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Posts posted by seektravota

  1. Hey guys,


    I wont ramble on to much here but i'm desperatly looking for an explanation to explain what is going on here. I'm really hoping for some feedback from the Dev Combat Team on why this is or if it was unknown to them. Anyways here's the link, watch the video for the full explanation. It's 7 min long so you wont have to sacrifice to much time lol. Thanks guys!




    Hey Hayete,

    I have a question. Do you clip master strike and hit clashing blast early? How soon do you clip it? 0.1, 0.2 sec? Is there a safe zone?

    Every time I see "cancelled" I'm not sure if the master strike damage went out or not.

  2. I parsed roughly the same (a bit higher, but could be RNG).


    There's a 6.7% decrease on clashing blast, but the critical damage of clashing blast and blade rush is up from 15% from 10%. This actually doesn't really hurt clashing blast much and should be an overall increase to sustain dps.


    If you have a proper rotation, you really only use clashing blast on crit, so clashing blast only down 2.45% if you do the math. And.. you get a 4.54% over-all increase to blade rush. If you look at parses, usually blade rush and clashing blasts are the two highest damage contributor and in most parses. For me blade rush makes up about 25% and clashing blast makes up about 24%, depending on person (I've seen some other people's parses with clashing blast at 24% vs. blade rush 22%). But usually they're similar. If you look it this way, this could contribute to a very small over-all DPS increase, in theory.

  3. Hi Hayete, thanks for the guide. Very helpful.

    I'm twi-yunfat from the Harbinger. I'm using a rotation very similar to yours and my numbers are similar too.

    But I'm checking out the #1 combat parse on parsely by this guy named Zanakusoku.

    He seems to adopt a rather different rotation and he does two clashing blast in one zen window.


    As a result, he can put down 20 clashing blast in the parse, whereas our rotation can only do 15 or 16. And his numbers are higher. This would be an interesting thing to look at.

  4. Damn, if that's available, I'm going to print my toons!!! This is a million dollar idea! Bioware can even take advantage of this and team up with 3D printing companies that offer order-and-mail prints!
  5. That CM concern can be easily solved actually.

    All the current Crystals can still have the stats they have (+power,+crit, ...etc), so none of the CM mechanics will be broken and players who pay to get specific color crystal still get their benefits. But just add an additional "function" stat slot to all existing crystals, name it crystal enchant or whatever, and that new slot is where players get to add functions like "increase elemental damage by 5%", "your critical hits sunder the targets for 5 seconds, increasing armor debuff for 10%", "your attacks burn the target, increasing damage from ....", "your attacks chill the target" just to name a few.


    And hell, they can even add novelty functions, such as "your attacks occasionally summons a bird to fly around the target for 10 seconds", "or giving your eyE's a raging glare when attacking" etc. And these can very well be CM items even!


    For the gameplay stat functions, they can make them craftable or obtainable from PVE, PVP, boss fights, missions etc. That will add a tremendous gameplay variety here!

  6. Everyone knows crystals are an iconic Star Wars item. And in this game it should have much more potential than it currently is.


    Right now, it's just +power, +crit, +endurance, +exp. That's it.


    Seeing how well Blizzard made Diablo 3 better by introducing their "gem" system (if you know what that is), they attach special function stats to it, such as "increase movement speed after picking up gold" "or your hits poison the enemy causing it to bleed for 2000% weapon damage over 10 sec" etc....


    Why don't our SWTOR give our crystals a similar function variety? Like some crystal might "increase elemental damage dealt by 5%", or "cause the attacks to have burn effects that deals 100% weapon damage over 2 seconds", or "chance on being hit to trigger a protective shield, that absorbs a moderate amount of damage", "increase force damage by 5%" etc etc.


    That'll add a lot of gameplay variety and something I'd definitely want to spend time on the game for that.


    It'll probably take some time to think on this and design and code it the proper way, but I think it'll be very cool! :D

  7. I'm running combat spec.

    And once I figured out the rotation. I actually realized having alacrity mod will screw up the pacing.

    For combat spec, it's more like hurdling than dash - i cannot hit too fast, or too slow, or allow alacrity to mess with GCD at all to screw up my pacing. The optimal build for combat spec is accuracy to 110% and, for the rest, stack surge.

