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Posts posted by Lordkoon

  1. ''Eliminated all the grind'' 250k influence per companion/alliance member needed :D


    Storywise was like a small KOTOR addon, but gameplay was boring, easy and not very creative in terms of fights.

    It is mostly a ''meh''.


    And why on Earth are the new chapters starting next year? I feel another expansion coming to a fullstop....again

  2. One thing that annoyed me in the stream was the much better looking faces of for example Arcann and Valkorian compared to the almost shading missing face model of Musco's character (and the lego-like attached like hair that has been bugging me for years )


    I mean just look at 40:41 and compare to 40:45 in the video >

    The face models look like they are from different games.


    Can we hope to get dem faces updated a bit too?

  3. I feel like the mass of people who say that lack of new content is normal for a MMORPG expansion haven't really played something subscription based since 2001. No, it is not normal. You think it is? Please by all means give us, the unenlightened, an example of a MMO that raises the level of characters but for that gives LITERALLY the same 2-4 years old content which is also the main focus of pve. The whole concept of ''now you have to level up to 65 to play the same content you played before that'' is absurd.


    p.s. And I can bet my hat that the first ''raid content'' update we get in will be nothing more than Nightmare mode of Ravagers and TOS.

  4. The only new class I can think of is some mambo-jambo hybrid force using halph-droid-halph-`insert_race` that shoots force guided rockets, uses vibroblades and is basically a vader-ish type of cyborg. And since things get dumbed down he can be healer, dps and tank alltogether. :cool:


    Or the empire and republic find the HK unit caches and both factions get a new droid character that will end up getting a female dancer top with commando boots for maximum meatbag slaughtering.

  5. I hope that in return, you will provide examples of how SWTOR was (or is being) dumbed down.


    But from top of my head what I recall hearing from later updates (I quit shortly after WotLK, I hated how they messed up their pretty good lore):

    • Mobs have become so easy you can set up a macro that constantly presses one key, and go have a drink while it wins the fight. You can pull half a dozen of mobs and it will still work.
    • LFR system, which allows even totally facerolling players without any strategy to win
    • Less control, which is a great bummer to casters
    • Less cooldowns to manage


    Sure no probs.


    - The first dumbing down I can remember was the lvl 50 hardmode flashpoints. Most of them got extremely simplified, mechanics were removed and damage of the not-so-hard-anyway bosses was minimized. No idea if you played the first months of the game but when I returned with ROTHC I was surprised to find classic hardmodes to be converted to nothing more than normal modes with extra damage. Now we will have the amazing opportunity to play those same + a few 15 months old flashpoints scaled to lvl 65 yay.

    - The well known ingame moaning 'How to kill Malgus' that made a possible scenario in which he wasn't dead impossible since he now crumbles at your feet. ( Altho stupid plots were made and can again be made and he can miraculously be alive again)

    - The gathering of rare materials can now be made via exchange of tokens that stimulates people to buy cartel packs and by picking some cactus pots in the strongholds.

    - Mobs in SWTOR can also be picked in hordes. Only in the latest expansion did they become somewhat of a problem and let's be honest, that was a result of the stat convertions and damage reductions.

    - Talents got removed and you basically are a clone of the same class guy against you. Hybrid builds were a very interesting topic that is now dead...forever.

    Now what comes is:

    - You can't make exceptionally strong companions who can help you do your anyway overly boring dailies faster because companion gear goes away. (and who is gonna use presence really? )

    - You will have the amazing opportunity to do ops you'v done in the last 3-4 years AGAIN.

    - You will be able to get an instant lvl 60. Imagine the fun queues in flashpoints and ops the first few months with that feature.

    - The three defining stats turn into 1 making crafting augments, a lot of mods and ALL armorings pretty much the same.


    I am not defending WoW, just mentioning what I believe is happening.


    p.s. The main reason wow is still losing subscribers was never and will never be the subscription cost, so the gold exchange token doesn't really have much of an impact. They leave because the expansion was boring, illogical and short. And like every expansion of every MMO ever both SWTOR and WOW will get old and new subs that will slowly start to melt again.


    For the PVP, yes ashran wasn't the great but it was still populated almost all the time to its full limits. When did we last get a new pvp content here? Was it the 4v4 arenas? Not sure I skipped halph an expansion :D


    And for the guy that said you have to go to old raids/dungeons to 'look good' in WOW. Well in here you have to visit the cartel market. Which takes more time and makes you spend more time online and actually gives you satisfaction for an actual effort?

  6. Ha, right, because WoW never dumbed anything down to get more people, right?


    Well, give examples. What I remember was the talent tree rework and some outdated spells removed from each class, that can hardly be called dumbed down since then some new ones from the reworked talent 'tree' took their place. No one liked having 40 skills and using just 12-20 of them anyway.



    also its funny that they both released housing the same year with only a few months apart from each other (though wow had a full exp)


    Wow has housing? Oh you mean the preplaced 4-5 locations where you can put an already designed building with no visual diffrence from the other millions of players ? Thats not housing, doesnt even come close to it. That was a way of progression like most times they release with every expansion (new one having weapons progression). I can bet my hat that there will be no garrisons in the new expansion either. It will be replaced by some mambo jambo class halls that will probably tie to pvp in some sort.

  7. Not here to debate what should or shouldn't be, I just want to hear some examples of some absurd LS/DS choices in the game.


    I'll go first. In "The Red Reaper" flashpoint...


    You get an option to let some pureblood Sith out of cryo-stasis, leave them alone, or terminate their life support.


    Leaving them alone to forever be trapped in cryo-stasis gets you 50 LS points. Terminating their life support gets you 100 DS points.


    Now here's the real insanity:


    Freeing and then slaughtering them (as they'just instantly aggro after being freed) gives 100 LS points.





    Have fun!


    Fun fact, Red Reapper is destroyed shortly after Ikoral dies so LS choice to keep them in stasis is even more ironic.

  8. I don't understand why people complain of bolster. What there really is to complain is a lvl 31-35 etc. player facing a 52-55 one who has all of his skills and heavy-hitter cooldowns unlocked due to his level.

    I haven't pvp'ed for a long time but last time I checked I could melt people 10 or more levels bellow me , bolstered or not. Most notably in the first bracket 10-29 if I recall. I can only imagine the 30-55 is the same.

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