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Posts posted by Malake

  1. I generally agree with the overall result. I think they went slightly over the top with Assassins/Shadows and I don't understand the Lethality nerf at all. They probably didn't go far enough with Annihilation and maybe not advanced prototype but I don't mind them being conservative with a nerf just to see how it goes. I'm not even sure Carnage was a nerf. And they will need to look at Sorc healing soon. I do think the classes will be more balanced than before the patch which is the most important thing.
  2. PS: this is to important to add it above!


    ALL compenions are hard limited when it comes to game mechanic!


    As soon as there is any movement involved (get out of voids, jump&run, push puttons (Liberary H2 @Makeb)) ... any player is far superior to a compenion no matter how they heal, tank or deal damage!


    A companion buff I could actually get behind would be to give a permanent and significant DR to AOE effects, I think that would actually enhance gameplay.

  3. Lightning Strike (and because of that Lightning Bolt since it is an improved version) should both have increased damage. It is intended to be used in the rotation but because the damage is so low it turns out it simply isn't worth it.


    Phase Walk should never have been given to sorcs/sages. The damage they are capable of needs to be capped because of their power in PvP, so they shouldn't have added what is primarily a PvP ability. Is it too late to remove it?

  4. How about, instead of Bioware creating a challenge for you, you do it yourself by dismissing your OP companion, or put it on passive? Or how about you do a HM Op or even better yet, a scary NiM Op? Or, if you're sincere about wanting a challenge, do GSF or PvP...those are the most extreme challenges in the game.


    Just because you're not forced to do challenging content, doesn't mean it doesn't exist in game. The every day grindy crap, OP companions are fine for...those of you too good for companions, dismiss them or step up your game with real challenging content that Bioware has already included.


    Obviously dismissing a companion, which can heal you for several thousand points of damage per second, is not just a tweak, it is a massive change. The companions are so OP that removing them can make something that is trivial become impossible.


    I like to solo stuff, it would be about 60-70% of my time spent playing SWTOR. I still want to enjoy that and have a challenge playing against the set of parameters that the game designers have set. I have no interest in GSF, it's a completely different game. I do Ops and FP's but waiting for queue to pop isn't particularly fun and with limited time available, maybe say an hour at a time, it is not even practical since by the time the queue pops there is no time to complete it.


    Bioware have created hundreds and hundreds of hours content for solo play and will continue to create more in the future. I like the game with a large amount of solo content. At the moment that is their main priority. Yet none of it is remotely challenging with OP companions. It isn't even really a game because you can sit there using less than 10% of your abilities and be in absolutely no danger of failing at all. In most places you don't even have to do anything.

  5. Companions seem excessively overpowered again. I admittedly only had about 30 minutes to test it on a couple of heroics, but once again it seems impossible to die with a healer companion so long as you hold the agro. Or even go below 90% health.


    What makes me saddest about this is that it seems largely because people were complaining they couldn't solo the heroic version of star fortress, meanwhile all the rest of the solo gameplay becomes a complete joke. I understand that Bioware had to undo the nerf because of the overwhelming complaints but it feels like the wrong way to do things for the health of the game.


    I hope Bioware would consider creating some content for players who like a challenge and like or need to play solo from time to time. Perhaps a different mode on tactical flashpoints where if you solo them you get a bigger reward. Because there is literally no solo content in the entire game that has meaningful content at the moment.

  6. No way it's 100k, especially if they are only healing for 1000 ehps.




    See for yourself, 49,172 damage absorbed (given) versus a fight lasting 4:18, that's about 190 damage absorbed per second.


    PS I get hours and hours of challenging single player content soloing flashpoints, or at least used to before this patch made companions completely useless, and I was doing this since launch so it wasn't because of the OP'd companions that I could do it, they just had to be like they were from 1.0 to 3.0. Most MMO players know if you want challenging content for solo play, you have to metagame. Otherwise you are doing endgame and pvp if you want challenge.


    I was talking about in tank mode, they will absorb around 100,000 damage that would come your way if you didn't have a companion.

