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Everything posted by ImpactBlu

  1. All I'm saying is that most of what I see is hate. That's why I don't post. The only reason I posted here is because I often have the same question as the OP, not just with swtor....but with every new game. I drew my own conclusion after all the hate threads in the BF3 forum. I do agree with you on the sub forums, and I honestly wish that every server had a(the) person(s) we do who decided to go ahead and make a server website/forum. It's nice to see the community working together like that for a change. However, that doesn't change the fact that one of my personal gripes is also the lack of server forums. That being said my point is that I don't lose sleep over issues like that, and some people do. It gets so blown out of proportion here that you see people stating they are cancelling subs over it or something equally stupid. Why am I not playing right now? Because I just got done playing. I got my fill for the day, and decided to come back and see if I put my flame suit on for a reason. Not to "flash post". At least most of the "fanbois" have a reason to post. You don't see them coming up with reasons to complain....just to complain, do you? All I said was take what most of the complainers say with a grain of salt. I agree that some have some great points (ability lag, random support ticket responses, etc.) but I'm guessing because I like the game, and stated so, means I must be a fanboy? Logic = destroyed
  2. @OP I'm not attempting to troll anyone. I don't think that matters as I'm sure someone will jump down my throat regardless. I generally find that with almost any game i play, especially newer games, the forums turn into a black hole really really fast. Take Battlefield 3 for instance. The forums were a living hell before the game even released. While some of these complaints have meaning and constructive thoughts to back up any concern, there is 10 times as much filler complaining going on. What I mean by "filler" is that a lot of the threads either start out, or turn into "I hate this game" with no real reason or "I'm cancelling my sub because I like to whine". I've found that I generally spend no time in the forums because I'm busy playing the game and would rather not read the constant nagging and negativity. It's really easy to sit back and read the forums when you are mad about something, and then let other peoples baseless complaints make you even more mad at the game. Then it turns into a deal where you spiral out of control and make a rage thread. I guess what I'm trying to say is that TBH.....this is my first post in the general forums (that I can remember) for a reason. It's the gutter of this game. I never see anyone complaining in the in-game chat. No one on the community made rakata mind prison forums is complaining either. Take what you see with a grain of salt (most of the time), and move on.
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