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Everything posted by FeraWinn

  1. Cleared it tonight, my god...did anyone beta test this horrible raid? Recap of issues: 1. Master loot makes all gear un-lootable. 2. After a wipe on Gharj, raid members were randomly dropping dead. One raid member died standing in Carrick Station performing a respec. 3. During the Duel of the Fates, despite offering no outside assistance, certain boss mobs would randomly become invulnerable to damage requiring a reset of the entire raid to fix. 4. After the beginning turrets were defeated the first boss failed to spawn requiring an instance reset. 5. The chest after the two "puzzle" towers was un-lootable. (possibly due to master looter bug) 6. The floor underneath the Infernal One failed to respawn after a wipe requiring, you guessed it, another instance reset. 7. The infernal one randomly despawned during one attempt at the lowest level of the tower, required instance reset. 8. After defeating the Infernal One all raid members were stuck in combat, attempts to slip away and the like were only met with a immediate reintroduction to combat state which meant anyone who was dead was unable to be resurrected. 9. Quests for defeating certain bosses do not update if you are dead when the boss dies. 10. A raid member was in a mind trap when the Infernal One was defeated, when released from the mind trap they were unable to move/see any of the raid members. They were also ineligible for any loot drops (sad because the smuggler chest was for them). 11. Its probably not a bug, but the preassigned loot system is ridiculous, please allow alternative...or you know, FIX MASTER LOOT. 12. Crafting schematic drops allow the crafter to create items that are...BIND ON PICKUP? Way to ruin crafting. I'm sure I am missing some, but wow....what a festival of bugs and resets that nightmare was. I can only assume it was beta tested by people who have no idea what an MMO raid should be like.
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