  8. With regards to the 2 problems you mention:


    Dispatch under Precision


    The first dispatch after the opener falls under precision, but when the repeatable part of the rotation cycles around again, dispatch is not yet ready. This can be circumvented by delaying a precision window by spamming a few BladeRushes (and striked if need be) until dispatch procs. Then use [P+Disp] > CB and proceed with the rest of the rotation. When the non-MS precision window comes up again, Disp should be ready.


    Delaying that one window will of course lower your dps temporarily, but in a long fight it is good to have dispatch within precision, especially with the 6-piece auto-crit bonus.


    Wandering Zen

    Zen does tend to float around a little bit and become available sooner than expected, especially in real fights where incoming damage and rebuke can generate focus and/or centering. In this case, you can simply just wait a gcd or 2 and use Zen where scripted, or just use it early, always making sure that MasterStrike will fit at the end. Generally speaking, I usually wait and use it 2 gcds before P+MasterStrike.


    You're right Kurkina! Hit a few blade rush till dispatch proc does help a lot. Regarding Zen, especially in real fights, that's a very good strategy. In real fights, I find it helpful to just check on master strike's CD, when it's getting closer, then pop zen, and until I hit master strike, I have room to fit it in at most 5 abilities before consuming the last zen in the precision-masterstrike window.

  9. A "simple" rotation is available HERE. I call it "simple" because it requires no guess work, it is:



    • infinitely repeatable
    • solves the focus vs. centering management problem
    • allows for MasterStrike under Zen during every second precision window without fail


    On its own as written, it will not solve the issue that crops up at the beginning of the repeatable part, which is that Dispatch is initially outside the precision window. Once you have enough practice and the rotation becomes instinctive, you can move Dispatch into the window (forever) by delaying precision (once) by spamming a few BladeRushes (and Strikes, if need be) and waiting for the Dispatch proc. Once it procs, activeat P+Disp > CB and you will thereafter have dispatch lined up for the rest of the fight. You will loose some dps short-term by delaying precision (that one time), but over the course of a long fight, it is good to have Dispatch under Precision.


    Hey Kurkina, your guide is very very helpful. After lots of practice, I came down to an optimized rotation modified from your method. Now I can parse 4316 now!!! (yesterday was only 3960 same gear lol)


    As I'm parsing, I can feel the rotation being perfectly repeated with exactly the same proc at the right moment. I consider this a perfect parse! Here's a link to this parse, take a look!


  10. Bring your surge up to 70%, or at least 69%. Drop some of that critical rating. Its more effective to be running all power until you reach full 198 optimized - for dummy parsing at least. Some critical rating is beneficial for operation fights to give more consistent numbers, but you have too much at the moment - drop it to around 22% if you want to keep some critical rating. (I have 22% rating in full 198 optimized purely because it gives me more consistent numbers in fights, not optimal for parsing).


    Drop that alacrity for surge until you have higher tier gear, its not worth it until then.


    For starters, you wont parse high in any Sentinel spec unless you use a solid rotation.


    Combat rotation - http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/7211/2

    Watchman rotation - http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/13793/5


    (Write down the rotations for combat and watchman and learn them, they'll more than likely increase your numbers.


    Thanks so much! I've been studying combat rotation and finally got down to an optimized rotation now. I also swapped out the alacrity mod for surge. Now my highest combat parse (in the same gear) is 4316!!!! :D

  11. Great brother glad to hear it. Again, when you have time, hit up my video guide and watch whats relevant to you. Sometimes its easier to see things done and understand them then just reading it. Either way glad i could help you man and happy DPSing :D


    Thank you so much. I've watched your videos. Very helpful.

    I've also been practicing Kurkina's method and improving myself on a few things.


    Guess what, I can parse 4279 now!!! That's my highest combat parse ever! Even higher than my watchman parse!


  12. A "simple" rotation is available HERE. I call it "simple" because it requires no guess work, it is:



    • infinitely repeatable
    • solves the focus vs. centering management problem
    • allows for MasterStrike under Zen during every second precision window without fail


    On its own as written, it will not solve the issue that crops up at the beginning of the repeatable part, which is that Dispatch is initially outside the precision window. Once you have enough practice and the rotation becomes instinctive, you can move Dispatch into the window (forever) by delaying precision (once) by spamming a few BladeRushes (and Strikes, if need be) and waiting for the Dispatch proc. Once it procs, activeat P+Disp > CB and you will thereafter have dispatch lined up for the rest of the fight. You will loose some dps short-term by delaying precision (that one time), but over the course of a long fight, it is good to have Dispatch under Precision.


