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Posts posted by Sugarray

  1. sounds like you are on a pvp server. pvp servers are full of BADs. populated by people with same attitude all the people who are constantly whinning on PVP forums. instead of trying they all just lay down and quit then come crying onto forums.


    here is a tip, play the game and you'll get better. stop laying down like a baby when things get tuff( vs premades ). eventually people who play in pugs get better and can compete with premades. but that can never happen on a pvp server. too many wimps who cry and quit if things are too hard.


    No PuGs will not ever beat relevant premades.


    I play through every WZ in PuG and though its a loss, I cant PLAY BETTER to win. My teammates are leaving or more often than not, dont listen to the tac that was establish pre match. Sometimes they dont even freaking interrupt when someone is capping cause they are so focused on PEW PEW.


    So don't tell me otherwise, you are delusional man.

  2. sorry, but you are the one who is wrong. i only play in pugs. our pugs beat premades quite often. not always, but even when we lose, its usually a competitive match.


    Im glad im not on your server. It sounds like your ''premade'' is just the same guys from PuG grps that decided to queue together.


    You are wrong mate, this patch is mostly bad, pvp wise

  3. Competition in a FPS, not a MMORPG.


    TTK is way too fast now. This isn't skill, this is slamming your keyboard hard enough.


    My thoughts exactly. I guess thats what many people want, fact paced MMO, instead of just staying with that in their FPS games.

  4. NEGATIVE on that....


    The DPS is the same, actually EVERYTHING sounds the same. They simply made the game 5X faster and now you cannot even think before doing something. It is now a FPS with some RTS.


    Really, prove me wrong here.


    Yes, they lowered the healing... but made everything else "faster".


    I dislike everything about this patch EXCEPT the interface change.

    My current profession still sucks badly. I am forced to take BioChem basically.


    Leveling an alt then changing my main's profession. This sucks.


    They did buff dmg from expertise. its around 4-5% higher than the others (not including bonus healing)


    Check ''C'' the stats do not follow each other past 1.2

  5. 1.2 is significant upgrade, people dieing = fun


    Healers sitting in one place tanking while the other team can do nothing to kill them = not fun.


    Can you just stop posting please? You clearly want the FPS genre. No skill smash smash game play.


    The rest of us prefer MMO pvp to contain thinking, tac and planning. Take your zerg fest els where

  6. Yo hotshot, I have a great idea for you. Delete your main character. Reroll a new toon and grind your way back up using the new system. You can even run with your premade. But your gonna get owned for a lot longer that you did to get where your at right now. Enjoy your elistest babel. Think about it this way anyone who PVPed before 1.2 was on welfare and your defending yourself. Get a real job!


    He is not an elitist. An elitist realizes imbalance and unfairness. This is just an idiot queuing with his BM geared friends exploiting what is now a pretty large gear gap. (to think that the patch was gonna close the gap LOL, in a year maybe.. oh wait, people will have left the game by then)

  7. No from the players, oh no, lots of noise there, but for right or wrong reasons its safe to say that the at the very least a lot of PvPers are a tad disgruntled. Page after page after page of threads extolling little but vitriol and yet nothing from the devs.....


    I get that people are "busy" and they didnt post much pre 1.2 because they were working on their new shineys, I even get that post 1.2 they could be working hard to fix the things they have broken but I dont think Im out of line suggesting that a developer really should pop his head in and "communicate" with the community, even if that community is the "niche" PvP players.


    I know, I know, if I was in their shoes I wouldnt want to step in here either but hey, its their job and the customers deserve some communication even if its a simple clarification of the developers vision followed by a generic "we are monitoring the situation".


    Going into coms lockdown following a "crisis" is rarely a good thing when dealing with a customer centric business.


    I feel just like you. Wondering how you let your ship sink like this.


    A little communication would go a long way tbh. Either say patch is as intended and defend/explain why. Or say ''sorry'' nothing wrong in that, just give us something for gods sake.

  8. Yeah, it must suck to be rolling in billions of dollars. Poor Blizzard.


    Hehe, it is quite funny how people keep mentioning Blizzard as the worst company in the world. Facts doesn't really support that logic (without suggesting everything they did was awesome ofc.)

  9. Here is a idea WIN and for the people posting SS of them losing a wz and geting no credits or comm its bc u only had 2 medals the whole game lmfao. Who plays a whole game and gets 2 medals l2p


    And im sick of ignorant people who are ignorant. Catch my drift?


    Arh just to be nice, if I was ALL the 8 players in the Wz, then I'd WIN. Im not though. Still put up a valiant every freaking time, in terms of communication/tac and effort, and yet some people refuse to cooperate hence we lose.

  10. It is the intention to reward extra effort and coordination.


    It is the intention for there to be incentive to win by offering additional rewards to the winner.


    So yes, if the result of a change they implement is in the end to grant more gear to people that win more often, then that is the intent.


    Who are you to suggest what the intent is exactly? You seem to know that the intent of the change isn't the apparent result, then why did they change it?


    Do you honestly believe that the intention is to fragment the community as much as possible by rewarding winner a lot more than the loser? Cause thats whats happening on imbalanced servers or for people who queue solo.


