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Posts posted by hyperblaze

  1. On 6/27/2023 at 11:50 AM, Dayshadow said:

    There used to be no lockout at all if I recall. I want a return to that. If someone wants to leave, I say let them leave with no penalty. Because forcing me to stay does not help the team. It's the same as losing a player either way because they're going to sit in a quiet corner and open up YouTube until the match is over. It's best to let them leave so a player who actually wants to be there can step up. In GSF it's even worse because people will intentional throw deathmatches by self-destructing and/or only spawn when the participation message pops up in the case of Domination.

    Fair point. I remember them adding lockouts to punish folks for leaving and giving the advantage to the other team. Unfortunately, I do not believe they counted on the players who don't care and make a warzone miserable for those who are actually trying to play as intended.

    If I see stupid early on in a warzone and senseless death matching with no objective play, I tend to just guard a turret or whatever and let time go. Is if fun? No. Do I still want to be in that warzone? No. Do I want to leave? Absolutely. However, the lockout timer is what prevents me from leaving. I rather endure that pain of 8 mins (or whatever), then endure the 1 hour lockout timer. 

    Bioware, please fix. I don't want to have this hatred for PVP that is slowly bubbling up due to a game feature that was added recently.


    A pvper who fell in love with PVP since right before the level 55 expansion.

  2. After dealing with so much stupid in PVP for quite a few matches, I got into 2 voidstars where quite a few players on the team use critical thinking skills while playing. It was so nice to see each member pulling their weight and actually playing as a coordinated team. It sadly doesn't happen on every match, but when it does happen, reminds me of why I enjoy PVP so much.

    Quite a few players just want to get through the weekly, and don't care beyond that.

    Quite a few players smash buttons and hope they cause damage

    And a few use critical thinking when they play, reading the warzone and using the skills of their class to do what they can to win the warzone.

    • Like 4
  3. 18 hours ago, Kristallia said:

    I think it used to be 15 minutes before.

    Now it goes up every time you leave group in certain timespan, if im not mistaken.

    I wish they would introduce way to un check some types of matches from the queue, like if you dont like huttball, it would not place you to huttball matches and so on.

    I personally dont really like huttball, it requires a bit too much coordination for my liking, and I used to leave at the beginning of huttball match quickly so someone else has time to join and it wont be 7v8 or anything, but now I dont really like to do that much anymore as the lockout can get quite long.

    Hutball is actually quite fun even if 2-3 people are trying to do objectives. Just came out of a hutball were most of the team just didin't care. It was brutal. 

  4. There is something even more frustrating than being on a team in PVP where most of the team doesn't have a clue on how to play and you know it's going to be a loss. You having to endure the whole experience. I play to win, and don't mind a loss if the team is doing everything they can to win. But if half the team just don't care (etc, etc), it's effectively a waste of time to be in that warzone. 

    Unfortunately, it's even MORE of a waste of my time to leave the warzone because then I have to face a lockout of anywhere between 5 mins to 1 hour.

    I believe the lockouts used to be 5 mins or so in the past? Can we go back to that?

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

    Because of course if you aren't fighting right on top of the objective then you aren't contributing in any way, right?  How about the warzone where the objectives move?  If someone is fighting before the objective moves are they just supposed to stop cold when it moves/runs out?

    it is actually fairly easy to tell if someone is death matching vs contributing to the objkectives. In hutball, if you are not supporting the ball carrier and fighting in a place no where near the ball (think away from endzone or mid). 

  6. Having seen my share of senseless death matching in objective-based warzones, I was wondering if it was possible to penalize the players who have no interest in playing objectives at all in the warzones. It's beyond fustrating playing the best you can in a warzones and losing due to several of your teammates just don't care to help out at all.

    And try as I might, they usually won't listen to reason. They will do what they want and don't care about anything else.  

    Ideas I had.

    1) if you attack and fight in an area with isn't doing anything objective-wise, you get rooted for 5 seconds and can't do anything else.

    2) If you death match and win against someone and it does not help objectives at all, you also die and repawn.

    3) If you fight and attack someone, and it does not help objectives at all, each attack on you is 4x the damage. 



  7. Any guilds still doing sales runs of the Wings of the Architect?

    I know that DF NIM is considered old content, but hoping some guilds are still willing to go through it.