    Hey Kurtina, I'm been practicing your method and it's working pretty well.


    The principle that separate combat dps moment between zen period (buiilding focus) and non-zen period (building centering) is immensely helpful.


    In addition, I think I also found ways to improve your methods too, based on these observations:


    1. After a while, I find myself having 30 stacks of centering ready sooner than when zealous strike comes off CD (probably due to the faster hits when zen becomes active).

    - so to address this, I think you can squeeze one "black rush" or "twin-saber throw", and if it's still not ready, hit "strike", then hit "zealous strike" and start off the precision-master strike-clashing blast combo window. I think the principle is that for the zen period, we're supposed to have 6 hits to consume the zen buff. These need to include "master strike", "clashing blast", then having 4 other abilities to use (strike, zealous strike, twin saber throw, and blade rush), generally zealous strike need to happen right before the master-strike-clashing-blast-combo window, so what we can do while waiting for zealous strike come off CD, is to hit the other 3 (blade rush, strike, twin saber throw). And as soon as zealous strike becomes available, hit zealous strike and start the master strike combo window. This actually means we don't have to strictly follow the order of hits you specified in your sequence, as long as zealous strike happens right before precision-master-clashing-blast-window, and then work the 3 other abilities (strike, twin saber throw, blade rush) in the zen period in any order you see fit to accommodate zealous strike's down time.


    2. Dispatch doesn't always have proc ready when you're supposed to use the precision window for the clashing blast and dispatch combo.

    - I think this problem can be solved by keep hitting blade rush till you get the dispatch proc, then use precision-dispatch-clashing-blast combo. But I think the issue here is what to do with the none-zen period, here's the principle, we still need to work zealous strike into this period, and a good judgement is that after you hit zealous strike, if you see dispatch already in proc, just keep using the same sequence you specified (precision-dispatch-clashing-blast-blade rush-blade rush-dispatch-blade rush) and if you don't see dispatch proc, just hit one more blade rush, and now you should have dispatch proc, then you start the precision-dispatch-clashing-blast combo, and then hit blade rush all the way till you get 30 centering. Then start over to the Zen master sequence again. By doing this, you should be able to avoid having to use [precision-clashing blast-blade rush] as an alternative for [precision-dispatch-clashing blast], that way, we can always fit dispatch in the precision window with clashing blast.

  13. Thanks to Kurkina's guide, to adopt her rotation, I don't think alacrity matters that much so swapped out the alacrity mod and put in the surge mod. I managed to get to 4070 this time!!!!!




    My stats are now

    melee 1990-2318 (pri), bonus damage 1333.6, critical chance 23.55%, surge 71.63%

    force bonus damage 2015.8, accuracy 110.00%, critical chance 23.96%, surge 71.63%, 3%

    I'm using 192 mainhand, 198 offhand, Advanced Russan FR and SA, 6-set

  14. A "simple" rotation is available HERE. I call it "simple" because it requires no guess work, it is:



    • infinitely repeatable
    • solves the focus vs. centering management problem
    • allows for MasterStrike under Zen during every second precision window without fail


    On its own as written, it will not solve the issue that crops up at the beginning of the repeatable part, which is that Dispatch is initially outside the precision window. Once you have enough practice and the rotation becomes instinctive, you can move Dispatch into the window (forever) by delaying precision (once) by spamming a few BladeRushes (and Strikes, if need be) and waiting for the Dispatch proc. Once it procs, activeat P+Disp > CB and you will thereafter have dispatch lined up for the rest of the fight. You will loose some dps short-term by delaying precision (that one time), but over the course of a long fight, it is good to have Dispatch under Precision.


    Hey Kerkina, I did find myself improved on parse numbers. I want to ask you, do you use alacrity enhancements?

    Because I have 1 alacrity enhancements and after a while I found myself getting zen ready 1 GCD sooner (or maybe I'm counting wrong)...

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