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  1. Ya i pretty much look like a freakin' robot.
  2. I completely leveled in carnage, and originally assumed Carnage would be the best PvE spec... but as i read other threads on the forums (and talked to another mara last night) i'm completely confused now. Can someone please lay out the pros and cons of raiding in each spec, along with a skill importance for what to use when CDs are up for what you think the best spec is? Please? thanks!
  3. Helloooo I just recently hit 50 on my mara, and i'm just curious as to what is the stat importance for a PvE mara? I'd assume: STR Power Crit Alacrity Surge In that order Is that correct?
  4. My biggest concern with this game is the playerbase. I see a lot of players coming into the forums complaining about how this game lacks this or that. I see players saying that they wish this game had certain features that wow has. My favorites are the posts that actually list the things that they wish this game had, and use it as an excuse to quit since it lacks those features. Most of the things that these people name didn't appear in WoW until years after its release. This game has been out for a little over a month. I feel like they weren't expecting such a large player base right off the get go, which is their mistake... but give them time to add the features into the game. You can't expect them to just uber-patch everything in right away. Sorry there aren't 20 raids at start. Sorry PvP still has some OP classes compared to others (there will ALWAYS be unbalance in PvP, WoW still has it). Sorry. The stories are amazing. WoW didn't have story... it has mindless tasks. Yes a lot of the quests in this game are "Go kill xxx of xxx" but there is a reason to it, and your character develops around those reasons, your decisions, and your actions. GIVE THE GAME TIME TO GROW. ITS STILL AN INFANT. I feel like this game will not just up and lose its playerbase, seeing as its bioware, the stories are good, its starwars, and we all know that they will constantly add content and such regularly. For the sake of the game, give it time.
  5. Bioware invested too much money into this game to give up after a few months... lol.
  6. Currently leveling a sith marauder. What form would be the best to use? Juyo or Ataru? In FPs / OPs, which is best? I feel like the 10% damage increase constant is hard to pass, but I'm specced into carnage, with massacre specced into, i feel like ataru is much better. Am I right in this thinking?
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