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Everything posted by smexymage

  1. Most people are not saying gear isnt exclusive enough, the are saying that there needs to be methods of achieving the gear through interacting with the game. it doesnt need to be high end level bosses for ops(although some items deserve a place there), it can be anything. As long as it gets the players to engage with the game, and by extension each other. What is so wrong with that? For those who dont wish to do this, fine have a copy available via the cartel market but give us Options instead of ramming it all through the shop, that way people can choose to do it the way they wish. I feel so strongly about this that I have decided to cancel my sub because I strongly disagree with how they are managing the game since they introduced the market. I will play the class stories via F2P but I can no longer justify funding this game.
  2. In short: NO We pay them our hard earned cash so we have every right to remain critical, shout scream and make some noise. If they want your money then they also have to listen to you.
  3. Would really appreciate Biowares input on this, or from the man himself. He is a big figure in this game.
  4. Does he still work in this game? He used to be all over the forums, and new content videos, interviews but as the game lead up to F2P we never hear from him. It feels like he is probably leaving, or being pushed out as this silence is what preceded other Devs leaving the company.
  5. Then whats the sense in Pre Ordering? The only benefit to Pre Ordering is for early access so they may extend it yet. But if you read my first post, I never mentioned anything about early access, only pre ordering.
  6. The main issue here is that we want to interact with the game to get our gear, not with he CM. Sure the CM suits some people and thats fine but there are people who pay a sub to this game who dont want to get their gear from a cash shop because there is almost no interaction with the game that way. Going out into the world and discovering things, exploring, doing WZ, flashpoints, operations, killing rare mobs for rare loot that only drops on a wed, whatever. these things get you out into the world. It creates positive experiences, meeting people, building friendships and creating cool memories to look back on. Getting the gear you want at the end of it brings an enormous sense of achievement and satisfaction and whenever you wear said gear you feel like you earned it and it brings back great memories of the stuff you got up to. Putting it only in a cash shop removes all of this. You go to the fleet, buy it on the cash shop and you are done. How boring and flat is that? Just dont make CM the ONLY way for this stuff. People will have amore positive outlook on this game if the above is considered, im sure of it.
  7. They had the armour sets and a lot more made, they just held back so they could milk the cartel amrket and the idiots who support and defend this type of behavior are letting themselves down because the game would be so much better if the consumer stopped letting BW/EA walk over them.
  8. The gear could be placed in a number of ways and all of the ways you mentioned are better than a cash shop because it means people need to interact and get involved in the game world to obtain these. It means more people out and about bumping into each other, creating friendships, possibly world PvP and less feeling that the worlds are dead and empty. Sticking them in a cash shop is NOT the best way of doing it. And if you are trying to build yourself a particular set of gear for that specific look, it can be kept in the cargo hold until you have enough which would mitigate looking like an MMO clown. As another poster said, its become the ONLY way to get that gear and that is wrong. As I said before, fluff like emotes, pets, banners, even mounts to an extent are all fair game - even generic crystal colours would be okay but special things that stand out and mean something to people should be in the game, requiring us to interact with the world, encourage exploration - there are so many cools things that could be added into the game purely for these things that would only make it better.
  9. Well you have a point there I suppose but they are still churning the Cartel stuff out really fast and I still say its wrong for the actual gear to be there in the first place.
  10. I'snt that PvP stuff though? They need to have new gear for all content. And I bet the stuff you can earn in game is nowehre near as nice as the stuff on the CM. The kinda stuff they should be selling on the Cartel Shop is fluff like little pets, or banners, emotes, maybe the odd mount like WoW does - fun stuff like that. Not actual gear that looks amazing.
