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Posts posted by Surberus

  1. Does anyone ever bother reading my posts now :(


    I'll try out the advice on that website next time I'm on and post the results here


    Edit: From testing it myself, it doesn't look like this "Tweak" is functional any more, though I can confirm it was during release build in the beta.


    Others should feel free to try themselves in case its simply me being rubbish.

  2. ...would we still be welcome in this community if we aren't into RP ourselves?


    People should feel free to go onto whatever server they wish, and everyone on that server should remember that they're part of the community.


    Its a good attitude you have, not wanting to disrupt other peoples enjoyment; so if that's what you want to do and I for one would be thrilled to have people of many varying interests on a server.


    Overall, as I've said previously, you'll never be penalised or looked down on for not spending enough (or any time) RPing (Who is going to notice for a start?), though I'd imagine you might want to give it a go once you're surrounded by it :rolleyes:.

  3. Check out the guild list on SWTOR-RP, they have servers for all of the RP-PVE and PVP servers so you can have a good route round for guilds which are advertised and you might find people who are looking for something similar, there's a big variety on there.


    http://swtor-rp.com/forum (Go to the menu at the top, under forum for server forums -> Guilds & Organizations)



    This one is the Trask Ulgo list.



  4. RP-PVP shouldn't be for casual RPers who mainly PVP it should be for RPers who casual PVP.


    Rule of thumb deams if you want casual RP but prefer PVP then join a PVP server and only RP with your friends.


    I hate the Dump of PVPers who come to RP-PVP servers thinking it's ok to be OOC all the time and casualy try to RP but gank the enemy when the mood swings that way.


    it Ruins RP on these servers and makes them basicly sub standard PVP servers.


    In practice, a person should not be frowned upon or penalised for the amount of time they spend RPing by the people on a server.


    Some people spend entire days RPing, then the next day entirely PVPing, depending on what their mood dictates. Sometimes the reverse, or something in between.

  5. You tend to find that people have hugely varied interests. I for one will be exclusively PVPing.


    I've heard of a RP-PVP guild on republic and empire who are being deployed to Trask, so i'd imagine most RP servers have similar PVP focused guilds being deployed to them as well.


    Overall, the only difference between PvP and PvE is not the players themselves, as you find just as many players enjoying RP/Operations/Warzones on either type of server; and only the game mechanics creating a difference, which on RP-PVP servers, as you've said, can sometimes conflict with RP enjoyment*.



    *Some would dispute this, as sometimes the idea that your in enemy territory and may be attacked at any time changes the perspective and depth. You also tend not to suffer the Clown Outfit problem in TOR most of the time which makes using your own equipment / moddable gear effective in PVP/PVE without loss of RP sensibilities.

  6. I don't know if you played WoW. When RP-PVP was announced many people were worried there would not be enough roleplayers. So there was an effort to get them on the same server and the first alphabetical server was picked. The server was a huge succes, crowded to the brim with roleplayers and it still is a wonderful RP server. If you compare Defias Brotherhood to other RP serves like The Venture Co which was also released the same day the difference is like day and night.


    The idea behind the superserver is to get more roleplayers in one place. Why would you want to split up as roleplayers? Isn't it much nicer to have a server with 2000 roleplayers on it instead of 2 servers with 1000 roleplayers each?



    Thus is this effort from the RP community to get all roleplayers on one server, The Progenitor. It's in the interest of a roleplayer to be part of a large RP community.


    I still don't understand where this guaranteed higher population comes into it...


    All the project does is encourage a specific base number of people to go to a certain place, not that everyone else, who is not part of the project will go to entirely different servers, and thus you will have a very well distributed population..


    You know, seeing as your suggesting an entire projects worth of players will jump in to speed a server to Cap.


    Wouldn't you rather play on the server with 1000 players and no queues, than a server with 2000 and 10 minutes to wait every time you log in? Just a possibility, but its definitely a possibility



    Anyway, criticism over,


    As the poster above me says there's a lot of good RP to be had elsewhere, and i'm sure no matter where people end up, they will for the most part, thoroughly enjoy their time there.

