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Posts posted by Brisch

  1. So, as the title says, I am outsourcing my version of what da freak RP. What's this type of RP you ask? Well, friend, this RP is what happens when you let someone who has never done RP before lead a session (me). It kinda became my signature RP version after a while. So, in <Space Cowboys> we make summaries of our RP nights to have a record. So, here is the very first instance of freaky RP to help you get an idea of what it is.


    Summary: Bribri received a tip about the daughter to a wealthy baron on Alderaan. Before the baroness could reach her destination, Space Cowboys ambushed her, took out her guards AND the Rist Assassins, and successfully stole the baroness back to their ship. It was here that many strange comments, tortures, and character developments occured. After watching his dear daughter suffer at the hands of Jaxhir and Coldsoul, the baron agreed to exchange "one billion bloody credits" and two shrubs for her safety. Back on Alderaan, the exchange went south as the baron ordered his butler, Pervy Philsonman--a 7-foot tall man with a loosely tied ponytail, leather pants, no shirt, a 6-pack, and enough oil on his body to make him shine, to attack! After a lengthy battle with Pervy (and briefly losing the baroness), the Cowboys retrieved their two shrubs and a crate of "bloody credits." Credits covered in sticky red jam. (Really, what were we doing last night?)


    It only got worse. Wayyyyy worse. Or better. I suppose it depends on your perspective.

    Now it's kinda expected that I have something weird go down happen when I lead RP.

    Why the heck are you outsourcing THIS?

    Good Question! You see, I think I have a pretty wide imagination, but more people means more imaginatiosn which means more crazy RP. So yeah. If you have any loco ideas, then you can let me know and I can blow the minds of my compatriots.


    Bioware please dont hurt me for using a certain acronym :mon_angel:

  2. GSF has not been touched since it launched, except for a few ships and customization's. As a huge starfighter fan, I really want to see new content, and I know other players do as well. I also know there are restrictions and such when creating this content. Anyways, my suggestion would be for new maps. Not even new gamemodes, but new maps. I've gotten used to the same 2 maps that I've been playing for who knows how long. An aquatic map, like over Manaan or such, with no objectt to crash into, (I find that interesting), or even a new space map, that's different. Just something different. I think I've memorized both maps, and can fly them in my sleep.
  3. Not the funniest, but easily one of my favorites. If you bring HK-51 to the False Emperor Flashpoint, you'll get this gem.


    HK-51: Assurance: The 47 series is an inferior model, master. Easily dismantled.

    HK-47: Correction: The 47 series remains the pinnacle of Hunter-Killer models. My upgrades further secure my superiority.


    Just the way that HK-47 responds with indignation is priceless! I could hear those two argue all day. :D

  4. Gunslinger. Security Officer or Research Contributor.

    Join the Czerka team! Please fill out the following application and respond in this thread to be considered for the open positions listed here.


    CZ-198 Application


    1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


    Well, as the best smuggler in the known galaxy, I'm surprised you don't know who I am. Anyway, Jobs are getting harder to get with the Republic sending their soldiers and Jedi to do their work. They don't hire me as often as they used to! The way I see it Czerka needs the best, and I want credits. Its Win-Win!


    2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

    I acquired an HK-51 droid, I killed an Imperial Grand Admiral, and I shut down the Hutt Cartels Operations on Makeb.


    3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

    For HK, I had to travel around the galaxy looking for parts, then I had to assemble him. I had to track that Grand Admiral across the Galaxy till I found him. And I had to do a lot of shooting to beat the Hutts. I would probably do anything short of killing innocents to gain success AND credits. The credits part is important.


    4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


    Sure, I suppose so, but that shouldn't be too much a problem as long as I get paid a substantial fee.


    5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


    I'd make sure it didn't break out by reinforcing the confines, and stunning it. If it does, me and HK would kill it. It'd be my esteemed colleague who would be at fault for not securing his experiment. I'm sure they would agree.

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