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  1. Ok, I'm stumped. I'm having the same issue as a lot of others are reporting. Here's what happens: The first cscript.exe window opens. UAC asks permission to open the second cscript.exe (the elevated one). Upon selecting yes: Second cscript.exe opens. UAC asks permission to open the launcher. Upon selecting yes: Launcher opens. Upon logging into the launcher and selecting play: Launcher closes, both cspcript.exe windows close, and the game launches. Steam does not report as being in game and the Steam Overlay is not available. I commented out the line where the script deletes the temp file so that I can see what command line it contains: -set username *** -set password *** -set platform gamepad.swtor.com:443 -set environment swtor -set lang en-us -set torsets main,en-us @swtor_dual.icb Obviously, I commented out my username and password. The weird thing is that is it displays my password as a long jumble of 388 characters, numbers, and symbols. Is that what it's supposed to show? Also, I tried putting an additional echo command that displays the command line as it parses through the instance list and I noticed that it finds TWO instances of swtor.exe that contain "username" in their command line string. Could be a red herring but I'm just trying to get as much info out there as I can. By the way, I have Windows 7 Home Premium X64. Also, for what it's worth, I do have Steam Guard enabled and a Security Key on my Star Wars account. Thanks for all the great work!
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