  7. This discussion is getting silly, not a single person in this thread, or indeed this forum can conclusively say whether one particular server will have a higher number of players than another by the time launch occurs, and as myself, and another fellow have said, having a high number of players doesn't necessarily make it better, while it does help.


    This descent into an argument however, does not...


    Its fine to entertain the idea of making a super-server, and conversely everyone has the right to do as they please. Only time will tell whether a particular place becomes "The Place To Be"

  8. Y'see, this is the attitude that we should be careful about. The game has only just begun, and already we have a "You can go to a lesser server if you want, but why would you when you can have us" mentality starting up.


    Healthy competition and rivalry is one thing. Outright sneering at each other because we're not on the "proper" server is another. You can say that this isn't what you're trying to do with this statement I've quoted, but you've definitely put yourself on the path to that attitude.


    Beautifully put :cool:.

  9. I'm unsure if a competitive attitude is what is best.


    There is no point in trying to sell praise of one server over all the others, as at this early stage (The first day to put that in perspective) there is literally nothing to sell. People should feel free to go where they please, as this is blank slate with which to draw your dream house on.


    In my opinion:-


    Advertising or bigging up a server is pointless and simply forges ridiculous rivalries or divides opinion. Drawing people to your server happens naturally as the community on your server is shown to pull together and expresses creativity, tolerance and in general, are shown to be nice people...


    At this stage, you cannot determine any of that, and no amount of speculation of a particular person/groups ideas or inspirations will solidly determine how successful a server will be.


    The only people who need to hear the voice of the people of the server, are the other people on the server. They are the only people who matter in this context.

  10. You couldn't sit down in chairs during beta, speech bubbles were also not present.


    Although all these issues were raised and demanded in the old forums ^^


    Can't say whether they have been added or not now, but I hope they will do!


    Also thanks for the info :D


    We'll have to see then! :rolleyes:


    I do recall some wizards and elves at Reddit found a .ini file you could toggle Speech bubbles on with... But the actual option in game wasn't present

  11. I would go into the experience with the idea of a PVP server in my mind, as predominantly that is what the gameplay mechanics* will be like, and that is first and for most (Atleast prior to maximising level) the thing which will influence your enjoyment.


    Impossible to judge the RP or indeed population of any server at this stage.



    *e.g. Being attacked by other players on contested planets.

  12. Can you (once you have access) or indeed, Anyone with game access, confirm the ability to lie down, sit in chairs, and the toggle the option for Speech Bubbles
  13. I'm unsure about any official rules of conduct asside from a naming policy, and if there are, they're generally not policed very effectively (This is true for previous games, not sure about TOR).


    You generally find most roleplayers are similar to you, roleplaying when it suits them, and performing missions / participating in Warzones, Operations or Flashpoints.


    Ultimately it's your game to play and you should play it as you wish.


    One element of RP servers which generally is unique to them, are arguments about roleplay being difficult to rectify as they're down to a persons perception, often really trivial things like


    "You couldn't enter to see me playing pazaak while smuggling slaves as that door was locked! So there!"


    In my experience though, these occasions are rare, and you fall into a niche of roleplay which suits you and your character.


    Any decent person who RPs should feel it is perfectly reasonable to help out less experienced Roleplayers if they are asked for advise.

  14. "Nerd drama" can happen on any server, on any ruleset, on any MMO. I"d much rather be on a "RP super server" where there is a good chance I'll be able to find roleplayers and RP-focused guilds with whom to interact, as opposed to a "RP" server in name only which will still have drama.


    Just avoid drama or individual RP you don't enjoy, but don't disparage setting up a place where all forms of RP can flourish.


    Having a higher concentration of RPers from a single community does not make a server necessarily better, nor will it affect the potential of "RP servers in name only" (Not even sure what that means) to have a better populated server or better community spirit than those "Super-servers".



