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Everything posted by Darthnevets

  1. The solution is simple... either fix the cross mechanic where it works or take it out... you can put it back in after you FIX it. Problem solved.
  2. Simple effective Rage Juggy Rotation by Rygal <OTG> Shadowlands server I have played a Rage Juggy for over 2 years and have had at best a rotation stragety or priority with no real rotation. After playing several other none RNG dependent dps classes I saw that i had to figure out a solid repeatable rotation for a class I love to play. I like when a rotation fits together like a puzzle and has visual or audio ques to remind you where you are incase you forget in the heat of battle. I have never seen this rotation on any of the well known websites (the rotations they have are confusing, to me anyway) but, I finally managed to break 3500 dps on the dummy with a spec that is supposed to be a pvp or Aoe spec and I believe this rotation will inspire more players to give it a try. Index of abrevations SM = Smash OB = Obliterate FC = Force Crush VS = Vicious Slash FL = Force Leap (I know its Force Charge but go with it) RA = Ravage SA = Sundering Assault FS = Force Scream ST = Saber Throw EN = Enrage FP = Force Push VT = Vicious Throw AS = Assault Anyone that has tried Rage knows that a SMASH with 3 stacks of Shock wave preformed During Dominate is the Star of this build and by far the highest dps ability in this, or any other Rage rotation. The second key to success is knowing what abilities to use in the 6 seconds (or about 4 global cool downs) following that Smash during Cascading Power buff where all abilities get a 9% damage boost. The Third Key is to NOT run out of Rage and have to use a low damage Assault (AS) and Finally as with any dps build you have take advantage of what is happening in the fight to maximize dps. This rotation is fairly long (around 36 or 37 seconds) but is actually fairly ez if you think of it in phases and there are 4 phases in the full rotation. There are only 3 different phases you have to learn because one phase is used twice in the full rotation ( kinda like a chorus in a song). Oh, Don't be surprised if during this rotation you run completely out of force but you will have a refill available if you don't mess it up (like i sometimes do, LOL) and except for during the first few seconds i dont think you have any excess (wasted) rage. Ok here goes. Crush Phase: (the chorus) SM-OB-FC-VS-FS-SA Ravage Phase: SM-OB-RA-VS-VS-EN (If there is a pause in any phase it is at the end of this one. Sometime it seems you have about a half a global cooldown that you either have to wait or use another VS if rage is high enough. I dont seem to need to do this but maybe every other time in the ravage phase. This is a good place you can fill in FP or maybe AS for the extra rage.) The last phase I call the Hammer Phase and it is my least favorite phase and mostly likely to cause you to adjust on the fly to maintain rage but it is not too bad and you will get used to it. I call it the Hammer phase because mainly your are just hammering VS to push the CD on EN while trying to NOT run out of rage. Remember you can use FP as a filler (if you haven't already used it in Ravage phase) but it will only be available every other time this phase is up and as a last resort you can always hit AS (see note below) but you shouldn't have to if you have at least a 2 piece vindicator set bonus (i have 4 piece vindicator but if you plan on swapping to vengeance for some fight then having the other 2 pieces for marauder should work fine) If you don't have any set bonus yet I suggest you substitute AS for ST, yes it will reduce damage but will serve the same purpose to build some rage. Hammer Phase: SM-OB-VS-VS-ST-VS-EN Some notes on the Phases: If you notice all phases start with a Smash (sm) followed by Obliterate (ob) this will guarantee the next smash is a critical. Ravage and Hammer phase end with Enrage, this gives you 3 stacks of shock wave and builds rage for Crush Phase. Crush Phase uses Force Crush (FC) to build 3 stacks of shock wave to buff the smash beginning Ravage and Hammer Phase and it ends with SA (used outside of cascading power) to build rage for the next phase. Each phase has the Hardest hitting abilitys falling during the cascading power window for maximum dps. Opener: EN-FL I like to hit Enrage (EN) 2 or 3 seconds (end of ready check) before the fight starts then use Force Charge (FL) to start the song. (think of this EN-FL as the drummers countdown) and the song goes like this. Crush Phase-Ravage Phase-Crush Phase-Hammer Phase- Repeat till the Boss/Dummy or you are dead... LOL... Once the target drops to 30% health you will need to make these changes to the phases. Nothing fancy just swapping VT for a VS to maximumize dps Crush Phase: SM-OB-FC-VT-FS-SA (I Love Crush phase and am the most proud of it) Ravage Phase: SM-OB-VT-RA-VS-EN (this phase has the order changed slightly putting VT before RA instead of after where the VS it is replacing would normally be. I know this pushes the last and Hardest hit of RA out of the Cascading power window