    I should mention this is on the republic side. 

    Would appreciate to know. Thank you.


  8. For real though reading this is the first time I actually laughed while reading a post.


    Please enlightenment me o great one with how you have such tactics, that no one in ten years of this game knows. Please teach all of us plebs.


    I legit wonder if you are trolling.


    I also wonder what server you play pvp on? Could very well be the pvp culture is different where you play.


    And I'm not the only stealther who plays like I mentioned above. Any stealther worth their salt does the same as I do.


    To be fair, I've also seen a lot of stealther who don't take full advantage of their class. To each their own. Play how you want to play as long as it helps the objective.


    I learned the tactics I use through the 8 years of playing pvp.

  9. What does this even mean. Also why am I reminded of the double rainbow meme when reading this.


    Like you going outside someone's window with a boom box over your head.


    Sounds like you don't understand my tactics. No worries. You don't need to. It will make it easier to ninja cap against you.

  10. DPS players who are way below average is killing pvp. Objectives can't be capped. No doors can be taken. It's overwhelming and causing a lack of participation in PVP. As we all know dps pressure is the most important aspect of PVP.


    Solution everyone must meet a basic dps parse check once a month before queing for pvp on a dps character.


    If they can't pass they are only allowed to que on tank or heals.


    What do you guys think.


    Hell to the no. Also, if you think the most important of an objective-based map is dps. I feel really bad for you, because it's not. Objectives are the most important part to do in an objective-based warzone. Quite a few times the team with the lesser amount of dps won the warzone, just by focusing more on the objectives then the other team.


    Quite a few times (playing as a stealth), had the most medals, and the least amount of dps, and I significantly helped with the effort to win.


    I rather a teammate with more focus on objectives, then a focus on dps (especially if they are a stealther).

  11. Mind you, i've done ninja plants on teams with various degrees of awareness. Some have been incredibly easy (less skilled in awareness and guarding), other times i've really had to be calculating in my efforts. Also, not 100 percent success rate. But I woudl say at least 85 percent.
  12. Do you guys realize how dumb this is? **** like this never works against good teams. If you actually want to play skilled 8v8s, then you HAVE to number farm. In fact, ranked 8v8s back in the day, was ALL ABOUT number farming.


    Speak for yourself. I've accomplished it against good teams. I just might be better at it then you are.


    I read the room. See when the best time to plant. I also stun when needed. I also communicate to my team if i need a distraction.

  13. There has been times it takes me 1-2 hour to get 1 win in a warzone. I totally understand what you are saying. Most of the losses happened due to the majority of the team were toxic casuals (didn't care about objectives, just wanted to kill kill kill).


    No matter how hard you try, it is very difficult to carry a team that just doesn't care.

  14. People always act like you don't need people to do damage to win the game. When you really do.


    In my experience in regs, half the people screaming in ops chat that no one is playing the objective is a stealth class doing 800 dps and trying to spam plant a door/spam cap a node. Anti-damage-farmers seem to forget that you actually need to kill the enemy to plant a door in voidstar, or clear the enemy out to cap mid in civil war/yavin ruins. People also seem to forget that having damage farmers running around in a hypergate match killing the entire enemy team basically gives you a free win due to the sheer amount of points your team get's granted.


    People who complain about damage farmers always act like it's not easier to win when you get them on your team. Fighting with any good damage farming premade on your team is a practically a free win in several cases. The other team is simply locked down to the point that they cannot do anything.


    Do you have any idea how many timers i've planted ninja caps with a stealth class, resulting in a win? More times then I can count. Dps to me is completely irrelevant. Objectives is my only concern. I will dps when I need to, to complete an objective. Other then that, couldn't care less. I care much more about winning then a silly thing like dps. If I need to dps like crazy to defend an objective, I will do so happily. But you won't see me do dps on a player where it's not helping along the objective. That's being' a bad player.

  15. um no... but keep trying to be smart about your response and relative...


    The only noobs are the ones who need broken match queue systems and premades to win and to win consistently


    The only noobs are the casual pvpers who prefer to death match over playing objectives, causing those who are actively trying to win incredible frustration.