    I think only the winner should get rewarded, by any logic. HOWEVER this is an MMo with gear progression, so the result of only the winner getting reward would be very very grim and eventually boring for both parts.


    Surely you have the common sense to realize this?

  11. It does make me wonder how they came to the conclusion that they needed all those buffs. (some were with merit)


    Right now they don't have to be too worries cause BW messed up, making this a zerg fest basicly, regardless of which class you are.

  12. It is so mind numbingly easy to get three medals that I cannot comprehend what the problem would be with that system. Only that it's so easy to do that it wouldn't stop an afker in anyway, so it's a horrible anti-afk measure.




    Actually the old system basically meant that you could lose your way to gear just as quickly as you could win your way to gear. No, that wasn't normal or fair. You should not be able to constantly lose and get geared as fast as someone that is either grouping or coordinating more and better than you are and winning more because of it.


    This system rewards effort and coordination, instead of failure and sitting around.


    Winner would still get more com. so they get gear faster. Its not the intention to have people with better gear than others, its just there to give PvP'ers incentive to play a lot.


    The old reward system was good, sure some would exploit it but if this is the way to ''fix'' it then it'd rather have a few exploiting it, getting good gear, and still be crap cause they didn't learn jack - than having this crap.

  13. The game mechanics are what they are. If people spent half the time they spent QQing on the forums talking strategy and forming premades they'd win a lot more.


    Not sure when it became the norm to complain about a game's mechanics rather than to adapt and to learn to overcome them. It's pathetic.


    No you are pathetic. You act like a sheep and just suck it up. You know what that is ? Much worse than bad QQ feedback, cause its not feedback at all.


    How do you spot a problem if no one is complaining about it?


    Sure some people complain just because they fail as players, but some actually have merit to complain/give feedback.

  14. Yes it's pretty sad when some people spit on others people fun just because they don't encounter the issue.


    It will soon become one for them too when they won't be able queue up for WZ because it lacks player or when they will always face another premade over & over which mean much more loss for them.



    That being said, I only wrote that in the hope people would focus on the suggested point instead of the actual debate that we can find on others threads.


    Yea its a shame that people don't try to understand the bigger picture instead of just saying its good, cause they are winning, even though its clear that their opponents is at a disadvantage etc.

  15. Well to be fair, bioware have zero experience with pvp, i read the pvp team was mostly from mythic, that would explain alot , sadly trion did alot better job with pvp in their game and thats a real budget developer.


    I agree with you. But thats why they should really value the PTR feedback, and apparently they don't listen to their warnings.


    And what happened to admitting a mistake? Get on the forum and communicate. Say well guys this didn't work out as planned and we're working on it or defend yourself saying this will create balance in the long haul etc. etc. But they don't do anything to communicate, at best they seem very arrogant when asked critical questions. What good does that do?

  16. I did not know there was a difference from a real PVP'er to a Fake PVP'er thank you for clearing that up. Also you are not as one man wrecking crew. Win or losses base largely on the group working and less about gear. I thought applaud you for you lack of oversight into other peoples problems.


    Gear has a lot to say still. Where is your oversight?

  17. 1.2 is the BIRTH of Medal farming not the death of it.


    Medals cap at EIGHT now and each one is worth FIVE commendations, compared to pre-1.2 where they capped at FOUR and were worth TEN commendations, so by actually playing the objective you'd miss out on many of the medals.

    Want to run ball in huttball? Forget about it. You'd miss out on healing, damage and defensive medals.

    Want to guard a turret? Forget about it. You'd miss out on healing, damage, and offensive medals.


    I rather cut my loses and just farm medals now so I get some credit rather than no credit.

    I tried playing the objectives and got 0 or 30 commendations for losing. I tired healing and got 0 commendations for losing.


    These complaints are valid. No one, is as you say, "Q.Q"ing.


    Thank you for spelling it out for this guy. I honestly couldn't be bothered any more. A lot of tools around here, and they'll label you a whiner if you disagree with changes, great community.

  18. Bioware has always been notorious for ignoring player feedback out of arrogance, that their design is above the demands of the player base. They are also notorious for there utter lack of damage control. Certain developers / "writers" are no longer allowed to use twitter because of this (Cannot be named for Forum rules, Hint "its" nickname is hamburger helper)


    Quoted for truth.

  19. The level 50 PvP is Republic Controlled on my server and I went Imperial. I have to agree that getting no reward is VERY VERY frustrating. If you like PvP, you will be playing PvP alot to get the Comms anyways, it will just take longer. If you hate PvP, why complain about not getting a reward? It is a free ticket out of PvPing. You don't have to quit the game over PvP. Now the healers on the other hand, some are over powered. Some healers actually got nerfed so bad they can't PvP. I have pretty much just lost my train of thought so: Discuss this please.


    Some only play to PvP. When pvp is as bad as they feel it is now, they leave the game for good.


    I will probably keep playing until I got another MMO to push this game, but that doesnt mean I will stop providing feedback/whine cause thats what people call it if they disagree now a days

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