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Everything posted by Balashark

  1. Thinking about dumping Slicing myself and the game with it! All the time and money spent now to have to start over, no thanks.
  2. This thread I started is getting alot better and more informative debate than the same thread I posted in general chat. Go figure.
  3. I don't need to back up my post with a laundry list to somebody who got here a couple of days ago. The People who have been here can figure it out for themselves.
  4. You have been a member longer than me. I didn't feel like making a long list. Member since Oct. 2010
  5. I know Bioware wants to keep the players happy but I think they are being way over zealous listening to the community and changing things that do not need changing. Bioware needs to take a harder look at the complaints and think things through a little more before they jump the gun. Bioware has listened to the complaints and are changing things because of the whiners, that is not a constructive method of tweaking your game. Just go ahead and nerf the entire game because that is what you have been doing so far with everything. (accept the marauder who is nerfed to unplayable from day 1) keep it up and make the game a chore to play and not fun with that feeling like your going to work instead of playing a FUN game. Because that is where this game is headed!
  6. I know Bioware wants to keep the players happy but I think they are being way over zealous listening to the community and changing things that do not need changing. Bioware needs to take a harder look at the complaints and think things through a little more before they jump the gun. Bioware has listened to the complaints and are changing things because of the whiners, that is not a constructive method of tweaking your game. Just go ahead and nerf the entire game because that is what you have been doing so far with everything. (accept the marauder who is nerfed to unplayable since day 1) keep it up and make the game a chore to play and not fun with that feeling like your going to work instead of playing a FUN game. Because that is where this game is headed! update: I am not just talking about slicing.
  7. I know how you feel, I re rolled today and am alot happier.
  8. Short answer, YES! I was under the impression that they fixed this class and rolled one until level 23 and just couldn't take it anymore. Deleted him and started over and now I'm having alot more fun. I don't even mind wasting a couple of days like I thought I would because now the game is much more enjoyable. I don't mind a challange I even welcome it but the marauder is just broken compared to every other spec. I knew their was a reason you don't see to many of them, unfortunately I learned the hard way.
  9. You have no idea how much I hope so. One more point from what I have observed. It's like this, you leap in, 4 rage, hit the ability next that gives you 6, go threw your rotation or situational whatever is needed, then you spend the rest of the fight building more rage and waiting for cooldowns while you get beat on, that's just PVE! Not even going to get in to the PVP side of it let me just say it's worse! In other words once you dump your frontload your kind of hanging in the breeze gimping it to the end of the fight.
  10. I have no clue, level 23 and I have changed my action bar set up at least 50 times, it's getting really old and not fun, seriously thinking about re rolling but I really don't want to waste all the playtime.
  11. I have to agree here, level 23 marauder and I am already thinking about deleting him and starting over. I thought they fixed this class and new about the problems but obviously not. You can't do anything in pvp because of the snares and other slowdown affects everybody else has makes you a sitting duck! And yes I am having trouble in PVE as well and I have 5 years mmo experience. I am level 23 and have tried every rotation combo on my action bar 1,000 times and still after 3 days of non stop play I'm not comfortable and settled in to this toon. I should be after this much playtime. Struggle struggle struggle is not fun! Should be able to play this character in my sleep by now! I fight the hard bosses and die on purpose to keep tweaking my action bar after every fight for like an hour at a time and frustration has finally set in to where I'm going to scrap 3 days of non stop play and re roll.
  12. Not getting CE until 19 dec. Almost at level 25 do I bite the bullet and just buy the speeder now or just wait for the one in the CE?
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