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Posts posted by Herdsnerfs

  1. I like meters, but they are not necessary at all. They are misused a lot more often than used effectively, even in games like WoW. People just fixate on dps, damage and healing done.. that's it. They ignore stuff like.. # of interrupts someone does, and useful stuff like that.


    I'd rather have a player do less dps, but actually pay attention to the mechanics of a fight, than ignore everything in their self-serving goal of being 1st in DPS. Almost all fights are lost due to people not paying attention to the mechanics, not because of lack of dps. If you don't have enough dps, you don't.. having a meter won't fix that. Having a better equipped raid will only fix that. Replacing one or two of your lowest dps with a couple a bit higher usually doesn't do the trick.

  2. um yes, thats my point.


    Wow was missing alot 7 years ago. but it has those features now.



    Swtor is competing with wow NOW, not 7 years ago, so it needs to have feature current to what wow has now, not at launch.


    I think you misunderstood the point.


    Why does it need those features? I personally felt that the LFG feature in WoW made the game quite a bit worse. The new looking for raid is laughable. There are a few minor features I feel they need to add to this game to make things easier, but on the whole, I think it's fine. You need to consider that some features are not missing... they did not want them in at all, for whatever reason. This isn't WoW.. it's a different game, and they can develop it how they like.


    Personally, if they manage to get a 2 mil subscription and hold it, full of players that are not demanding and whiny, I'd be very happy. I hope they don't sell out like Blizzard did, and cater to the masses, just to get more subscriptions.

  3. I agree completely with the person who stated "old school" MMOers were a different breed. WoW did indeed, "sell out." I suppose smart for them, their subs went through the roof. Not so good for existing MMOers who enjoyed challenges, and not having everything handed to them on a silver platter. I recall going over raids with text.. no vent. No dps meters. No hand-holding. No free gear just for showing up for 20 minutes.


    I was running a raid for a world boss last night, and you can easily tell the impatient, "me me, gimme now!" players, from those who want to actually enjoy the challenge and content without yelling "gogo!" at the RL. We had the typical quitters after one wipe. We had the "omg we've been here for 30 minutes can get this done?!" people. After those were weeded out, we had a core group that stuck around for 2 wipes, and then we beat the boss. No complaints, no whining about loot... hopefully, this means there are at least some players who are playing TOR, that grew tired of the epic vending machines these games produce, and will stick around this game for awhile. And even more, I hope they don't fold to the pressure of the whiners, who demand everything, and they want it now.

  4. I was curious if anyone has found a fix yet for the "drunk mouse" issue in the game for some people. I believe anyone who has a mouse that has a higher dpi than usual (or settings to change the dpi on the fly) are having problems. Usually it appears while running around, and wanting to change directions. Your camera suddenly veers off and points somewhere else. Either I'll turn left, and my mouse careens me off to the right instead. Or I'll suddenly be looking straight up. It was happening constantly for me last night, and was getting incredibly frustrating.


    I have the Logitech GX9 mouse. This also happens with my wife's mouse, which is a wireless Logitech MX Laser. While I suppose hooking up a generic mouse might fix the problem, it really shouldn't be the "fix" for this problem. You should be able to use common gaming mice with the game. I've tried lowering the DPI via the button on my mouse, this does nothing however. I have my sensitivity set to 3%. The actual rate of turning is fine. It's just the sudden veers off in random directions which is driving me crazy, and caused me to run off a bridge into lava last night, which is never amusing.


    Any ideas, or anyone find a decent workaround?

  5. Ah, the ol' slapped in the face shtick. It never gets old. :rolleyes:


    The game has really only been out for "days." What.. you've not seen a player since you started playing? That's amazing! I've never failed to see other players. Are you playing on a private server by chance?


    There are many areas which can be improved upon, but so far, loving what is in the game at launch, and having a lot of fun playing all the classes so far. Wife loves it as well. Only thing I can suggest to those who jumped into WoW after ezmode started (LK and beyond), and think all MMOs launch with a ton of content... wait a year or two and try again. Once a few major content patches hit and a new expansion is out the door, it may perhaps adequately meet your needs.

  6. If your server does not have queues on launch day, and hopefully for a week after, you are probably on a doomed served. You have a much higher % of a servers population playing on launch day, and for the first few weeks of a new MMO. If you did NOT have queues, when things calmed down on your server, I think you'd find your population is quite low, and you will have trouble finding people to do anything. Queues mean you have a healthy population. Not too high. Just right. Because it will calm down, the queues will go away, and you'll be happy you can still find groups.
  7. TLDR version: I am a WoW addict and hate any game that tries to compete with it.


    Look OP, no one cares what your gaming credentials are. Seriously.. don't spout that as if this is supposed to impress anyone. Your review is not a review. Is a bashing of the game. You throw a couple backhanded compliments, but 95% of your "review" is telling everyone what a terrible game this is. How the voice acting makes it worse. That's not a review. That's your OPINION. I personally like it. My wife is in love with it. You should realize you don't represent 100% of the gamer types who will play this game. But you wrote your "review" from that slant. That any opinion that isn't one from someone who was in TWO top 10 WoW guilds doesn't matter.


