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Posts posted by Lordkoon

  1. This only helps a ton for gold sellers. They will no longer need to farm/bot/exploit various ways of obtaining currency on all servers in order to offer it to players. They will only need to do it on one and spread the said currency to the others like a plague. It was considered in World of Warcraft a while ago but was dismissed for that same reason.
  2. The whole ending story is illogical to say the least.


    You defeat Revan in what seems like a few days of open war with his forces.(because nothing is implementing how much time passed fighting him, it looks more like an episode of NCIS. please correct me if I am wrong, might have missed something.)

    For that time both Republic and Empire work together but the moment a far greater threath than anything they have ever faced appears with intentions of ending both of them, what do they do? They split up. Marr seems unaffected by the final events almost maniacally exclaiming that the galaxy is in their grasp and they only need to reach for it. Huh? While on the republic sides' ending Satele actually seems concerned. I don't get it....

  3. Exemple please?? 'Cause the only not affected are your DCDs and some self buff duration such as Gore and Sniper Volley duration.


    Have you even seen the attached screenshot I provided at the first post of this topic? Same thing with Ambush happens on all damaging skills. 8 % causes them to get back to their original cooldown

  4. Its because crit and accuracy are much more needed now that they took out talents that buff those stats. They are trying to get people to switch to a more balanced gear set instead of meathead power surge.


    I don't see balance in having to put 7 out of 10 items with accuracy stat to get to 100%. Looks more like a restriction. I get to use what, 180 surge rating in total ? I see no point in buffing alacrity if damage dealing classes can not use it because they have to eye-down a bag of accuracy. The basic comms new items are horrible. The fact that they give less stats than old 180 (both dread forged and oriconian) in almost everything speaks for itself.

  5. I decided to spend a good 1000 basic comms for the sake of science and get 5 alacrity enhancements and 2 implants. I won't even comment on how that screws my accuracy and surge...

    Alacrity in 3.0 should reduce cooldown of skills accordingly and very accurately to make rotations actually work.


    With 8,47% Alacrity the cooldown for my Ambush, Series of Shots, Snipe remained exactly the same. What puzzled me was that the first item with alacrity I removed got my ambush cooldown reduced by 0.8 sec. Then I removed another item and the cooldown became reduced by 0.7 sec instead. Things get even more weird the more alacrity items you unequip seemingly randomly changing the cooldowns of skills.


    If I am not mistaken with 8% alacrity i should get :

    8% cooldown reduction

    8% faster cast time


    The cooldown reduction part is either bugged or displays wrongly in the skill description.

    See attached screenshot.



  6. On the point of cutting his own limbs - He probably developed a new and unique fighting style diffrent from the usual 7 types of saber combat styles.


    On the point of the weak spot pointed in the video - The saber handle could probably be made of a material that lightsabers can't cut through. Like durasteel according to the darth bane novel. (which aint exactly canon but hey...)

  7. Besides the cross-lightsaber is probably just owned by the guy on the trailer. People react like all sabers will look like this. And we have seen/read about weirder things like lightwhips, inquisitors' funny chakhram lightsaber hilt.

    Lets not forget the first double-bladed lightsaber that has put a major development of all the jedi/sith martial disciplines in all such themed games,books, movies, tv series.





    Just 4 words to add : WHEN, CARTEL MARKET, PRICE ?

  8. As the great duellists Snipers are, they would shine more in arenas if there were 2v2 queues. Their defensive cd's and treats just don't work on 3 people and the stationary positions needed to take like a burrowed lurker from starcraft 1 have a lot of flaws despite the best immunity that it gives in the game.


    I am running a Sniper for pretty much 2 years now and apart from arenas they perform admirably in pvp warzones bursting unsuspected enemies. Position yourself defensively, don't run into the fray and you should be fine. (and don't forget to dodge heavy hits with rolling lol )

  9. The thing with WoW is they're the only ones that invest into development and proper marketing of sizeable expansions.That reels old players back in and makes the game feel alive and developing.


    Meanwhile the rest of us once again get to feel like Jewish kids on x-mas. Whooptie do for our Hanukkah in december but it's still going to suck compared to what they're getting tbh. =P


    I was at the launch event last evening for Warlords of Draenor. NOTHING can ever compare to the expansion launches of WoW. I'v been on all of them, trust me I know. They have 10 if not 20 times more stuff to do in the game. I am not calling it ''content'' so people don't mistake it for dungeons/raids/pvp areas altho for pvp there are over 10 unique zones now along with 4 world zones.


    Even the content patches there like Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isle are bigger in development (and offer A LOT to do) than all the expansions of TOR combined to this day. Unfortunate but true.


    Every new WoW content comes with experiments, investments in new stats, removal of old ones in a strive to get the game to new levels. It is somewhat amusing that the expansion there removed over 12 skills 5 major stats got replaced by 5 completely new and diffrent ones. People adapted. While here change a % of alacrity gains and everyone looses their minds. '' You killed X class, pvp imbalance, reason I leave SWTOR, silly topics named pettitions having nothing to do with actual ones. ''


    I do like SWTOR a lot due to the classic feel of an MMO it provides, but times change and I can only hope bioware picks up the pase in the upcoming months and get more aggressive on the game development. Not just the cartel market one.

  10. The Force Awakens... The Force Awakens? What the heck is that supposed to mean? The other movies never gave the impression that the Force was in a state of slumber.


    People must be very shallow-minded to think of a literal awakening.


    The force awakens pretty much exposes what everyone already secretly hoped for - the jedi/sith/force users are back in the galaxy. The old religion is reborn in some way. We are likely to see lightsabers in use not at the final 10 minutes of movie time.


    For f**ks sake even Return of the Jedi already gave us an idea that the force users might get important in the galaxy once again. It is a great title.


    You know what is not a great title? Attack of the clones! I still remember I did not watch any trailers or spoilers and when I went to the cinema I had an expectation for a army of clones to attack the republic and the jedi.

  11. Integrated video card laptop is a no-no if you really want to play games, i mean games that are not 6-8 years old.

    My brother bought a quad core 8gb ram intel HD graphics laptop a year ago. Crappy integrated cards cant handle the games(on medim/low settings even) even with all other specifics of the laptop at good/great level.

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