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10 Good
  1. That's...really creepy. Yet another reason to put off reading Revan.
  2. Jadus doesn't die in any of the four paths the Agent can take at the end of Chapter One (and he's one of the few class story antagonists of whom that can be said), so I'd say it's a safe bet he'll be back someday.
  3. At least with regards to the smuggler, that's not the case: As for the Agent, it's either implied or outright stated that Imperial Intelligence reuses the fixer, watcher, etc code names.
  4. The thing is, the Republic *isn't* a democracy. It's a confederacy, some member units of which are democratic, some of which aren't. Its Senators are, for the most part, appointed - despite the name, the Galactic Senate is closer to the UN General Assembly than it is the US Senate. Certain planets do seem to have democratic forms of government. Coruscant, f'rex, elects its Senator (though given the amount of criminality we see in game as well as the inability till the PC comes along to provide water, sanitation and power to segments of its populace ten years after that infrastructure was destroyed, it may come close to being a failed state. And given both the size of its population and the historic depiction of Coruscant as having a huge divide between the haves and the have-nots, it wouldn't surprise me if much of the population was disenfranchised.) Ord Mantell had an extremely corrupt, crony democracy going before its government went against the will of the people when it decided to stay with the Republic and war broke out. Given that level of corruption, it wouldn't be surprising if past elections had been rigged. Then at some point, the Republic joined the civil war and put troops on the ground - with the stated goal of keeping the planet in the Republic, not of keeping the peace or protecting the population from atrocities (which continued to happen and were occasionally perpetrated by Republic troops). Ord Mantell is currently a failed state, and failing hard, with no functioning government. Tython (which may not even be a member of the Republic, but it is a Republic-only planet in game) is a planet-wide monastery. And ho-boy, if you thought the US treated illegal immigrants poorly... The Jedi and the Republic seem to be just fine with letting the Twi'lek pilgrims be abducted and eaten alive by the Flesh Raiders. It's the Jedi PC that stops the Flesh Raider attacks, before which, the Council seemed perfectly fine with making some disapproving noises but nothing more. (Yuon even said something about disagreeing with the Council but not challenging them, despite, ya know, people being murdered). Should also mention here the late-game development of the Jedi being placed in charge of the Republic's armies, rather than being under the control of the civilian government (and that said, we don't see the separation between civilian government and military hierarchy seen in modern Earth democracies). Alderaan, though not currently a member of the Republic, historically has been an extremely important and influential one, and it doesn't even pretend to be a democracy. It's a straight-up feudal monarchy, currently warring over which family will control the throne. Corellia, the last influential Republic planet we see in game, does possibly have democratic elements - there's a cabinet and a Prime Minister (that said, we don't know if those members are elected, appointed by a democratically elected representative body, or appointed by corporations). But corporations are also extremely powerful, far more so than in the modern first world. It reminded me of a less dystopian Shadowrun. So corporate oligarchy, possibly with some democratic flair? Not meaning to defend the Empire, btw, nor meaning either to attack or defend the Republic either (though I will say that Belsavis has a whole new level of evil on Gitmo. At least I hope Gitmo doesn't have a bunch of Dr Mengeles running around, performing horrific experiments on inmates). Just saying that the Republic as portrayed in game is not a democracy, though some of its member states are.
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