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Posts posted by Balashark

  1. Umm, except they can already pay to swap. Dual spec is just requesitng the cost/annoyance be lowered, its not asking for soemthing not basically already in the game.


    So you can't just do it anytime you want the cost would be prohibitive. You would have to (dare I say) stop at some point and yes make up your mind and make an actual final decision god forbid.

  2. Having an economy in mmo's ruins them, this aspect of the games brings out the worst in people just like in real life. Don't have a "money" system, There are ways of getting creative with it without having one.


    Now go ahead and start all the hate and anger below And say what a huge part of the mmo experience the economy is. All I have ever seen is how awful people act because of it and players ripping each other off, hitting need for stuff that they don't, and dealing with gold spammers!

  3. Multi-factor authentication only works and is secure if it is used every single time you log in. You'll appreciate it a lot more if you ever get your account hacked.


    I got my account hacked in the game that shall not be named....Then I got the key. A little late right? I'm looking at them both right now.

  4. There is a simple and free program on the web that you can use to make external macros. Nothing fancy but you can bind 3-4 buttons to a single one that you can mash. And no, it's not a bannable offense, so don't believe the paranoid ignorants.


    Back to my original post about the G510 keyboard. You can do that too.

  5. Honestly..I dont care what mouse and keyboard You have, I dont see how You can bind 48 abilities to access them comfortably. OK, I can say really actively use about 30 abilities in PvP..no way to bind them all...just no way.


    You should care I can bind 56 keys to 18 buttons with three m buttons on the top to switch between the 3 sets of 18 and those buttons are all on the very left side of the keyboard. Plus a Razer Naga mouse with another 12 on the side. Just trying to help flamer guy.

  6. With all the QQ and Pew pew and "CRY MOAR" and "DONT CARE" and "SUX" threads (you get my point) circulating in these forums it's nice to see some comedy


    My bad I didn't catch it was a joke. I know too many people that play some really old bad games...lol

  7. There have been alot of posts lately about character animations messing up combat and abilities not firing or firing and animations coming on but doing no damage. Also abilities being cut off half way through. Characters stuttering.


    I set the abilities cue timer in the settings to zero and it made a HUGE difference, these problems went away and I was tearing through mobs twice as fast and combat was 1,000 times more smooth and fluid.


    Doing this made combat a joy again. I actually had fun playing last night. Try it and see what you think. I know for me it made a world of difference. Just remember that doing this your abilities won't cue untill the global cooldown is done no matter how many times you hit a button so you have to stay on top of it.:)

  8. Reroll or you will regret it. The sheep that tell you that it is a skill problem is just trying to make you go through the same misery they did.




    Don't say I did not warn you. I'm 50 and over gear for dailies and they still are a pain. while other classes can do them with ease.



    Don't listen to the baddies and sheep saying this class is fine.


    Amen, I deleted mine at level 25 so I waited too long. At least my new character that wasn't gimped like the marauder started with some good money.

  9. That "other game" does not ask for the authenticator code every time if you are logging in from the same location that you normally do. It will ask about once a week or so, or if you log in from a different location or different computer, it will ask.


    Thank you. I forgot you have to spell everything out like your writing for 2 year olds. If people don't understand the question or don't know what is being talked about. SIMPLY DON'T RESPOND!!

  10. The game that shall not be mentioned has implemented a way that the authenticator does not have to be used every login. I don't know if that makes it not as secure but it would make things ALOT easier. Gets old using it EVERY time (I jump on and off quite a bit). If that is what provides the best security that I paid for then all is good. Just saying it would be nice.
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