    WoW is a borefest, and has been since mid BC. It used to be fun. Challenging. And then it went downhill in a hurry. The latest raid is a laughable ezfest. Several CASUAL raiding guilds downing the final boss on the first day! They took every mechanic that made the game fun, and cheesed it to appease the whiney, "gimme" masses that crowded their game. They got their wish in subscriber #'s. They ruined their game in the process.


    I'm enjoying this quite a bit more than Conan, Aion, Rift, and several other wanna-be MMOs that came out since WoW. It's a nice change of pace. For a new launch, it's fairly refined. It has many issues it needs to iron out, but it has a lot of good points. You did not review this game. You trashed the game. You have no idea what a "review" is.

  8. Sellback for tokens is not a bad thing. Otherwise you have to submit a ticket.. takes a long while, and extra work for the staff. And no, if I go into a store and buy the wrong thing, they always let me return it. The only abuse it can get is if someone "buys" it short-term, uses it for say a raid, and returns it after. People used to do this in wow.


    And the looting is not perfect. What is the point of a master looter system if you can't roll? They need to add the ability to roll for items. Or remove ML.

  9. In every MMO, there is always someone that feels it's their duty to be morally outraged at something in the game. It's ok to slaughter people (including a dad in front of his son), but give a teen slight curves, and a fully non revealing outfit, and people are outraged.


    It's a cartoon character in a game. Nothing is revealed. It's not a big deal.

  10. It's at capacity because basically, every single person on the server is logged in and playing. When it calms down.. in say, 2 or 3 weeks, it will be perfect. If they cut it off so there are no queues, when it does finally calm down again, the population will be quite low. This leads to server merges.


    People have no real concept of loads, server populations, etc. They just see a queue and assume they are doing it wrong.

  11. Nonsense - at their max, there will be queues. When it calms down a bit, the population will be just right. Take WoW - many servers that were "just right" in population, but when an expansion or large patch hit, you had queues. If you make it so that there are NO queues, when it calms down, the server will be underpopulated.


    I doubt highly you understand at all in reality OP, server loads, population balance, or anything else. I'm sure they have a lot of metrics managing their decisions. Not "omg.. queues, no more players!"

  12. Well, honestly, most of the super-whiny complaints are either from nerdraging teens, or really immature adults. If you took say.. a group of adults that worked in the 60k + range of salary who didn't live on the computer, and put them on this game and made them wait, you'd probably see next to no complaint posts. It's the age, the maturity, the type of people (i.e. gamers).. mix all that, you get a brew of nasty, angsty, rude, impatient "nownow!" players who demand instant gratification, or they threaten class-action suits. Sad.. and kind of funny at the same time.
  13. Feh.. silly post OP. So.. in your opinion, with their servers hitting a heavy load, and queues lining up.. your solution is to just let loose the floodgates and let everyone play? You are not in network infrastructure.. are you.


    People are lucky they let in as many as they did. I was hoping to get in today.. but I'll be patient and wait until tomorrow, when the load is much less, and I can play without crowds of people waiting in line to kill mobs.


    Your post like so many other is just plain impatience. If they had listened to people like you, the servers would have been overburdened, and you'd be right back here with everyone else complaining about the ridiculous queues. Gimme gimme nownownow... mentality of too many people in these times, it saddens me.

  14. I just hope the staff grows a thick skin and learns to ignore the incessant whining that occurs with the players of any MMO. They really can't win, they should know this in advance. Staggered release to reduce queues? Whiners complain. Try to let more folks in because of all the whining? More whining from players having to wait in queues.


    Losing battle.. not sure I'd want a job having to deal with the endless nerdrage.

  15. I'd prefer anyone who is so impatient as to cancel because they are not getting their sense of entitlement satisfied, to go now.. rather than later, when I have to deal with the idiots in a raid or group, when they try to justify why they deserve an item over everyone else, and rage on your group if they don't get it.


    good riddance, I say. :D

  16. Vent is not required. Recount is not required. You don't need any addons either. You can beat these games without these hold-my-hand tools.


    That said, they are still fun to use. I like recount, if only to make sure I'm doing my job. As a raid leader, unless someone was super-pathetic, I didn't mind less than stellar dps from some members, as long as we made progression. Most raids don't know how to use it properly anyway. Very few use it for the more useful features, like who got aggro, or how many dispells folks are doing. You could easily see if someone didn't understand what they were supposed to do, and explain it to them.

  17. No, and If I have to go to every wow player in order for you to listen to me than Jesus Christ good luck finding someone you want to talk to. I have not seen one WoW player excited for this game


    What utter tripe. The majority of players that will be in this game will have been short term or long time WoW players. You are deluded if you think otherwise.

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