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Everything posted by Sveroth

  1. ========== No all you need is 3 others in your group and Start conducting Hard Modes Like Black Talon if your really not geared all that well yet. If you take your time you can succeed very well.
  2. ============================= Clearly your ability to read the ENTIRE post or thread has been comprimised by your concern over what games others play or not. Fail on your part. Now stop trollin and speak with some intelligence. But since you bring Non sence up let me bring you up to speed on Other games I play or have played. UO, Everquest 1 and 2, SWG, Lotro, WOW, and now this game. If my math is right that spans nearly 17 years but I know I cant be off by more than a year or two.
  3. ====================================================== Even by this list you can see an example of my original question, WHY ONLY 4 player groups. I dont have the time to respond to all the Post so Ill summize here. Yes I did say EVERY other MMO, Sto and Swtor are the only games with only 4 player groups, All the rest are 5 or more. If the basis of your post is to prove that NOT "every" other game then Please move on Nerd..lol And to quote an Old friend from Games of old when responding to hard to find groups, "Im a tank, I dont have this problem of yours. My friends group with me all else suffer" Well old friend I too am a tank and I DONT have a problem finding groups, I just would like One extrah DPS or heals in group. So there you have it, My question is restated for the inept.
  4. ACTUALLY they do, I can list a few MMO's if ya like but I feel no need. I dont play counsel games so that narrows down the list a bit.
  5. As with any other game I have worked around little quirks, But I cant seem to figure out why or who chose to be differant in this game. "Every other game has 5 player groupings" Its not a game killer for me at all in fact I am just fine with it actually. However there has been a few times In a Hard mode that I have just wanted One more Ranged dps or just One more healer.:D FYI. Im only talking about Flashpoints and Hardmodes
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