but VT hits harder anyway). Hammer Phase: SM-OB-VT-ST-VS-VS-EN (I am not thrilled with Hammer phase and am gonna keep working to see if I can figure out a way to improve it). Some thoughts on the Rotation: I mentioned some visual ques to remind you where you are and you can tell by whats on cooldown (CD) to do this just get used to watching the CD on Ravage, Force Crush and Enrage. If Force Crush (FC) is coming off CD after your SM OB then you know its crush phase. if ravage is off CD (Ravage will come off CD during Crush phase but ALWAYS give priority to FC) then you know its Ravage phase and if both FC and RA are on CD then its Hammer Time. I mentioned a pause coming before the end of Ravage phase (and sometimes it comes at the end of Hammer phase) where you are waiting on the CD of EN or even SM to come back up. I noticed that Enrage does not seem to Respect the Global CD and can but used during another abilities window. I am having some luck with using AS then EN when I am low on force. Keep this in mind and dont just Dismiss AS because it will build rage and its WAY better than doing doing nothing for 1 sec. This pause thing only seems to show up when your parsing on the Dummy in the real world you never seem to notice it due to fight mechanics. I'm sure many players will notice that not all of your best abilitys are being used right on CD and if you insist on doing that then you are running a priority rotation like was doing for a couple of years. If you give this rotation a honest try you will find it does a great job of getting your best/hardest hitting abilities into the cascading power window and never leaves you with those "Dam everything is on CD Moments". Thanks for your time in reading this. Please comment or post suggestion. If you have a better Rotation Please post it and I will give it a try. Rage on brothers! Rygal <OTG> Shadowlands
  3. I love Rage spec and have played it exclusively other than a couple of days trying vengence. I have until recently been using a priority system for a rotation and was not happy doing that. After playing other non RNG dependent Dps classes and loving the way their rotations fit together like a puzzle i set out to develop a logical repeatable for my favorite DPS class. I plan on posting it soon... Hope yall enjoy it.
  4. Would be nice if the cool down of force scream could be reduced even if it were by the 4 piece vindicator set bonus. Maybe a 3 second reduction would allow this powerful attack to be used every cascading power.
  5. Another Idea that would be nice is if Critical hits with force scream or saber throw would proc vicious throw.
  6. With the nerf to smash in PVP and the improvements to vengeance jugs I thinks its about time rage jugs get some improvements to help pull closer to vengeance on single target. One of my main issues is rage management. I have a few suggestions that will help and make the class more useful in raids and more deadly in PVP. 1. During cascading power any attack that cost rage should refund one rage (like the ability vengeance jugs can speck into). This will reduce the cost of abilities during that 6 second window and allow you to cycle to the next smash faster and reduce the use of filler attacks. I feel this would be the easiest to implement and would help the class greatly. 2. Make the basic attack (Assault) actually worth using to build rage by making it a guaranteed critical hit during cascading power. 3. Have the cooldown of saberthrow reduced by 2 seconds by attacks that are already reducing the cooldown of smash, obliterate and enrage. This would make Saberthrow a great rage building attack. 4. Have Ravage generate 3 rage over its channel if preformed during cascading power. (do you get the feeling I want more RAGE by now?). 5. Ok enough begging for rage. Have attacks that critically hit extend the duration of Cascading power by one second. I know this could OP the class but you could make it only happen once every 4 seconds so at best you could extend cascading power by 2 seconds. This would make critical a desirable stat for the class. 6. Reduce the cooldown of force push to 30 seconds or at least allow a full Ravage (which is on a 30 second cooldown for Rage speck. Oh, make this a rage only perk so vengeance jugs wont be throwing fokes all around the battlegrounds) to finish the cooldown of force push and have force push generate 2 rage (opps... I'm begging again). 7. Finally rage jugs need a way to proc vicious throw and have it useable on targets of any health (like slaughter or cull). Maybe critical hits of Ravage during cascading power or critical hits of Force Crush.. that would be Awesome. These are some of my suggestions and I don't feel they would OP the spec (all suggestions would but a couple of them would not) but would allow it to generate more damage in PVP and Raids. I have sent hours with the dummy and at best I can get 3100 dps on a 1 million parse. This is with 4 piece set in full optimized 180 gear and using adrenals while a good vengeance juggy in 180 coms gear can hit that. I hope this post doesn't fall on deaf ears.
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