  11. I agree. Since the Cartel Market launched there doesn't appear to be anything that can be obtained from doing stuff in game. All the cool armor that people want is simply bought which is wrong, it takes away any sense of achievement and fun. A large part of doing flashpoints and ops, apart from story and challenge is to get the gear, see what drops. you take that away by putting these things in the CM. Revan is such an iconic, and EPIC character in the old republic universe that these robes should have been some kind of super rare in-game drop from somewhere, so that A - Everyone isn't running about looking Revan and B it offers people a reason to engage with the game and allows them to show off to a degree. Even the new JEdi/Sith robes that were shown in the Deceived trailer should have been in the game ages ago maybe part of Legacy or Warznes or something but you simply put them into the CS, you are killing this game for me. I cancelled my sub because I refuse to financially support this type of game design. I will do the class stories via F2P but until you start giving subs and the game attention you are giving the CM\, you wont get another penny from me.
  12. They are better than what they were and they are alright i guess but they don't stand out very much from the Sorcerer/Assasin robes, the original robes definitely do stand out in their own right and the current ones do need a bit more care and attention to details before they truly resemble Revans robes. The only think that makes those robes look anything similar to Revan is when the mast is applied.
  13. It's a game, that argument doesn't roll. You say Revan's robes then you think about the iconic robes everyone remembers. What if they had Darth Vaders robes in a game but they werent the same? They wouldn't be Darth Vaders robes.
  14. Does look better but they are still being lazy and simply slapping a texture on the lower robe. The belt/ring and the drapes that dangle from it should be physical. There is also a cloak on Revans robes from the KOTOR game which imo still looks better than the current robes. Dont get me wrong, they are nice they just aint the robes I remember seeing and thinking WOW THEY LOOK AMAZING. The current ones don't stand out very much from other Inquisitor/Assasin robes. This is more what the original robes looked like http://theflagshipeclipse.com/gallery/albums/upload/reference/revan/revan_all_views.jpg
  15. The Robes in the current game look similar but are not exactly like Revans Robes from the original KOTOR game which in my opinion look better than the current in-game. http://theflagshipeclipse.com/gallery/albums/upload/reference/revan/revan_all_views.jpg The main thing here would be to use physical objects for the round ring and the drapes that cross over and hag down, like the picture in the link. Also the lower pants are like big flared trousers like a Samurai or something, not a long lower robe. It also has a cloak as you can see. I feel BW have been lazy and just but a different skin over the lower robes which doesn't make them stand out from other armor sets currently in this game. Revan's robes would stand out more if you put a wee bit more effort in.
  16. I could not agree more with this. In fact it has infected society as a whole, people are willing to simply pay whatever companies tell them to pay and anyone who has an opinion on the matter usually faces a backlash from folk with arguments like 'if you don't wanna pay it then don't pay it, im going to though' or 'its only £10' when in fact they are interested in purchasing something but have the sense and self respect to not buy it - they do miss out to a degree just because too many people simply say hey I dont mind being nickle and dimed as you said above. The fact is, we the consumer have a lot of power over these people as we are their life blood - the fact they offer the main part of this game freely is proof of this. If people actually stood up for themselves more and stopped this stupid attitude of just taking what the corporations hand out then life would be better for themselves as it means what they end up paying is worth it and get better quality purchases and hopefully by extension there would be better working environments for the devs and other folk who find themselves working in these places, to let their creativity flourish. That in my opinion can only benefit us
  17. *waves hand* this is not the discussion you are looking for. Move along.
  18. Couldn't agree more guys, I'm definitely sitting on this one for now.
  19. If this game was doing well enough to not go F2P I think we would have had Makeb by now, as I believe it has been ready for some time now. I think they sat on it so they could sell it to us at a later date once they reaslised they had to go down the F2P route. Also, since the game is F2P, how does this patch fit in with that? They will probably offer it as a free upgrade in 6 months time or something right? How can the game be F2P but charge for DLC? I digress, I wont be surprised if they delay this again, and again so we are calling this now BW just so we can say "told ya so" lol
  20. They have extended the cut off date for players to return to the game and receive CC 2 or 3 times now, they always seem to extend the cut off date which to me shows they are not getting the numbers they want. Desperation perhaps? Whats the chances of BW doing the same with this content patch, err expansion?
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