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Everything posted by AKfourtyseven

  1. 1: 16 v 16 warzones 2: Option to purchase individual mod/enh/armouring with ranked comms 3: Alternate maps for huttball
  2. Interesting. Your numbers are closer to my DPS suit (which has 1065 max) so you should have been pulling numbers more like what i used to pull when i was DPS. What i will say about Vig is that alot of it has to do with timing and knowing which moves to save for your buffs. I dont for a second doubt your numbers, but if you had only been using scream (blade storm for me) only after [overhead slash] to ensure it crit? You would be getting big numbers constantly, the same for dispatch (4-6k depending on who you are hitting). If you also softened your target with a saberthrow before you got into range, for the rend debuff? I think your results had more to do with you not being used to the spec.
  3. The bit in bold... Actually, you dont have to, but the alternative requires alot of effort. You can have an extra 2k HP from your screenshot while having the exact same defences, or even higher. In my veng tank suit: Health - 25644 (with fort stim) Def chance - 22.49% Shield- 47.4% Absorption- 50.65% Edit: I should add that suit also uses 2 Vindicator armourings for the self heal...
  4. I have no issue with having the option to purchase single mods, enhancements or armour plating with ranked comms. What people need to understand however is that stock gear can and never will go away. Can you imagine the box of horrors that would be opened if there was no stock gear and you had to purchase everything separate to place in your shell, given that some people still cant manage to build a decent set of gear as things are now? There would be too much QQ and too many "i got the wrong armouring/mod/whatever" tickets being spammed. Allowing for individual purchases is just the most logical progression of customisation, but not the default position the game should be moving to.
  5. I read this alot. Its simple not true. I ran Vig in Soresu for ages and was never, ever focus starved. Why? Idiots were constantly giving me free focus by trying to CC while i was immune and leaping around the battlefield. That in addition to the free focus proc from masterstrike and honestly, Vig/Veng generates so much focus that it can fuel being in Soresu easily. Edit: Imho, the key to making Vig/Veng work is having your gear set up so that you can take advantage of your crits (i.e you need to be sitting on 1050-1100 base damage). The DoTs arent going to kill anyone, but that guaranteed 5k dispatch and bladestorm will. Hybrid is still better pound for pound, but if you min/max gear? Full Vig/Veng is still nice.
  6. Maybe they were thinking that since everyone has 5% chance to defend in PvP and you need a % above 100 to cut defence, that 100% chance to hit actually requires 105% and thats what they'd give with stock gear. Anyway, if you want perfect stats, put in the time. Stock should be good, not super dupa perfect, it removes the scope for tweaking.
  7. True. The main issue with people in tank gear is they havent optimised it enough for shield rating to actually be important. I have 48% shield in my tank gear and trust me, thats an entirely different story to the 25%-30 alot of people are running around with complaining shield is useless. All i know is this- I didnt break 400k protection until i had tank gear.
  8. Stock BM --> WH = Small gap. Stock BM --> Augmented WH = Big gap Stock BM --> Customised WH = Big gap Stock BM --> Customised, augmented WH = Gulf. The key to closing the gap is put your hand in your pocket and augment your BM. The gear gap pretty much vanishes once you do that.
  9. No, its more fun to see them re-rolling to avoid actual competitive PvP at lvl 50 instead of destroying people who are just learning how to play their class.
  10. Good luck dealing with 30k HP assassins and marauders with 2k+ strength. People really need to stop crying about expertise. It would be no better facing people in full campaign gear.
  11. 1: Its part of our role 2: But i am a tank... 3: Sents dont always beat me 1v1, dont know what you are doing 4: I dont 5: Yes When people say JK/SW, they better say exactly what AC and spec they mean and stop coming out with generalised rubbish.
  12. I wish they would fix this, would make breaking 300k protection so much easier!
  13. Its fine on TOFN. I dont do rated for the rewards, i do it because i like PvP and normal WZ's suck. The only way to get good, fun, competitive matches in in RWZs, so thats where i'll be. While im doing that, working on alternative suits of WH helps me feel like im getting some material gain other than just fun. By the time pre-season is over i will have multiple min/max suits for any spec i might want to play just by having fun. What more do i need?
  14. No you read up... Crit pushes shield off the table when and only when crit rating is greater than shield, hence my entire point. When an attack is made it either hits or doesnt (acc Vs def), then its either a crit or shielded (shield vs crit). This means for any attack that can be shielded, if you dont have a shield rating for 30%+ it will get pushed off the table because the persons crit rating is always going to be higher.
  15. If you want to stay def spec? Run with def off pieces but Vig armour and saber. Problem solved. Edit: Also to the person who had 26% shield, thats too low. Shield rolls directly against crits and anyone who is serious about PvP has 30-40% crit so you need the same amount of shield rating if you want to cut crits. Unless your shield rating is 30% or more, you might as well not bother because its going to be pushed off the table so often.
  16. This. Its a joke. I dont understand how they think its acceptable to have things as they currently are. The person who DC's loses rating and the team will 9/10 times lose the match. The entire point about ranked is a competitive match and the system works against that by not allowing the person to rejoin.
  17. I do it all the time just to test myself. You'd be shocked how often you can win as Guardian once you learn to time your stasis, push and most importantly, awe... Insta Awe after cammo has owned so many marauders ive lost count
  18. I dont blame the marauder or the healer, they are playing the class the best way possible. I just dont think for balance purposes it should allow full incoming healing. Its the only thing i honestly think is off the with class.
  19. In an isolated 1v1 i agree entirely. In a team situation GBTF/UDG is a huge issue because once its popped, you can be certain a heal is coming the way of the marauder/sent. That cooldown needs to prevent or drastically reduce incoming healing. Its silly you can have 99% damage reduction, deal 100% damage and then get healed back to full HP. Its that small detail that pushes the class over the edge and makes it not a "oh sh*t/last stand" move but more of a 'Kill me all over again if you can [before i cammo]' move.
  20. This is the PvP forum, that aggro mechanic doesnt work in PvP... DUH In PvP your aggro comes from making yourself a bigger nuisance to be left alive rather than being ignored. Not doing any damage is counter-productive to that.
  21. Pisses me off reading this so often. Tanks cant tank if they have no method of making themselves a priority target. The tank needs a certain level of damage otherwise they simple cant 'aggravate' anyone into attack them. This is before we even look more closely and see that all other tanks already hit significantly harder than the heavy Jedi/Sith tank.
  22. Huh, so both are DPS then, one is just gimped DPS. Im confused If you arent hitting 100k+ on longer matches then you arent tanking.
  23. There are some tiny differences that while not gamebreaking do make the difference when things really get down to it. I have a guardian and a jugg@50. The animation delay on bladestorm (when you wave your saber around stupidly) adds a fraction onto my chain and prevents the same flow my jugg gets by having scream come out instantly. Also (now this is opinion) i have never been able to catch a leaping target to me with stasis as consistently as i can with choke (you can actually react to the leap and catch them mid-air with choke), so i think choke also activates a fraction faster than stasis. Anyway, back to the OP- no, Imps did not get buffed, you just got better Imps!
  24. Yeah i get ya. Its true, but i do actually think the fact that the 'flavours' are spread between classes serves to hide the fact that there are very few specs actually being played in PvP these days. It would be nice if each class were in the position of say marauder when it came to PvP viability.
  25. Guardian & Jugg. Why? Jugg was the first class i actually enjoyed to PvP with. It wasnt my first 50, but it retired the one that came before it, and I have since made alts of every variety and Jugg/Guard is still the class that i have fun with the most. Its cool having 2 at 50 because i get to play different specs on each
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