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Posts posted by AzazaelLoki

  1. I mean it must be easy mode since we not only got the kill without a Sentinel, that we already have the sub 2hr clear (although we did use a Sentinel for that one).


    Any other guilds even close to killing Kephess on NiM yet?




    Easy there KK, it was sarcasm. Unless you were acknowledging the fact that you indeed have it easy, in which case carry on :)


    Nah our progression groups don't parse, we know if we have enough dps or not :p


    Have a video if you want though


    Use adrenals and "ride the wave" to get the most dps out as possible. It is an extremely tight fight, everyone needs to be at the top of their game or you will fail, even one bad dps will screw you.


    Extremely tight is an understatement :( First time we have had issues like this. Thanks for the video link I will take a peak and see if there is anything blatant that we are missing.


    1. How do you think your Operative spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?



    1. Perceived as a joke in PvE. My ops group would constantly laugh at the dps I would do on bosses. A running joke that a fresh 50 marauder would be able to get higher DPS than my full rakata Op could get. In PvP it wasn't bad, but with so many of our big play abilities needing a)stealth or b)proper placement, we aren't a real threat.


    2. Very weak in PvE. When I look at my parses I am sad. The overall parse isn't bad, but no one cares about how well you did on trash. Boss parses are just sad. In PvP I felt very middle of the road. Not great, not horrible.



    1. In PvP I am normally focused and chased down as soon as people see me. In PvE my group likes the heals for the most part.


    2. In PvP I am very happy with the performance of heals. In PvE I am fairly happy as well. My only complaint is with our AoE heal. It was buffed which is great, but without anyway to target a group it makes me sad. I wish it was either confined to the group of the targeted member, or that it selected the people with the lowest HP. At the end of the day I learn to live with it.

  3. 1) Has there been any thought to lowering the respawn on Nightmare Pilgram? Before it wasn't a big deal, but now with the mega servers it leads to issues.


    2) When you guys talk about 'your metrics show that operatives are on par with marauders in operations' are you guys looking at boss fights only or the whole run? Most groups could care less about trash and how your DPS is on it, but look more at bosses.


    3) What are the chances that we can get a legacy friends list or an add by legacy option when adding people?

  4. 1) Has there been any thought to lowering the respawn on Nightmare Pilgram? Before it wasn't a big deal, but now with the mega servers it leads to issues.


    2) When you guys talk about 'your metrics show that operatives are on par with marauders in operations' are you guys looking at boss fights only or the whole run? Most groups could care less about trash and how your DPS is on it, but look more at bosses.


    3) What are the chances that we can get a legacy friends list or an add by legacy option when adding people?

  5. Cross posting here since I am sure all the community reps are ignoring the server thread. (this was as of this morning).



    My gripe in this whole process is the lack of information. In the recent blog post (Community Team General Update: May 31st, 2012) it was stated that:

    The aforementioned initiative is intended to improve communication between the fans, the Community Team, and the development team by creating focused specializations


    Now I am not sure who would be in charge of letting the community know about server merges, but the information is lacking. Yes you are saying when another round is open, but aside from that there is almost no communication.


    I understand that there is some wiggle room in how many servers are going to be allowed as destination servers, but I am looking at specific quotes from the last few weeks

    In some cases, a large number of origin servers will be eligible to move to a single destination server. In others, very few origin servers will be transferring to existing high population destination servers.

    I also could have sworn I saw a question if these transfers will be to the new 'mega' servers or the normal servers, and the answer was the normal servers.


    With all that in mind it sure seems like all the servers are going to get squashed into 3 maybe 4 destination servers. I guess my definition of 'very few' is vastly different than that of the transfer team, since servers like The Fatman and Jedi Covenant have already gotten so many origin servers.


    Of the original 46 PvE East servers 20 have been moved into two of the most heavily populated PvE servers. Best guess would say there would be at most 5 PvE servers left after the dust settles, realistically probably less. Again this doesn't fit my idea of a 'large number of destinations'.


    I will admit that my numerical data comes from torstatus, and probably isn't completely accurate. However at this point it seems like Allison meant to say a 'very small number of destination servers will receive a large number of origin servers'.



    I just wish that someone would come out and give some accurate information, even if it is 'we currently plan to have between x and y number destination servers.' Some communication on the matter would be wonderful.

  6. reposting in hopes it won't get buried again.


    My gripe in this whole process is the lack of information. In the recent blog post (Community Team General Update: May 31st, 2012) it was stated that:

    The aforementioned initiative is intended to improve communication between the fans, the Community Team, and the development team by creating focused specializations


    Now I am not sure who would be in charge of letting the community know about server merges, but the information is lacking. Yes you are saying when another round is open, but aside from that there is almost no communication.


    I understand that there is some wiggle room in how many servers are going to be allowed as destination servers, but I am looking at specific quotes from the last few weeks

    In some cases, a large number of origin servers will be eligible to move to a single destination server. In others, very few origin servers will be transferring to existing high population destination servers.

    I also could have sworn I saw a question if these transfers will be to the new 'mega' servers or the normal servers, and the answer was the normal servers.


    With all that in mind it sure seems like all the servers are going to get squashed into 3 maybe 4 destination servers. I guess my definition of 'very few' is vastly different than that of the transfer team, since servers like The Fatman and Jedi Covenant have already gotten so many origin servers.


    Of the original 46 PvE East servers 20 have been moved into two of the most heavily populated PvE servers. Best guess would say there would be at most 5 PvE servers left after the dust settles, realistically probably less. Again this doesn't fit my idea of a 'large number of destinations'.


    I will admit that my numerical data comes from torstatus, and probably isn't completely accurate. However at this point it seems like Allison meant to say a 'very small number of destination servers will receive a large number of origin servers'.



    I just wish that someone would come out and give some accurate information, even if it is 'we currently plan to have between x and y number destination servers.' Some communication on the matter would be wonderful.

  7. My gripe in this whole process is the lack of information. In the recent blog post (Community Team General Update: May 31st, 2012) it was stated that:

    The aforementioned initiative is intended to improve communication between the fans, the Community Team, and the development team by creating focused specializations


    Now I am not sure who would be in charge of letting the community know about server merges, but the information is lacking. Yes you are saying when another round is open, but aside from that there is almost no communication.


    I understand that there is some wiggle room in how many servers are going to be allowed as destination servers, but I am looking at specific quotes from the last few weeks

    In some cases, a large number of origin servers will be eligible to move to a single destination server. In others, very few origin servers will be transferring to existing high population destination servers.

    I also could have sworn I saw a question if these transfers will be to the new 'mega' servers or the normal servers, and the answer was the normal servers.


    With all that in mind it sure seems like all the servers are going to get squashed into 3 maybe 4 destination servers. I guess my definition of 'very few' is vastly different than that of the transfer team, since servers like The Fatman and Jedi Covenant have already gotten so many origin servers.


    Of the original 46 PvE East servers 20 have been moved into two of the most heavily populated PvE servers. Best guess would say there would be at most 5 PvE servers left after the dust settles, realistically probably less. Again this doesn't fit my idea of a 'large number of destinations'.


    I will admit that my numerical data comes from torstatus, and probably isn't completely accurate. However at this point it seems like Allison meant to say a 'very small number of destination servers will receive a large number of origin servers'.



    I just wish that someone would come out and give some accurate information, even if it is 'we currently plan to have between x and y number destination servers.' Some communication on the matter would be wonderful.

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