    Indeed, if you look at guild distribution statistics you will see its a fairly even distribution, meaning (As I have said twice in this thread) you won't be able to tell immediately which server will be most populous.


    Thats not even considering guilds from the Super-Server community who are discussing the ability to move to different servers, or entirely unaffiliated guilds from moving elsewhere than their deployment location.


    At this stage, its entirely possible every RP server will be a "Super-server" based solely on population alone...

  15. ...quantity doesnt mean quality...


    Very true, I would wholeheartedly agree, but population does unfortunately matter quite a bit.


    Luckily, I think every server could be considered a "Super-Server" at this current state of lifecycle, if by definition your simply talking about concentration of RPers on the servers.


    We'll have to see if more servers open up over the next week and beyond, to judge whether population is really a factor.

  16. The Republic Fleet is actually interesting for another reason, as you can transport yourself to 2 of the surrounding fleet battleships.


    Same goes for empire in that regard.


    One of which holds a museum, including a working turbo laser, and a cantina, as well as elevators to Operation and Flashpoint transports.

  17. I'd also like to point out that Stephen Reid @RockJaw on twitter recently alluded to the possibility of more servers coming online through the early game access time frame,



    @Rockjaw Stephen Reid

    That, and more servers.



    In answer to a query about population levels currently shown on the server list


    So its entirely possible further RP servers may become available.

  18. What server do you suggest guildless players to join?


    Any of the roleplaying servers have a lot of potential, and its potential won't be demonstrated immediately.


    This potential isn't just based on population, but entirely depends on the organisations and communities on the server.


    Overall, go with your instincts and I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy your time regardless where you end up :)

  19. I suggest you go with your gut feeling Strite, its usually the best.



    Overall at this stage, both Progenitor and Trask I'd imagine will have a very similar populations so I wouldn't worry to much. They seem to be lowering the cap for servers, and raising it bit by bit during early access, in order to distribute people effectively (Or atleast, that is how it appears).


    Also, thank you for those statistics NightSkyStar, I welcome the statistics (being slightly biased to Trask already due to guild placement). Wondering if you could provide a link to the stats for others to view from this forum.


    You'll end up draining the life out of smaller servers and ultimately creating a place with many two large ones, and the other ones being bone dry.


    As I said, I don't feel this will be as much of a significant issue this early in the games lifecycle where servers are all highly concentrated, if they choose to go ahead with their plan: Whichever server they eventually decide on.


    I do agree with the rest of your points though.

  21. I don't think there's anything wrong with the principal of Super-Servers, especially at this stage of the game, where populations will be fairly equal in distribution between all of the RP servers available.


    I would say that population will be a bigger issue in The Old Republic than in other games, due to instanced environmental zones and the size / separated nature of planets.


    That as always, is just an opinion.

  22. I found Correlia and Dealer's Den felt like remarkably good RP locations, though I'd imagine every planet will have its niches for people to use which might appeal to their style


    Dromund Kaas has the large Nexus Cantina, but a majority of the world is hazardous and unfriendly to stand around in, unless you like to roleplay being eaten by Gundarks.


    Below are some OPINIONS


    Nexus Cantina - Kaas City - Dromund Kaas


    A typical Imperial styled cantina, dark walls, dim lights, a red hue and the dull buzz of electrical 70's disco (slight exaggeration)


    Plenty of space for a great deal of people, including a small upper floor uninstanced area.


    Overall a more formal feeling to the location, and the conversations by NPC's conveys this, most of them wearing formal attire, or discussing keeping up appearances.



    Coronet City - Correlia


    Earthy colours all round with an impressive sky texture. Much more traditional city feel other locations with plenty of little niches for people to congregate, though compared to the Capital worlds, the cantina is fairly small.


    Saying that, the outdoor areas are very open and spacious, with a variety of areas to explore which could be interesting for the adventurous or roguish characters.

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