  16. No one is putting regs on a pedestal, just asking for them to not be ruined.

    Too much to ask i guess... party on.


    People will play how they feel like it.


    No matter how much you care to play to win, if most of the team just doesn't give a ****, it's probably one of the most frustrating experiences out there.

  17. We do, its called ranked.


    Try to convince a deathmatch player to play ranked. They'll respond in a rather nasty way. Those who played ranked actually play objective based in objective based maps. Good player is a good player. They don't mess around.

  18. What if we have a pvp objective queue and a pvp death match queue?


    It would solve issues. Objective-based players would no longer get frustrated by deathmatch players essentially throwing the game. No matter how politely, you ask, death match players have 0 interest in doing objectives. And they don't care to queue for ranked.

  19. Sadly, the players skill level did not evolve either. The level the skill of the average player has drastically declined over the past 5 plus years. Players not knowing how to play their classes to being clueless on simple objectives. To the point players are blaming mostly all issues on premades vs trying to improve the overall PvP community. Rather the need to have BW focus on better skill match matching. Yet, better match matching or separate ques won't work if the PvP community is dead due to lack of new creative maps, constant bugs.


    Short story, I agree. BW has continue to care less and less about PvP thru out the years. As a whole, Swtor is at it's all time low. Unless there is a complete overhaul or buyout. The minimal will be done to keep this boat a float. I learned a lot time ago, PvP is forever on the back burner.


    I believe there are players out there who just rather do death match no matter what. They couldn't care less about objectives and don't give a crap as to who it negatively impacts. Those kind of folks keep ruining pvp for those who do care. But what can you do?

  20. Honestly, i have bigger issues with players only caring about death match in an objective based map.


    When there are only a couple of people who actually care to win a match when the rest just don't care, it makes it incredibly frustrating to get your daily and weekly.


    If your team is full of pug decent players who have a desire to win, you can still win against premades.


    No matter how strong your dps is, or how good the players are, if not enough people on the team actually want to win, might as well have terrible players, because your team is terrible..

  21. I would love to have a separate queue for folks who just want to kill people and those who actually care about objectives. It's very frustrating to see a match loss just because too many on the team just couldn't care less about objectives. They rather get that extra hit on someone.


    I am aware that there is ranked, but those death matchers don't appear inclined to play ranked (too scared?)

  22. "More fun to win than lose"... While I agree with that, I think there are a whole bunch of people playing pvp matches who find it more fun to just run around and smashing things, and don't care at all about win/lose. So calling it a "fact" isn't really fair.


    Getting your dailies quicker... meh. Most times I get the WEEKLY done in a day. And, as others have pointed out, who cares anyway? Daily and weekly rewards hardly matter to me. I don't craft at all, so I don't care about the crafting stuff, or even know if it's worth it for those that do. I get a few med packs and stims. I have a thousand of those on my main. Maybe if they made the daily/weekly rewards actually worth it.


    As far as choosing to quit if people aren't playing the way we want... well, there are plenty of other threads complaining that rampant quitters are ruining warzones. And since probably I'm the one who backfilled into the match after you quit... yeah, thanks for that. But hey, I guess your enjoyment of the game is most important... wait, isn't that what the deathmatchers also say about themselves? :confused:


    Feel free to read my original post. Also, my enjoyment in the game is the most important (absolutely for me). I'm not paying to play in a game where I cannot enjoy myself. I will not enjoy losing in a match where most of my teammates don't care about anything but death matching and only a few (1 or 2) are actually trying to play objectives. In fact I find it's an absolute waste of time. Why should I stay? Hense asking oriignally if there could be an option where both types of pvp players can both have enjoyment.

  23. WoW is WoW. No point in ever bringing that up in a comparison, but if you really want to, PvP in WoW has actually been on the decline for years and most BG's are just deathmatches as well. Its only slightly better because rated BG's still add some incentive.


    Like I said, 8v8 ranked doesn't exist and dailies don't require wins on top of pvp gear being gone. There's no point in trying to win.


    Other then the fact that it's more fun to win then to lose?


    You get your dailies got quicker and get a higher level of satisifaction after a win?


    It's come to the point where I leave a warzone if the level of stupid is too high in a warzone. It literally gives me a headache trying to figure out why some players act the way they do.

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