (Mara Preferred). Apply on our website. vanguardguild.com
  11. We are now recruiting Sorc Healers and Mara DPS to fill our ranks. Please apply at http://www.vanguardswtor.com if interested. Entry Requirements: Raid Awareness and willingness to research your class to be all you can be. Raid ready preferred.
  12. <Vanguard> Is now recruiting for a Sorc Healer and Mara DPS. LF individuals with raid awareness and raid ready preferred. Please visit our website for more information and application process at http://www.vanguardswtor.com
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