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Posts posted by mullar

  1. more Devs is not what we need on swtor...more "experienced" Devs is the key. It is getting hopeless for every patch since 1.2, there must be something broken or pretended they fixed something :mad: I hope all these weekly broken bit and pieces are not the new mini-game of swtor
  2. As a sorc, my bubble and HoT are the only heal do not require any casting yet they have CD or debuff. Bubble can last about 2-3 hits depends and HoT is a joke in critical situation. Force speed is a friendly tool which usually countered by force charge once you start legging. knockback is a plus just it do not provide a snare and it won't buy you too much time for a heal. Okay, QQ end here.


    So why did we suffer so badly post 1.2? Unlike pre 1.2, we healer have a much lower output compare to incoming damage. Without support by friendly, we are dead meat unless the other side is really dump. Nothing wrong with that and I am happy we are no longer superman in wz. I can live with it and adapt to the new playstyle, but please can our tank/dps also make the adaption and protect us?


    Most of the death can be avoid if our teammates care to check their healer once in a while. Quite a lot of wz I got zerg with 2-3 dps melee/range but none of my team give a dame. With guard on us and dps reinforce our incoming, we can stay on forever and turn the tide.


    If you have seen enough QQ post 1.2, do please adapt your playstyle and protect your teammate while they are doing a great job trying to keep you alive.


    Don't get me wrong, I am happy with changes in 1.2. Just hoping others do realize we are fragile and need good care.

  3. Would also like some comformation for Hong Kong based connection. Still struggling on the transfer.



    Being in Hong Kong and on West coast server, using Netvigator(ISP)


    ping around 120 - 150 at 20:00 - 24:00 (GMT+8), doesn't bother me much. If AP server not going to do any better than this, screw this :(

  4. heroic 4 on any planet is such a waste

    Once overpowered the planet, I can never be bother going back and end up abandon all of it once I got any


    heroic 2 (2+) is much more reasonable, it's not the case of planet is under population, it's the case it required too much effort for a simple quest other than a flash point (while FP is hard enough to gather a full group)


    I duo with my wife (tank + healer), even the FP once we OP them. Those heroic 4 we did quite a few at the early levels, and we found it is not worth the while after 30+.


    I don't mind having players into group for some of the content, it is quite a good idea and I am seriously about it. But having most of the group quest requiring full group this is a bit over done.

  5. The point was it doesn't even matter what my class is. The combat/spell system is beyond convoluted across all the classes.


    lvl 32 SI healer, all I am using are 1 to =, [shift] 1 to 5, R F, [shift] R F.

    This pitty much covered all the panic button I need in FP or wild world. The rest just click them. You do realize not every single skill are useful in rotation right?


    PS. I know healer use less key, but I am a dps healer

  6. From a certain point, I have to agree with OP. Arch is some sort difficult in some server. The major pain is not farming/finding the nodes, those are easy with patience. The real pain comes in when the node was scanned but haven't been looted.


    BW did not put in a despawn routine for gathering node (or at least I never seen a scaned node despawn). Those scanned node just sit there until the server maintenance and this is very pissing off.

  7. Seems a few of us are having the same situation. I am playing as Sith Sorcerer(healing) plus my wife as Sith Juggernaut (tanking).


    We vegetate together on every flashpoint or heroic no matter they are 2, 2+ or 4.


    at the early level, we can handle most of those with companion aiding (an off tank and healer). Slow but work if you are 3-4 lvls above the recommendation. A few flashpoint boss with tons of adds will prove a challenge and kept you very busy for moving your stupid companion out of the hot zone.


    PS. after 30 we gave up quite a few heroic or flashpoint... they just take too long to duo them.


    PS2. i just wish BW can add more option for player who travel in pairs. Smart tuning the difficulty of flashpoint depending on your team size can be an alternative.

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