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  1. The point of this forum isn't me ranting because I hate SWTOR, because I love the game, I love the story, and will forever love Star Wars. If Bioware and Lucasarts took only a few of my suggestions, that are practical, and used them, I believe it would better the game for all players. Such as adding more fighting/force styles to all classes, especially basic force powers such as force push/pull. As well as adding more customizable options for the ships appearance and the character appearances. Make super rare crafting materials hidden throughout parts of the galaxy. Bring in more traditional style robes for Jedi and Sith. Have more perks for being completely light/dark. Open space flight and open space PvP. Make all of the caves in the game look more unique and different.
  2. - One concern I have is that finding things for your gathering skill is WAY too easy... Finding lightsaber crystals should not be this easy, Bioware needs to find a way to make it a lot more challenging, as well as specific hidden spots on different planets where you can find these materials, i.e. lightsaber crystal caves (such as the hidden one on Dantooine on KOTOR). - Allow a character to gain certain force powers depending on lightside/darkside level - There are hardley any perks or reasons to be completely light or dark. The lightside vendor allows you to purchase a couple cool things such as a speeder and sandcrawler pet and some low level gear . - Add more lightside and dark side levels and tiers - Give some more options to customize and personalize your character, such as age, height, weight, muscle mass, etc... - (This is a recap of my previous post) You should also be able to choose what type of armor and gear you have. It really bugs me that I can't be a Jedi with a double-bladed lightsaber with heavy or medium armor, or that I can't be a Jedi Guardian with 2 lightsabers. Give no limits to this. A jedi or sith should be able to put any melee weapon in their hand, again with no limits. - Same with the shooting classes, allow a smuggler to use a sniper rife if they want to. And a bounty hunter and trooper to use 2 blaster pistols if they want to. - It really bothers me as a player, that if I wanted to try wielding a doublebladed lightsaber or even duel wield on my Jedi Sage, I can't. I have to make another character and level that character. Or what if I wanted to wield a double bladed lightsaber as a Jedi knight and be a weapon master and focus very little on use of the force.. again, I can't! I hope in the future Bioware and Lucasarts will remove these limits! - And again, there should be a melee non force user class such as the bounty hunters or mandalorians that confronted Jedi with vibroswords and energy shields. - I know I'm repeating myself, but I'm going to keep posting my opinions of this game untill I see answers. - I LOVE how our characters are voiced and how you can actually talk to the quest givers and such, but one thing that bugs me is how every Jedi Consular is going to sound the same. Say I wanted to make 2 Jedi Consulars that are human male, 1 Sage and 1 Shadow. Its boring and annoying to hear both characters sound the same. Please give us more voice options, so we can make our character have the type of voice we as players think they should have. - Allow open space flight and pvp space. Also, I still can't get my joystick to work properly with the space combat Bioware has set up, very annoying. - Why is it that SWTOR insists on every light armored character, like a jedi, has to have short sleeves? It's reallly annoying! I, as well as MANY others want the traditional Jedi robes, nothing too fancy. Please make this an option for us as well as having the hood up or not. Please keep traditional Jedi/Sith robes available for all levels! - Please include an option, as a skill, to be an entertainer (similar to Galaxies), as well as some other cool skill or class add ons. - More physical appearance options (facial hair, hair, tattoos, piercings, etc...) Right now, I see way too many similar looking characters.. :/ - All of the caves in the story look the same.... please get more creative than this... - Why do our companions have to stare at us all the time? It's kinda creepy and annoying, please change this.
  3. I agree with this post, I hope that Jedi/Sith clothing/armor will have some more simple elegant options, as well as the continued battle armor. Jedi robes should be based off of the designs of KOTOR and KOTOR 2, for example http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=186743 and http://warpedproductions.echonetwork.net/robemodel.html. PLEASE stay away from stuff like this, especially for males http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/post/4581272#4581272 Lightsaber style (double blade, single blade, etc..) should not be limited to a particular class in my opinion. An idea would be to make advanced training (much like in the beginning of the game for Jedi on Tython, fighting the different "waves" of droids to prove yourself in battle) available to level 50+ characters to make another weapon/fighting style an option. Also, I think the lightsaber color should not be limited as well to dark side/light side. Many Dark Jedi have wielded a blue lightsaber, a light side Jedi should be able to wield a orange lightsaber as well. Same with purple and so on and so forth. Again, my opinion.
