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Everything posted by Cutiecat

  1. They could start by making it playable.
  2. Enjoying it so much it's generating nicknames like TORtanic, being laughed at on every game forum and ridiculed as a failure, and causing a 3% fall in EA stock because of a patch in a game. A patch literally so bad it caused real world economic harm to a company. Because the patch was *THAT* bad.
  3. Some people only use things that work heh, they're dumb.
  4. Patch 1.1 is so bad it literally hurt the real world economy.
  5. http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2012/01/19/ea-falls-on-broker-concerns-about-star-wars/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxbusiness%2Ftechnology+%28Internal+-+Technology+-+Mixed See, BioWare knows what they're doing. The whiners need to just shut up and leave already!
  6. This is in spite of you, not because of you.
  7. People who seek every possible advantage in game (henceforth referred to as 'winners') to maximize their character view those stats as critical. They have a funny way of adding up too. Every datacron ends up being a not insignificant boost.
  8. So true in regards to being level 32 after that amount of time.
  9. I love this new thing on the SWTOR forums where if you disagree with someone their opinion is clearly and indisputably in the 'minority'.
  10. Are you on Helm of Graush by any chance so I can camp you repeatedly?
  11. I YouTubed it. Then I camped a level 40 Bounty Hunter for 20 minutes for being there because I was so ticked off with the experience.
  12. I am sure the server forums would work as well as the rest of SWTOR.
  13. If you want community then go outside and talk to a neighbor. I'm here to push buttons and collect pixels.
  14. You do realize it's just going to devolve into guilds having to send their players out to collect every datacron to max stats because there are stats on it, and then the 'explorers' will complain that there are 30 people waiting for (mob) to respawn? But grats on what I am sure you probably thought was the epitome of clever comeback.
  15. As a level 50 I can safely say I don't want you in my warzone anyways since all non-50s do is feed the other team.
  16. No, it definitely does not take 200 hours to get to level 50. More like half that.
  17. If they removed the stat bonus it wouldn't be an issue. People want to play Dora the Explorer? Fine. Doesn't mean the stat bonus should be there to one day force people to go do it. Plus it will defeat the point of RIVETING EXPLORATION since people will just TORhead it.
  18. They're a waste of time and for min/maxing purposes they will eventually become mandatory. Like most other things in this game they seem to have been the product of a bunch of devs sitting in a meeting going all Michael Bay on the development of the game. "And then, like, this group has to come along and fight this ANCIENT GIANT DROID! Dude, it will be SO EPIC! And then after that they have to take their speeder through 15 tunnels to this ANCIENT STARSHIP CORE to totally charge it up! And it's all like, KERPLOW! AND EXTREME, right?! And then they get +4 STR."
  19. Translation: Yeah, me and my BROS are pretty good at totally clowning level 13s in Huttball lol and we're pretty much the top PvPers in the galaxy now. Also, I have nothing constructive to offer this thread.
  20. You can get the Centurion gear via Centurion commendations from the bags. At Valor rank 60 you can start acquiring the highest tier gear. The mid-tier stuff comes from random tokens in the bags for a specific piece versus the commendations. The PvP dailies are in both the Fleet Combat Training area & there are some on Ilum. Also, use some common sense maybe and you wouldn't have to post this.
  21. X killed community in MMO and I am opposed to it for that! I am stating this opinion as scientific FACT!
  22. I just got my first datacron and it was the most hilariously stupid thing I've had to do yet in game, which is saying something. Going to leave the others alone. Talk about not fun.
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