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10 Good
  1. Not sure if this has been expounded upon, but my 2 credits... To me, as a Sorc/Healer, the problem is a compound one. If the changes were made to healers, but not ALSO to the Medal award design, I think I could live with it. BUT, since now healers are meat, less effective and much easier to eliminate as a threat, getting the necessary medals in a pug or mid-stream match requires me to play the game in an un-sportsman like way. (standing around Consuming and Healing myself or worse, going dps). I have a real hard time understanding how this is included an "intended". As such, I have unsubbed. PVP was the reason I bought and played... healing was my tact, and nerfing/buffing is part of the cycle, I fully comprehend that, however making it patently UNFUN, (no comms, mid-match facerolling, and difficulty in gaining awards while healing, [several matches where I stood center field in Huttball, had 3-500k healing and still no comms]) makes for a playerbase in exodus. All of the healers on our pvp squad have either respeced dps or are moving on.
  2. Agreed, and I do it too. It encourages terrible game behavior in healers.
  3. First, I understand BW's motivation to prevent afker's from being in and benefiting from pvp rewards. However, this system as implemented is flat out garbage. Often times, as a healer, I will queue up and if the match is midstream or the other team is a premade, we get facerolled and I can not build up enough rewards for it to bother counting... wasting 10 minutes. BULL****. Seriously, I am all for making sure people participate, but I come across about 30 matches this week out of 50 instances where i have participated in either a partial match (where people leave the WZ because they're getting spanked) or I am doing something (say defending guarding the East Cannon by myself) where the only way I can get medals is to hope the defender points rack up (they don't if no one attacks) or sit there and hurt myself in order to heal myself (a definitely bogus tactic). Something needs to be done quickly here or I will find myself playing another game. I am by far not the best, but I am a competent player with a concern that I see a lot of folks concurring with.
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