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Posts posted by Malake

  1. Just going through 4.0 changes and it looks like Hatred got a nerf to Claws of Decay (+30% crit damage down to + 10%). A lot of classes got a similar nerf and I supposed that it was to do with the crit/surge changes...but some classes, including deception, didn't. Is there a reason why some got reduced and some didn't?
  2. How is "optional" doing?


    Two sorts of answers are, likely, lumped into "optional":


    "I want to be able to switch back and forth personally."




    "I'd never use it, but other people really want it, so let's give them the option while not forcing me."


    Yep, I agree. The other thing is we have no idea how much extra work is involved. If people knew how much alternative content they had to give up and it was significant I suspect the results would be a lot smaller for optional. Then you can make a straight comparison between level sync or no level sync.

  3. I'm overwhelmingly happy with the news that we have heard. I don't care about achievements they remove at all, honestly what is the big deal? The crafting changes overall are good, I do understand the attraction of reusable ones, but at the same time it isn't exactly difficult to craft more than enough non-reusables to sustain yourself.


    My only real concerns were a couple of the class changes (Phase walk on sorcs/sages and PT/VGs tanks losing charge while leveling). I don't really understand the reasoning behind those moves. I think things are going to be quite unbalanced (but still fun) for a period of time but as long as they fix things up progressively as quickly as possible it will be ok.

  4. Were you geared with mitigation? Were you maintaining Dark Ward? Harnessed darkness? Did the team actually wipe once you went down or was the healer able to keep DPS alive? If it wasn't your fault (there is too much unknown) then you were probably better off out of there.
  5. Given that classes all have their own stories 1-50, and the devs said no more class stories, that makes adding a new class entirely unlikely.


    Yep, you're right, it is unlikely and would be a lot of work. But given the opportunity to ride the hype created by the movie they want to do something big. Something unexpected.


    And it is a little bit different from adding more class specific content. There would only be two sets of content to create rather than eight (although it would make creating new class content in the future even more difficult), and it would last the player longer than any new content because it blends in with all the existing content.


    The reason they said no to more class content was the cost/benefit of it. It would certainly be costly but how much benefit there is is harder to say. They would have some idea by knowing how many classes the average person ever tried. It would likely help to sell more character slots.


    Personally it is what I want most, but if the class was something I was not really interested in it would be much less appealing (although I would still try it). I would like to see a droid class with free will although I could understand others not liking that. The story could be about "waking up" and discovering your purpose and maker. The character could be gender neutral so they could save on voice actors, possibly even use the same one for republic and empire. Share the same starting planet/area/space station with more areas that open up later.

  6. There is absolutely the potential to gain a boost from the movie. Massive hype for the Star Wars world gives great potential to gain many new players. I'm not sure exactly what they should do to maximise this though.


    Something big like adding a new class mirrored for each faction would be great. Even though it would be difficult to integrate with the existing leveling process it needs to something like that to get the magazines and websites excited to report on it.

  7. I thought the last two chapters of the inquisitor story dragged on, and only really had enough story content for a single chapter. Combined with the fact it was so detached from the main emperial story, it gets overwhelmed. I did like the first chapter a lot though, lot of drama and intrigue on a personal level. And because the war hadn't fully started it suited a more personal story at that point.


    The consular was the other way around. The first chapter was boring but really picked up after that. It felt like it complemented the main republic story very well. I also liked the dark side choices after chapter 1. So often evil = stupid, but the consular dark choices actually felt quite natural to me and was the only republic character I played dark side.

  8. I would love a new class (well 2, mirrored one for empire, one for republic) along with all the story, companions etc. Although a big effort I think it would be doable, biggest single issue would be all the areas for class specific story on all the planets, not sure how they would handle that. Would be happy to pay for it. Would also like more class story for each of the classes but not sure that would be good use of the devs time. A lot of effort for content that would get finished pretty quickly.
  9. This is more or less how I have it setup for a lvl 33 SS. Not claiming it is optimal, it has become pretty messy and it would probably be worth it to sit down and think of something better. I find abilities that need to be activated quickly and regularly from both cover and normal need to have a hotkey on both mappings. If it is just one or the other it is a bit easier. For less regular things that get activated in combat I use the second hotbar. For irregular things out of combat (lucky shots, sprnt, fast travel, quest items) I put on an invisible hotbar. I do have all of these slots filled, just dont recall everything.



    1 Flurry of Bolts

    2 Charged Burst

    3 Pulse Detonator

    4 Quickdraw

    5 Sabotage Charge

    6 Aimed Shot


    8 Sweeping Gunfire

    q Thermal Grenade

    e Trickshot

    r Distraction





    1 Flurry of Bolts

    2 Flourish Shot

    3 Vitalshot

    4 Quickdraw

    5 Dirty Kick

    6 Blaster Whip

    7 Cheap Shot

    8 Sweeping Gunfire

    q Thermal Grenade

    e Quickshot

    r Distraction

    = Recuperate



    Second hotbar (I click on these)

    1 Escape

    2 Defense Screen

    3 Legshot

    4 Medpack

    5 Flash Grenade

    6 Dodge

    7 Flourish Shot

    8 Diversion

    9 Surrender

    10 All in

    11 Cool Head

    12 Activate Speeder

  10. To me there seemed to be a bit of a difficulty spike hitting tattoine compared to what came before which made me think he was pretty weak. But changing back to Corso didn't really make things much easier and I didn't like it the way his grapple shot kept turning itself back on. Almost finished Alderan now, Bowdar is going fairly well and rarely dies.
  11. A bad launch could be thought of as a launch where less than half of the people who want to play can actually play, this is normally caused by server crashes and massive queues.


    I would change the word "want" to "are entitled".


    The last few games to launch, Rift, Aion, Warhammer, they had large preorder numbers, and the launches although not perfect, did manage to get most of the players ingame on day 1 of early access.


    I don't have any stats but I suspect the numbers involved in these examples are insignificant next to the numbers for SWTOR.

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