  4. yeah, I don't remember playing in a guild on SWG, but I do miss SWG
  5. Advanced weapon class options <-Not for everyone starting, make this something you have to work towards - ALL force user classes can weild ANY type of lightsaber & lightsaber weapon combo - short bladed lightsabers (any color) - standard lightsabers (any color) - double bladed lightsabers (any color) - dual wield lightsabers (any length and any color) - (IDEA: give short lightsabers more speed, but less strength than standard) - lightsaber in one hand(any size & any color) and a blaster pistol in the other <-make extremely difficult to gain - Every ranged shooting class should have more options to advancing their training - Every ranged class can wield any type of gun if they train specific for that - They may also train in different melee arts -Have a melee based class or allow bounty hunters, troopers, smugglers, and agents to wield in melee weapons - If trained far enough and is force sensitive, can learn to weild a lightsaber <-make extremely difficult to gain - More fighting styles/force styles need to be opened to every class - Lightsaber forms - Melee forms - Martial art based forms - Battle/shooting tactics - etc... Make extremely rare to find lightsaber crystals More customizable lightsaber hilts More ship options and customization options, ESPECIALLY looks and style of the ship (MAKE THE SHIPS ABLE TO LOOK COMPLETELY UNIQUE) -Besides more parts being able to be purchased, make a way to win parts in bets and races and such. -Also, make some very rare parts be able to be found in unknown regions of space. Add something like podracing to compete in or jousting speeders/speeders with weapons attached to compete in 1v1 combat Most Jedi and Sith throughout the history in the Star Wars Universe didn't have short sleaves. Make normal looking Jedi/Sith robes an option for everyone. Also, every mission and npc is pretty much the same.. go kill this group, recover this, etc... More Ideas to come Jenruthax
  6. Why is it that SWTOR insists on every light armored character, like a jedi, has to have short sleeves? It's reallly annoying! I, as well as MANY others want the traditional Jedi robes, nothing too fancy. Please make this an option for us as well as having the hood up or not. -Concerned Player
  7. I LOVE how our characters are voiced and how you can actually talk to the quest givers and such, but one thing that bugs me is how every Jedi Consular is going to sound the same. Say I wanted to make 2 Jedi Consulars that are human male, 1 Sage and 1 Shadow. Its boring and annoying to hear both characters sound the same. Please give us more voice options, so we can make our character have the type of voice we as players think they should have. -----------
  8. I AGREE! and also, most of the headgear for a consular looks really ridiculous! I'm a huge fan of the simple Jedi robes! ---> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/5/59/ThreeJedi.jpg&imgrefurl=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jedi&h=1870&w=1885&sz=756&tbnid=9Yp9xDylUIXlbM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=91&zoom=1&docid=S234V_q42nGS8M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=nPaaT6DNEcHK2AWV4KCbDw&ved=0CE8Q9QEwAg&dur=452
  9. Please Bioware and Lucasarts make it easier for me to fully control my ship with my joystick; I can fully move my ship and fire both lasers and rockets, but the problem is that my crosshairs stay in the middle of the screen so I can't fire at the enemies I need to while using my joystick. Please give us more control with our ship and A LOT more options for customizing our ships and having more ship choices. Please have open space flight and space pvp as well as different missions to gather items and board capital ships. Please never forget, this is Star Wars Space is CRITICAL! There are some really awesome ideas posted on this forum that would make this gaming experience amazing!
  10. Where is the awesome character customization that I thought was coming to patch 1.2? I found it! Unify colors, Show Dark Side Corruption, and show head gear.. that's all? I hope there is more coming Bioware and Lucasarts. I'm still hoping for A LOT of ways to customize, personalize, and make your character completely unique. There needs to be more crafting options, more color and design options to weapons, armor, speeders, starship design options, etc... P.S. PLEASE consider adding fighting forms and force forms so that one Jedi Consular in that same talent tree doesn't battle the same way. I, as well as many players, want my character to feel different than the other characters of the same class besides lightsaber color and robes and armor. P.S.S. Where are the basic force abilities that ALL force users should know that were used in all of the previous Lucasarts Star Wars games? (i.e. force push, force pull, force jump, etc...) *sigh* I feel limited in this game
  11. In continued response to all the wonderful threads on ideas to expand space combat Bioware, I would love to know... Will there be any added content to space combat in SWTOR? As a huge Star Wars fan, i was VERY excited about space combat, and although the space missions are cool, they are very limited. Will space combat eventually be more open like in SWGalaxies instead of on a rail system? Will PvP be introduced to space combat? Will there be options to change the look of your ship? What else will be done to expand space and space combat? The awesome thing about the Millennium Falcon is that nobody else had a ship just like it, Han modified it to be different than any other ship in the galaxy. Thoughts Bioware, Lucasarts, and other TOR players? Please and Thank You
  12. Will there be any added content to space combat in SWTOR? As a huge Star Wars fan, i was VERY excited about space combat, and although the space missions are cool, they are very limited. Will space combat eventually be more open like in SWGalaxies instead of on a rail system? Will PvP be introduced to space combat? Will there be options to change the look of your ship? What else will be done to expand space and space combat? Thoughts Bioware, Lucasarts, and other TOR players? Please and Thank You
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