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10 Good
  1. At first I felt the same way. As I got further down the alts I actually preferred it that way. I never have similar keybindings, specifically when it comes to the differences between a DPS/Healer/Tank. Also it only takes me about less than 30 seconds to keybind it all. I'd say this isn't a big issue, more so a luxury, ease of life feature.
  2. I wish there were more options for this aspect of the game. I understand that the security key creates a strong wall against any attempts to be hacked, but at the same time inputting it every single time is kind of ridiculous. If I was just logged in and the game froze, or I just had to quit for whatever reason, I have to re-input the key to get back into the game, that's a bit much.
  3. I've tried, problem is I feel like I just haven't found the right class. In WoW I had the same problem, until I found my Druid, later the Death Knight as well. Here so far I don't know if its the quests, or the class, but around the 20's is when I figure out whether or not to continue. I already started a new character and reached 12, so far liking the Juggernaut.
  4. I'm pretty tired of leveling solo. I've given up on 2/3 characters just because of this problem. The game is extremely linear and boring if not grouped with others. I would like a leveling partner, or more, up to 3 others if possible. While the game can be fun at times, running through the same planets 2-3 times is not exciting by any means, but with a friend or a couple of friends I'm sure anything can be made fun. I'm on Canderous Ordo, and wanting to make a Sith Warrior. Any class is fine, we will meet up at level 10 anyway and from there we can do flashpoints, heroics, and never have to worry about waiting 15 minutes for a group. Hope to see some of you soon.
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