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Everything posted by Zerosix

  1. Kreya went mad because of a crystal and all that. The Exile was a random jedi, not a wound in the force. Darth Nihilus was pretty much removed/lost his power and now the current emperor(swtor period) has the ability he had... no idea how he can do that without a wound in the force but yeah... Revan and the Exile were lovers... And more ....
  2. Problem is they totally butchered the storyline of KOTOR 2 to make it "fit" with SWTOR so there's no way they'll remake it in a good way.
  3. It looks like .... what's missing is... the boss. YEAAAAAH. On topic, no idea if it's a confirmed bug but I guess so, since he should spawn as soon as you drop the turrets.
  4. I'd love to check your other posts, BUT, BioWare's lovely web techs managed to do something to "find all posts by" feature and now it doesn't let you do it.
  5. Just because you're a sheep don't think everyone will just be happy with getting shafted up the ***.
  6. Well since Tuesday this week i've had a ticket up and it still sits open, no contact from the CS and I've been spending an awful lot of time in game so it's not like they can't contact me...
  7. A lot of people have been turned off by the total lack of customer service and when they actually do get a GM to talk to them it's some automated responses machine or a guy that barely knows 100 words in english. Couple that with the annoying maintenance and reset times that totally take the piss for any european player and the ton of bugs and now you know why the EU realms have been going down in load and there's pretty much no servers with queues anymore.
  8. I agree that we don't need meters. While we're at it, remove casting time on cast bars. Remove clocks. Remove any sort of timers and ways of MEASURING things in the world. Who needs them? I sure as hell don't. Clocks and timers make people rush. And when people rush they don't enjoy the so many awesome things. Why do people even bother to compete? We should all be happy friendly people. Let's even go one step further and remove SPEEDOMETERS from cars? Who needs to know HOW fast you are going? You'll know you're going too fast when you crashed into another car, no harm done, right? I myself don't need one, because I L2D(that's learned to drive) so why would I need a way of measuring anything when I'm so skilled?
  9. Aye, no matter how big you get you just can't ignore the huge impact it makes.
  10. Me too, you can just feel the cold taking hold of your body and knowing it will never let go and that you might meet your end so soon.
  11. Reported for what? Sharing one of the best soundtracks that celebrates this great game?
  12. What I love the most is listening to "Enter Lord Vader" from when Anakin slaughtered the separatists while im a bounty hunter killing some droids or the like.
  13. Le plan... time for you to go to bed son, way past the bedtime of anyone that browses reddit...
  14. What is 4chan and how would you know that people from it are making this thread unless you are on there too? Also, even SW:Republic Commando had more original music made SPECIFICALLY for it than TOR. Using music from the movies in a game that's set 3000 years earlier sure makes sense. Also I do love the ambient music in zones that is turned off most of the time unless you enter some big fight...
  15. Actually went on a Datacron hunt and 1 of them(cant remember now) is not accessible to a body type 3 male... So even THAT is bugged and broken.
  16. No one is asking for that, what people are asking is for example addons that 1. Can move your bars around(make it 1 big block where all the skills you use are rather than how it is now(not enough space) 2. An addon that for example shows the cooldown on abilities as a number rather than a slider so you know exactly when you can use it rather than guess(you dont scratch off the numbers off your car's speedometer because it makes it "HARDER" do you?) 3. A combat log/parsing tool/damage meter that can allow to see what rotations are the best for when people face hard bosses in less gear or even just to perfect their ability to play the class. Also where are these "addons that tell you what to do exactly when you have to use x or y" ? Have played WoW for years yet I've never seen or even heard of such addons. Now you knowing about them may be from using them yourself?
  17. So you can make even less money and go broke after raiding a few days.
  18. And how exactly will you know which player fails at what during a boss fight when you need to be watching your own game?
  19. Does anyone know what the Columi healing set bonuses are? Been trying to find them out before bying the gear but no database has the stats.
  20. So lets make missions for all the gathering professions have a 99% chance to get you nothing and a 1% chance to get you something, its only fair, right? Fact is everyone who didn't pick slicing and sells materials on GM got MORE credits per item when the slicing wasn't nerfed. Now everyone will get less money and everyone will have problems buying things they want. Now THAT's real fun.
  21. I've been pretty sad about the lack of neutral choices and to an extent gear for it. As a bounty hunter I've always went for credits choices and if there are no credits I kill them if they tried to kill me. Sadly there are a lot of Light or Dark only choices and many of those are not choices I would make, but I'm kinda forced to...
  22. Hey OP, I really want to see you do a flashpoint with a group of people that dont outlevel it by a lot and share your way of thinking. People who don't want meters are people who can never do dps. And to be a good player that is doing dps you need to both avoid fires and do each fight's tactics and do maximum dps while doing that. If you don't understand this, it's your loss, not mine.
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