  7. To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


    If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

    Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


    Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

    Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


    Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


    No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


    The companions can still heal well over 1000 life per second. They can still absorb 100,000 points of damage or deal an additional 1000 dps. I think the heroic Star Fortress, one of the only challenging parts of the game for single player play, would be impossible without a companion.


    There is probably only 2-3 hours of content in the game set at that current challenge level for SPer while there are hundreds and hundreds of hours for easy SPer experience.

  8. I think they are in a good place right now. Those challenge levels listed are generally pretty much spot on although those medium level challenges might be closer to easy. I do like the Heroic Star Fortress solo, it is a good challenge now and there is so little content at that level in the game, please do not make it easier. I would like to see more content like this in the game.


    I do have high presence (though low 208 gear and influence just over 10 at the moment) so it might be significantly more difficult for those that don't, if you were going to increase companion power at all I think you should also decrease the effects of presence so it doesn't become too easy.

  9. Nope it is "Meant TO be Solo with Comp counting as 2" because That is what is meant and the fact that the Comp was meant to like a player of the same level and gear.

    Part of the reason is that the SF H2's are Story Arc so must be done and they know a lot don't like grouping


    He doesn't use the word meant, he uses the word can. If they are designed purely as solo content why even call them heroics? OP's are part of story arcs. Being part of a story arc has nothing to do with how many players the content is designed for.

  10. Nope, Heroic 2+ means its is for you and your companion plus who ever. A Dev has already made that quite clear in a recent post. They are meant to be soloed or grouped. Heroic2s use to mean 2 people or 4 people for the Heroic4s, they got rid of Heroic4s and made everything Heroic2+ for you and your companion.


    What exactly was said? Why even call it a heroic 2 in that case?

  11. The fact was that running Star fortress heroic pre-nerf was incredibly easy if you had high presence, even with crappy 190 gear and only around 10 influence. Nothing except for the final boss was remotely dangerous, and then only because it could kill your companion in a couple of attacks in certain cycles. Your health just didn't deteriorate.


    IMO companions obviously needed to be nerfed, but they obviously needed to do it well. I can't say whether they should have done this by reducing effects of presence, influence, base values or a combination of all 3. I haven't had a chance to test it out yet but am hopeful it will bring the challenge back to the solo part of the game. Soloing heroic content should be extremely challenging so people should not be complaining about that too much, especially if others can do it. The normal story mode should be a moderate level of challenge.

  12. The companions are still far too powerful for Heroic 2's including the heroic star fortress. On Healer mode the only way you can really die is if the healer attracts enough agro to get overwhelmed. On my Vengeance Jug in worse than 208 gear and now level 15 influence, its a cakewalk, I still virtually never drop below 90% health.


    I don't know exactly how they should be nerfed. I like the fact they are more powerful than pre-4.0 but the level they are at now is way too powerful. I do have a high presence through the legacy so it is possible that this part or the influence multiplier that could be nerfed if companions are fine without these benefits. DPS mode is not as problematic as healing mode. I feel it is still a bit overpowered but possibly not broken. I would need to do some of the heroic content with a healer and dps companion to say. But some tweaks are definitely needed.


    I suspect once geared and at full influence hard mode flashpoints will be entirely doable solo by average players (like myself). There is a massive inherent balancing problem which I cannot believe some people don't want fixed.

  13. I think the real telling thing here is that people who want the companions to stay overpowered all seem to actually hate the combat. I don't think anyone is arguing that companions are not overpowered. Post after post from them is about having powerful companions makes the poor/tedious combat go faster so it is better for the game, it's the only argument I have seen from them after reading all these threads.


    The combat should simply not be designed for people who hate the combat. I do like the story and believe it adds significantly to the game, it is only a small percent of the time players spend on the game. So much of the devs time and effort goes into the combat mechanics and at the moment all the SPer combat seems completely pointless.


    I wish the devs would comment on this.

  14. Tutorial fight is easy, Film at 11. And you don't even show your Republic unlocks, just your Imperial, and not your own stats sheet, so we can't see how much presence you actually have.


    Companions might be scaling too well, but this isn't really proof.


    Have your OP companion solo Malgus HM, that would be proof.


    Malgus is designed to challenge 4 players. Why does a companion (which is designed to help out in single player content) have to be able to solo him to be considered overpowered?

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